Praising Lord kek is literally black magic

So I honestly thought worshipping lord kek was some funny inside joke at first until now, you guys apparently have been worshipping a real God of destruction with memes and repeating digits, With a large following of people praising kek, you guys could possibly kill Hillary if you tap into more black magic spells.
Tldr you all have been worshipping a God of destruction and using black magic.

Other urls found in this thread:

KEK is just Satan by another name.

I don't even joke about that shit.

>gg in my fucking id

>mfw I was on the very first kek thread in January

Man the guy who found out about the Egyptian god must be shitting his pants knowing that new/summerfags on pol are worshipping a literal god and are totally unaware of it

Its funny

>god of destruction
>even Sup Forums worships Saturn now

Praise be to the Aeons of the Memeverse!

Kek is an Ogdoad or Eightfold. An Aeon above the 7 Heavens.

He is of the Eighth Sphere - Tiamat

Satan is the Chief Archon.

The Archon of Archons.

Think about it, praising an ancient God of destruction has been effective so far, using more black magic could come with great results.


indeed it is
You were warned going into this
Why do you resist now?

that was a great night, I made this oc around then.


And it begins..

This is what I mean, praising a god of destruction with memes and repeating digits pleases him, but we could ask for his help using real black magic.

I feel extremely privileged to display our Lord's physical icon on my desk (now sold out on Amazon except the one thats $999 in TOP KEK Condition).

I was a fedoralord until his message reached me.



Yea until you stand in front of God on judgment day

You asked, and he granted it.

We must now search for black magicks and/or develop our own means

Why does praising Kek yield miracles whereas praising God does nothing?

Pretty much this. If there's a god of chaos there has to be a god of order

Hillary is out of here.

praise kek


he's the god of darkness and obscurity you pleb shill.


If there really is a god above lord kek, getting lord kek to help us kill Hillary or make her drop out wouldn't be anything big like destroying planets.

>real black magic.
How would a mortal such as yourself know what such a thing is

Kek guides us in this endeavor
Face it
Or leave

>black magic white supremacists invoke green frog for Orange Emperor on yellow forum while clinton browns herself
What a time

By posting Pepe you are helping

We've intentially been using an ineffective way of black magic that rarely works, that's why lord kek barely gives us happenings we've been doing it wrong.

>you all have been worshipping a God of destruction and using black magic
Well, duh. If you christcucks don't like it you can git out.

The Aeons come from the Monad.

He is the Father of All Creation.

are you kidding me ? Kek has Blessed me



I have no problem with it, I just want us mortals to have real contact with the god of destruction

how the fuck have these trips gone unchecked




Nice fucking id

Blasphemers in this thread

Google "Satan coat of arms".
Though I'd say Satan is just Kek by another name.

Most, if not all religions say killing is bad and you land in hell or an equivalent for it

>Thinking Sup Forums cares

The THUL GROUP was a black magic nazi group

Sup Forums would be way into this

I however, am just observing, I find it funny how Christians and Kek people are sharing the same board and getting along

Those who are doing it are already fully aware of this fact.

Nice fucking digits, xer

delete this

Yep, I prefer to watch you faggots sell your soul to kek from afar.

But at least Hillary deserves it, she sold out long ago.

Despite what that infographic says, this isn't Kek, who is male, but another goddess Heket. Also frog tho but not our lord and Savior of meme magicks. There's a total of 8 frog gods and goddesses in the Old Kingdoms pantheon.

I don't care. I don't care.

Kek is a god of chaos, like many others.

Emperors light will guide us through the darkness. But first, we need to pave the way for the unification wars.

Kek is just a weaponized form of Sup Forums's collective consciousness. Hive mind and statistically unlikely strings of repeating digits are all lesser manifestations of the same phenomenon.

wow, you're gay.


Whichever old god it takes to get the job done. Does it really matter? Seeing as the christian god is being lazy as fuck with the hand of smite.

