>I want a dying person to be my president
>powering through
>literally passing out waiting for your van
Ms. Dried Up Ovaries is
>stoically single, every day.
>powering through
>with two men holding her up and carrying her into the van
i agree, being female is an illness
out of shape, divisive and a liar. Ladies and gentlemen, your empowered woman.
>women just don't whine over every physical ache like guys
> She is in perfect health you filthy racist!
> She just felt faint because the heat got to got to her you stupid goy.
> It's just a little pneumonia you silly fascist.
> She isn't dead, she is just setting a world record for holding her breath you ignorant red neck.
>women in government
not even once
>wow all these misogynists attacking hillary's health
>wow its an insidious narrative that makes people think that women are weaker than men
>wow so what if she passed out, she's been working so so so hard
>wow she'll get healthy once she's in office and can relax
Feminism is a self-resolving crisis.
lolwat if you're randomly passing out in public get some fucking help jesus
>women are naturally ill every single day of their lives
that's kind of a fucked up thing to say
>powering through anything
Learning to live with retardation doesn't count
>makes millions she doesn't deserve
>hard work
Being sick isn't hard work. It sucks but it isn't work. Her handlers do everything for her anyways.
top kek
>She isn't dead, she is just setting a world record for holding her breath you ignorant red neck.
Ohohoho, good one
Sometimes, the truth is fucked up.
That said, #ImWithHer and #MentallyHill
>career ending pregnancy
That looks just like the CTR posts that posted here.
fucking love it
>Being female is an illness
As soon as scientists make a pussy that feels better than the real thing, we won't have to put up with this shit any longer sheeeit
Im wither
So basically you're voting for Kaine now given that Clinton will keel over within a week of taking office
Misogynist. It's completely fucking normal.
>She lies to you about her health. Let's her health become a big scandal. Prolongs healing and recovery. Basically handing it over to her opponent.
>You defend her
I will never understand this and I don't want to.
>I pass out all the fucking time. In line at the grocery store, at the post office, on the toilet... what's the big friggin deal, racists?
I actually know a guy who's about 60 and passed out at a Bernie rally, but it was 100 degrees.
Kek. I rate you well.
Lynch that nigger from the highest tree.
When Hillary dies:
>stop disrespecting the dead
I hope everyone who is with her, follows her to the crypt
You heard it guys, the sicker the better. We want a president with fucking cancer, in a coma, aids, autism and severe brain damage. Just how strong are you if you still aren't dead with all this? What a superwoman.
Don't be healthists, fucking privileged healthy people. I heard Trump can still walk on his own. Like are you serious??? What a weak man. We want a dying president.
Faggy shite m8 tbqhwyfamalamazimzam
>women just don't whine over every physical ache like guys
literally whining via that tweet.
Interesting how random women suddenly admit to the incredibly concerning fact that they faint in public and then claim that it is perfectly normal.
Really stimulates the frontal lobe.
yeah, I understand you might not know that from lack of experience. But a lot of the fun in the experience come from the girl being a complete human being giving feedback and having initiative. Not just her vagina's texture.
>its nothing shes fine dont worry about it look at her opening a jar of pickles what about trump tho hahaha?
>so what if shes sick look at all these other presidents who were sick if anything it makes her even more qualified its perfectly normal trust me!
Isn't Stoicism a philosophy based in sexism?
>people say Hillary is sick
>conspiracy theorists!
>Hillary is sick
>such stronk womyn!
It's not about how much you achieve, it's about how much you suffer, regardless how much you do that's actually productive.
That's the crux of the SJW
Heroin already exists dude.
You must be an autistic virgin otherwise you'd understand the appeal of sex beyond the physical stumulation
I think they are confusing passing out with zoning out through sheer low energy boredom
I pass out all the time guys. I passed out typing this.
Stop being misogynist
is she saying women are constantly ill?
Thats not stoic she acted irresponsible.
I've come to realize any person that has to put the word "active" in their description is usually a lying piece of fat shit.
>Being complete humanbeings
Oh I am laffin!
Don't worry lads Japan is hard at work on he cure for the vaginal Jew.
But user, we're all dying...
dats korean mang.
Fucking madman.
See Japan knows that the only inherent value a woman has is her vagina. They've lost any semblance of a comforting or genuinely cute and supportive personality. Yes Asian girls included. So we're hard at work to bring moe AI to life. When 3D is tossed out into the cold with nothing to lord over us anymore there will be crying and gnashing of teeth.
not him btw
Holy fuck those bantz.
>yfw when you thought the whole time the light on the tree was the guy's non-existent afro.
>100 degrees
That's water boiling point. Stop lying, bernout.
>mfw people actually believe this
This measuring system faux ignorance meme has got to stop. You know that we have different measuring systems.
Is passing out due to poor health an American thing?
My uncle passed out and he doesn't have any health problems (Cause was dehydration) and he was at hospital for the rest of the day, is passing out not a big deal in America just like a cold or stomach ache?