>Be Bernie supporter
>Was pleased with his leftist economic policy, but not too comfortable with his views on guns
>Mostly liked him because he wasn't openly corrupt like Shillary.
>Bernie loses nomination
>"Oh, well, at least we still got a chance against Trump. It can't be Trump; he has no clue what he's doing and he's done plenty of amoral things in the past."
>Fast forward to now, Redpilled on HRC's deals with muzzies, Bengazi, emails, how she's basically a corpse and how she trashed the white house once. Not fully on board with the assassinations, but don't think they should be thrown out as conspiracies.
>Both choices are pretty bad. Wish I could vote for Bernie, Kasich, or Bush.
Should I just say fuck it and make America great again?
Bernout thinking about going to the dark side
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you should stop being a little bitch
Do it.
At the very least, Trump's lack of establishment support will make it easier to assassinate him if he does go bad...
Maybe we'd live in a better world if we just executed more politicians.
And be stuck with Pence? Hell no! Pence is just Lying Ted, but with balls, intelligence, some morals, and a face that doesn't look like it's melting off.
>letting the establishment win
There is little to no difference between Bush, Clinton, and Obama.
Trump and Bernie were outsiders and the only one of them who made it through the primaries was Trump.
Vote for Hillary and there will be no change. It will only be a continuation of the downward spiral.
>Pence is just Lying Ted, but with balls, intelligence, some morals, and a face that doesn't look like it's melting off.
so the complete opposite of Ted
At the very least, you can try him out for four years.
As he has said numerous times, what do you have to lose by voting Trump?
I know this pill is hard to swallow, but Trump is going to save America, and in effect, the world
Shillary is corrupt but in my eyes the fact Bernie was so openly Socialist turned me off from him, literally history warns us of people like him, socialist jew's.
At some point i have actually grown to hate him more than Hillary.
Also, considering how closely the media looks at Trump, he would be held to a higher standard than most politicians.
Trump would be more peaceful than Hillary and his policies in the long run would actually lessen the chance of war with Russia.
Part of Trump's platform is reinstating Glass-Steagle and breaking up the investment banks. That's gotta be worth something to you
Yep, that was me but now I am pumped for the trump like everyone else should be. He's an all-American icon and America needs patriotism more than ever right now. I'm coming back down just to vote TRUMP :)
Do it. You have nothing to lose but your chains.
Can't lose the nomination when the chance was literally stolen from him.
Well he does know what's what with the muzzies, I'll give him that, but I really don't see him having anything else going for him. He definitely isn't going to be tough on China like how he says he is. Trusting Trump to do something about China is like trusting someone in the Calais Jungle to rat out a terrorist. Also, I'm not 100% sold on this wall, it's efficiency, it's cost, or it's necessity.
you're a cuck, you have no business supporting president trump
Spic detected
I compare the power struggle between Bernie and Hillary to that of Stalin and Trotsky, both fucking collectivist's, control freaks, either controlled by Jew's, or are Jewish.
Fuck all forms of Socialism, the only way id ever endorse any Socialist ideology is if it was true national Socialism.
okay then whats similarities?
Oh you know how to incite us bernouts. The phrase is like catnip to us... well that and when someone offers to prep the bull on our behalf.
#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
Do it. All that you thought the left gave you the right shall actually provide. And the world needs a Trump America, even if he keeps but one of all his promises. You were meant to be the heroes of the free; this is your chance.
hey bern-friend. i think you'll like it on this side and if you don't, just hop off in 2020
>wanting a leftist economy
Prissy bitch confirmed
you should vote for johnson or jill so they can get into the debates
They're both bible-thumping mainstream conservatives. Probably get hard-ons from that Jesus Camp movie (like, in deus vult way, not a Jared from Subway way)
Silly Bernout, everyone know's Social-cucks don't get out of bed early enough to even go out and vote.
I thought about that. I also thought about taking the ballet from the polling place and flushing it down my toilet.
Just do it. I'm a full socialist and I'd prefer Trump to Hillary.
>user comes on to ask if he should support Trump now
>conversation quickly turns into a comparison between nazis and communism
I love Sup Forums
honestly i hope hillary stays in because trump has so much fuel against her at this point, that this election is pretty much over already.
There is so much going on in the world. The issues you are dealing with were what I thought was important 6 months ago. I cant stop now. Every day I'm learning something new that I should have been aware of for years.
If you are like what I was, you think you have been paying attention, but you havent. What you think is important isn't important at all.
I stared into the abyss, its your decision if you will do the same
But if you just want a simple answer on what you should be doing this November...MAGA
you did hear about how the democratic party basically rigged the elections so that bernie couldnt win, right? you heard about the DNC e-mail leak?
that reason alone should make you vote for Trump rather than Hillary, at least Trump is playing by the rules. the rules that make us a 1st world democratic nation rather than some 3rd world shithole that rigs all of its elections.
