>tfw late night hosts finally start making sense
Tfw late night hosts finally start making sense
>and then the best one does a complete 180
Just ban burgerland and its people.
Kys nigger
fake news
>regular hosts call for solidarity and then praise the hope of Americans
>Colbert calls Trump a coward
More gun control will just make it difficult for law abiding citizens to get guns. Someone who has an intent to harm will have no problem getting a weapon through illegal means.
I've gotta agree with them here. America is a shitshow. Massacres daily (not even from mudslimes) and you cucks accept it.
Trump is a coward.
The gun he used was already banned.
Leftists are retarded.
Did Conan actually call for gun control?
>Someone who has an intent to harm will have no problem getting a weapon through illegal means
Yeah but... 23 guns?
Yeah, someone who wants to kill people will get guns illegally, which is why we should just offer them in vending machines and stop illegal sales of guns
>Nevada has some of the loosest gun control laws in the country
>Surprised that a white psychopath goes on shooting spree
No shit
>Nevada has some of the loosest gun control laws in the country including open carry
>nobody stopped the shooter
Nope. Op just watched Colbert and drew the conclusion via his moronic skull
>Sup Forums
Hey Rabbbbi Watchaaa doooin
What happend anyways? Some guy shot up a concert or something?
>Sup Forums consists only of literal nazis
nice straw man, can I save the webm? I want to be a smug lefty too.
Simply put? CIA niggers are at it again
>nu-Sup Forums
>not nazi
Why do conservatives cry about more strict gun laws if the so called "law abiding citizens" would still be able to still buy guns?
It's because they are stupid and/or dishonest, right?
False flag by the trump admin
Stop trying to be unique you gay cunt