Marvel BTFO
Other urls found in this thread:
>dceu shill thread
>starts off bitching about marvel
All in you fucking bitch
Looks amazing. One of best batman posters ever
Is there one for Superman?
*breathes in*
they honestly couldn't have chosen a worst design
All In what?
The marketing makes it sound like WB is desperate and placing all their bets on JLA being a money maker
Bhahahahaha, fuck this design, man
>All In what?
The solo heroes are 'All In' on teaming up to face Steppenwolf.
>marvel btfo
>director changed to marvels director
Fucking hell I just love everything about Batfleck
The pose ain't great either, why can't people get dynamic poses right?
more like All Ah, amirite, ben?
The Flash is honestly the only Superhero whos movie i'm excited for
>unite the seven
>you Can't Save the World Alone Batman
>all in
What will their slogan/tagline be next week?
it's so fucking bad
even rejected concept art from Injustice looks better
>that image
>Pretty much a fact that Superman returns in this movie
>but he gets zero promotion material outside of that one early JL poster that might as well be a shop
Come on already...
I don't get this movie lineup.
For avengers a good chunk of the avengers had their own fully fledged movies or movie series. But Justice League, unless I am remembering wrong, only Superman got a real full movie. Then he got a joint movie with batman and Wonder woman. Then Batman shows up for like a minute in another movie and Wonder woman gets her movie.
It doesn't feel like this has been properly set up at all. We know shit about flash, aquaman, cyborg, what the whole deal with grimdark batman is. It just all seems to rushed.
>this fucking bait
I guess it's the only way to really get responses
Fuck off capeshit cancer
Kek, underrated
Well the Jews at WB want money and they want it NOW. So you can hardly blame them for poor planning
>The current state of DCucks.
Cannot write a single coherent sentence without referencing Marvel.
Really made me think.
DCucks will defend this.
Old Man Batman is best Batman
Batman never looks bad in ANYTHING
>you know how Cyborg has 1 eye, right?
Kinda yeah. 1 human eye 1 robot eye.
>well what if we just made him a cyclops! and let's give him a Christian Bale blowjob cowl hole!
I hate Netherrealm so much. Why do they always have to fuck up designing DC characters?
Fuck you queers cyborg looks awesome
>all in
gay ass fuck
fuck off this is even more retarded (as all Injustice designs)
How colorful, it's like suicide squad all over again
>Capeshitter actually defending his Jewish masters
Holy shit
>no he died guys
wink wink nudge nudge
god i cant wait for the cringefest part of the movie where they try to make it a big reveal that hes not dead and act like its a shock to anyone
you know i understand the flash since hes young and basically the newbie so they set him up like marvel did to the new spiderman
and i guess who the fuck cares about cyborg, doubt he could carry a movie
but why the fuck wouldnt they get aquamans movie out first
I still don't get why they cast Roman Reigns as Aquaman.
Cuz people love him, listen to all those positive Boos!
they needed a hunk to battle marvels thor , hes eyecandy and basically the nega hemsworth
the virgin sprint
Based Whedon
>doesn't look like it
>and it's DK3 shit
New trailer coming Sunday
>DCEU shill thread
>marvel shill shows up
>New trailer coming Sunday
I think i'm cumming rite now
>black character has purple color theme
Another one? I hope they don't spoil the ending like they did with BvS.
flash and cyborg suits look seriously stupid.
that looks like terrible, cyborg has had a dozen redesigns in the past years and they went with that shit
>all in
>Green Lantern isn't in it
Why does WB have to lie so much?
Man, I feel sorry for him
Such a great director and actor, and now all his interviews will have capeshit forced into them
Looks like fucking ass
Can someone post the images detailing the differences between Snyder and Whedon's trailers?
I feel this trailer will be as shitty as the last one.
Just because Marvel did it one way doesn't mean everyone has to.
You don't need a movie to introduce every character. Aquaman will be shown as king in atlantis. There, his backstory is done.
Cyborg will be shown being a cyborg, maybe a flashback of the cube turning him. There, backstory done.
Flash is fast. Will probably mention how he got his powers. There, backstory done.
We get introduced to the characters in this film, and then their solo films will flesh out the characters more.
People talk shit, but Spider-Man and Black Panther appeared first in Civil War before gaining their solo movies. I don't see anyone complaining about that.
>Perfect fresh line up with waves.
gray is not purple
>Can someone post the images detailing the differences between Snyder and Whedon's trailers?
none of the directors male the trailers or have a say in them, idiot
If Seven Samurai was released today people would complain they didn't get the full backstory of each samurai and that it would be better if they had solo movies for them, spread out over 6~ years.
Exactly. There is literally 0 reason a character must have a solo film first.
Most of the character can be set up easily in a team film. But people seem to think that every character in a film has to have 100 hours of backstory, otherwise the film sucks.
you really think he can't transform his hand into a wahl and just go ham
what the fuck is wrong with his foot, and his neck
>remember all the solo X-Men films introducing Charles, Wolverine, Rogue, and Storm before the team up film. That's the only way to do superheroes
I am intrigued to see Marvel's plan for CPT Marvel. I betting they'll introduce her in Infinity Wars and then do her flashback origin movie.
well cyborg was alway stupid, but the cgi still looks terrible, as for the flash, even the CW suit looks miles better than this piece of garbage
Top lel, the CW is on avengers cap lvl costume wise. This is miles better than that giant leather onesie
This time they can't spoil anything
>Snyder trailer: shitty covers of dadrock and BOOM SLOW MOTION
>Whedon trailer: epic orchestral music and superheroes being superheroes
Snyder trailer: youtube.com
Whedon trailer: youtube.com
Snyder trailer is clearly superior.
Looks like shit
Whedon's reshoots look worse and that's it. Everything else about the second trailer is better.
>The Chad Batfleck
>The Virgin Sprinter
Think directors make the trailers and not a 3rd party ad firm.
There are 12 months in a year
The band?
And the movie comes out on the 11th month of 2017 you braindead retard.
Is Batman and Wonder Woman fucking or something? Why are they so close together?
Why are you trying to dissect a poster obviously made by an intern with flipper traits in his genealogy?
Most of the posters are like that, for some reason.
>orange and blue
Fuck off.
Probably because Batman is the #1 most popular hero in the world and Wonder Woman made WB a fuckton of movie this year, and they've been pushed together since BvS, and even before that in the Justice League cartoon.