Rodrigo Duterte

Duterte has a special way of dealing with criminals in his country.
Can you think of any names for this guy?

Rodrigo "El Muerte" Duterte

Other urls found in this thread:

Rodrigo "If youre abusing drugs ill slaughter you like fags" Duterte ?
Rodrigo "Meth equals death" Duterte ?

Roddo dotto
Rodrigo "el chabon" duterte
Rodrigo "falopa" duterte
Rodrigo "¿que onda?" duterte
Rodrigo "asu..." duterte
Rodrpigo "plagia" duterte
Rodrigo "swat" duterte

Bump. We must have more.

"Death for Meth" Duterte

Rodrigo "Sell drugs to my daughter, get slaughtered" Duterte
Rodrigo "Smoke weed and I'll make you bleed" Duterte
Rodrigo "Snort coke and you'll get choked" Duterte

why does Sup Forums like this guys so much.

he's clearly a clueless peasant jungle nigger that's going to take his country from a 3rd world shithole to a failed state.

drugs are a problem because of corrupt police, so this nigger's solution is to give the corrupt cops and drug dealers a licence to kill the competition.

He has arrested 15,000 people, killed almost 3,000 and650000 have voluntarily surrendered to him. I say hes doing good although he embarrasses us with his shit taste in clothing

i give this 9/11

Rodrigo "Death to those who take meth" Duterte
Rodrigo "Dealing death to every dealer" Duterte
Rodrigo "Poke the eyes of Coke head liars out" Duterte
Rodrigo "Murdering meth heads in Manila in time for Tortillas" Duterte

Silly clothes or not he taking care of business. Could you image what would if this happened in America?

>Legalize everything man
>We'll fix drugs and gangs overnight man

Kek. Throw out the trash. Anyways, we need more names. He must become the next Ben Garrison.

Wow. I can't spell.

Rodrigo "I accept money from soros" Duterte
Rodrigo "I'm a communist" Duterte

No but seriously, look into the man. He seems great, fuck drug dealers...until you find out who's funding him and who he's persecuting.

Kinda strange that vocal opponents to communist/socialist principles and the globalist agenda are getting rounded up and called drug dealers.

Rodrigo "Manilla Killa" Duterte

Don Rodrigo, El Matador De Los Narcos

keep hating KEK


Cunts an asshole, he tied his nephew to a helicopter and flew it around just because his nephew smoked some crack

Crack is harmless like weed

>who he's persecuting.
>with soros
>literally persecuting the globalist jews in his country
gotta give him props for that though

This. Denunciation based killings are also inherently destructive to a state.

If the power of the state is used by citizens as a means to exact petty revenge you're undermining the fucking point of a state.

Pinoy are subhuman and need to be wiped off the planet.

>hurr there are no false positives ever
Kill yourself island nigger.

>Asian spics

I will never accept this.

This guy is a little nigger-tier, muslim-loving, fag-enabling socialist who kills common drug users while the drug lords themselves get off scott free, but he has a strong cult of personality so Sup Forums loves him.

> voluntarily surrendered

in highly orchestrated political theater.


Don't be taken in by the Duterte meme

>scrapped the UN ruling shitting all over the Chinese 9-dash claim over the South China Sea because he "doesn't want to hurt CHINA'S FEELINGS
>proud of his "diverse" heritage, aka MOSQUED
>only tough against poor people
>literally let a top drug lord go (Peter "The Dragon" Lim)
>uses every press con to lecture everyone on MUH EVIL COLONIALISM, WE WUZ MUSLIMS AND SHEEIT
>shits on the US on every opportunity
>sucks China ching chong schlong on reg
>confirmed and self-proclaimed commie sympathizer
>will stop at nothing in order to bring his mass murderer Pol-Pot wannabe commie friend Joma Sison home
>expects people to support
>tried to talk smack against Obama's mom, retracted it within the day along with an apology
>wants to raise taxes on fuel for no reason

But they really are.

Spanish colony, brother.

>islamig gommunisms