She's just an old lady guys.
>Starting to feel sorry for Hillary
Other urls found in this thread:
The presidential election isn't a pity contest to give to the person in the worst health that you feel sorry for
I do too. Honestly she deserves to be President more than Trump. Imagine working your entire life for one goal and near the end this happens... brutal...
It's sad, but refer to
wait, what? are you sure?
Thats literally the funnest part of it leaf.
no one said that
elderly people have health problems
trump probably has a host of health issues that aren't known and/or aren't as presentable as say, a seizure
health doesn't disqualify a person for office. look at cheney
No mercy.
Our thoughts be bloody or be nothing worth.
Feel bad for her as a human being, but not for her campaign or the position she has in it. Anytime I laugh it's because of how wild it is that they have to spin this web even more to keep her """healthy""". Let the old crow go back to her NY sin house and die. She left a wonderful shit stain on the earth and got a whole lot of money for it. May as well toast and enjoy it you dumb bitch.
What the fuck I hate trump now
you starting to catch feelings? weak as fuck
Stop making theese threads autist
I kinda feel it as well, OP. When I saw her lifeless head drop forward and her feet dragging, I thought of my dear ol' grama. It hurt a little bit.
I would feel bad if it wasn't for her overt narcissism. Yes she's been working for it her entire life, but she treats the world like its hers and she's ready to be crowned queen. She has no regard for rules or people, and views people and their issues as votes and talking points respectively. It's like an Olympic marathon runner, who starts gloating at the last half mile, flexing their muscles, bragging to the crowds. Yes they worked hard for 1st place, but god damn it feels good to see them trip.
#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter
The problem with democracy is it eventually turns into "give the tiara to the retarded girl"
Mao was just an old man guys.
Did your katana post that?
no she's not. She's an old lady and a conniving, power-hungry maniac.
meh, my grandmother has Parkinson disease and i wouldnt vote for her for president. Hillary has brought all this on herself and deserves to be destroyed.
I think the BasketOfDeplorables comment really ticked off kek
I kindve feel like that too but shes getting whats coming to her. She should just stop.
You are right shitmaster. We should stop mocking her at least until we know that she is alive.
It's not good to mock dead people.
I hope she bleeds through her eyeballs and dies in horrible pain :)
I don't want her to die or have serious health issues or anything.
Just an old lady responsible for the deaths of countless people around the world whom also rigged the presidential primary. Her own guilt is eating her alive at this point.
I guess she shouldn't have insulted kek
I don't feel bad for people who worship false gods like Moloch
How many old ladies do you know that are also murderers?