Read The Art of the Deal and you'll understand Trump a lot more. You'll also see why he does what he does - big, bold initial idea/offer which gets attention but is then made more acceptable over time.
Did you ever have a choice?
>Wish I could vote for Bernie, Kasich, or Bush.
are bernouts really this fucking retarded?
id rather vote for bernie than bush.
Enough with (((Stein))), it's like you people are eager to be cucked by left wing jews, her green party is a carbon copy of those in Europe, all dominated by left wing control freaks, feminst's and the like.
Did you become suspicious when the DNC was held at Wells Fargo center?
Walls tend to be guarded and let me tell you: We here in Germany remember one that worked really, really well. The Mexicans that come to you flee a society wrecked by cartels your secret services mastermind; and as illegals can still be given loans so as to immediately become consumers, this strategy of displacement and slavery pays royally for your political establishment as well as Mexico's. That wall will set you free - and when eventually you reach the point where all the world agrees that it can once again come down; when the moment has come that you can look each other into the eye as nations of free and proud equals, rather than fooled ones and broken ones - it will be the sweetest day you ever live through if you care for them at all. I have faith in you.
I don't think the jump from Bernie to Trump is easy, but it makes no sense to me that any Bernie voter would vote for Hillary. Hillary is THE reason Bernie is not the candidate, and its not because she beat him fair and square its because she committed fraud.
Hey I know that I pissed all over your ideals, but you will give me your money right?
I don't see how trump can even be close to as bad as hillary unless you get triggered by brash words.
Her argument to us was "It's either me or something worse." I'm beginning to think that may be a lie.
Of course.
It is. Look up the emails on Wikileaks if they're still on there. From the migrant crisis in Europe to the chaos at your southern border to so much death in the Middle East - it is all literally on the Clintons and their ilk.
You are in an ocean of shit here, a perpetual bonfire with every nationality trying to push eachother into the flames. But the jewels and gold you find here are better than the most prestigious university course.
Yuri alone drops buckets of red pills.
>Trump is racist!
Never said anything racist towards blacks, wants to help them, brought up unemployment and poverty stats. Just wants to deport illegals, really.
>Trump is faschist!
He just doesn't want muslims going around blowing themselves up. I'm pretty sure hatred based ideologies are banned in USA as long as they aren't muslim ones. Nazi symbols are banned.
>Trump is sexist!
He actually treats women exactly how he treats men. Those bitches diss him and then go like "you can't say mean things back i'm woman!"
Just vote Trump.
Realize that socialism is for dorks OP
Everything wrong with the american economy isn't the fault of capitalism but the fault of corporatism
The question is, will king dahnald do anything to shut down corrupt corporatist policies and get all money out of politics?
Bernie was the last chance for you middle class white millennials to be fluffy and idealistic. Now more than ever as you are heading into your 30s, you are beginning to see that idealism will get you nowhere. Be pragmatic, vote for Trump.
Not all Nazi symbols are equally banned everywhere in the US, but apart from that you're spot on. Good post.
considering he is already exposing pay-to-play schemes before setting foot in the white house, I'd assume he's got a determination to do so.
Yes dude, if you vote to MAGA you will be doing your duty to protect this country from globalist interest
Bernie =/= Bush
Kasich =/= Bush
Bush = Loser
Could be worse than both his dad and brother.
gotta give it to em straight.
political correctness and politeness is surprisingly stifling when it comes to the spread of ideas. most of the ideas and information posted around on Sup Forums is stuff you'd never find anywhere else - you'd get banned or ostracized if you did. and its that sort of information and ideas that really make all the difference in the world.
don't confuse political correctness with being polite/common courtesy
You do realize Jeb Bush was just a less manly Hillary Clinton right?
>Should I just say fuck it and make America great again?
At the very least, hold yourself to a higher standard than ever voting for Hillary (or her possible establishment puppet replacement) under any conditions.
Have you not noticed how ALL of the recent events like "indie" game makers and SJW stuff has been a recuperation operation by big corporations?
Hollywood: "diversity" is about appealing to int audience. Reducing the amount of people getting a thing for foreign competition. Why are they not pushing the diversity of Native Americans/Hawaiians etc? Black, Chinese, Indian. Its not about a happy world its about consumer markets. Just like that coke advert.
Games industry: Indie game makers were stating to make a lot of money without the big developers being involved.
Then, a load of AAA games of ANY RANDOM PROPERTY they own shoehorning characters appealing to those mobilized identity groups.
No one talks about independent companies/ films anymore. Vote Trump, look into co-operatives and small businesses, property and the libertarians (not Gary ffs, Rand/Ron Paul)
Your supposed to seize the means of production. Why not start now?
>she trashed the white house once
People still think this?