And here you see a typical kek worshiper.

A former atheist who thinks they have found evidence for a god and immediately dive into worshiping him/her.

Thus proving we all a have a religious predisposition in us and are all looking for some way to exercise it, even if we have to make atheism or internet primordial darkness frog worship the way we exercise it.


God is a cuck who demands his followers suffer as a test of devotion. The more devout you are, the more he ruins your life. Heaven is supposedly the reward. He's literally a bipolar girlfriend. Makes you miserable emotionally but the promise of sex (heaven) is what makes you put up with it.

Kek is a bro who wants to make you happy with his shenanigans.

So should we collaborate with /x/ to use black magic for our universal motive to make Hillary drop out?

Not Kek in that pic m8

Those digits tho...

You thought this was a joke?

Oh user-kun

I'd rather worship a Chaos god than live in a Jew controlled globalist SJW """"utopia""".

May Kek smite Soros!

We already killed her she has Parkinsons and pneumonia.

She's a walking corpse.

Wouldn't we all? Also we've been getting some great IDs in here for some reason.

that bat looks a lot like moloch the owl

/x/ hates the fact that people are worshiping kek on here.

There have been many crossover threads on Sup Forums from/x/philes telling us to stop and that we know not what we do.

They would rather spend their time trying to summon big tittied succubi to jerk them off and talk about ayy lmaos than try and influence world affairs with meme magic.


Yeah I forgot some boards are too brain dead for a political opinion

Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life.


I think lord kek is fucking with us now.

I honestly don't know why that is.

>Hurr guys how do i summon succubus
>Sup Forums you're going too far in actually performing meme magic

Hypocrites. They just wish they had been blessed and resent us for doing so

fuck your saturn loving god of order

The fuck is a succubus?

i have a question, why kek would be on Sup Forums side if he originated from egypt and according to black people they ruled egypt
any theories my fellows ocultist?

Jesus is the Divine Autogenes.

The Son of the Father of the Universe.

>roughly translates into no debates?

Is my ID telling us that Hillary won't attend the debates?

You're a fucking heretic, but I'll forgive you because that ID is fire.


Praise jeezus

Don't be a retard, it's a mod

I'll say it first: Hillary Clinton got HIV from the male Clinton. She's now developed late stage AIDS pneumonia.

This is thanks to KEK and his loyal followers. Praise KEK.

Your picture is for ants
Kek deserves high resolution

>worshiping a god of destruction

Beerus from dragon ball Z is the best thing that's come out of that show in years.

Praise Lord Kek and Lord Beerus

praise kek

delete this

Because like us they wanted to rule over niggers.

Not all of us. desu, I think it's just the asshurt janitor over there that has a problem with it and a hand full of RP fags and tarot readers.


But Vader is our Father we are Luke Skywalker


KEK supports the white race!

Kek is just an ancient egregor that was pretty much resurrected by the memes. Then given a name and face. The bane crash happened from people all over the world willing it to happen. Here we have flags and when one posts somthing others can attack said individual more personally than just calling them a faggot, maybe it takes energy from that and all our will focused on getting trump elected

KEK was funny for a while, though I honest to God do think we should start turning to Christ and the Catholic trinity, or even just any Christian God.

There is more power there than in KEK, believe it or not, though it is harder to see.

I understand some will not agree.

kek is not ''satan'' you idiot.


a female demon believed to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men.

His word is law. His will will be done, with or without your help. Praise kek.

Kek will raise our birthrates and sterilize the niggers!

we need to make sure hilary loses. if meme magic is the path then let it be.

Literally Satans coat of arms

Jesus fuck that's r9k tier autistic desires.

I honestly believe God has a relationship with KEK that isn't something we understand. We can't understand it. We can't understand why KEK worked with us, and why God condoned it for so long. He did.

The thing is, KEK isn't inherently evil. Yet praising KEK against God's will is evil.

Things have changed.