Shkreli's Last Words

Here is Martin Shkreli's living will that was recorded.

I already sent it to Alex Jones. Make copies and make sure this gets out!

Other urls found in this thread:

dudes a fuckin nut

dunno about NY probate, but this video wouldn't mean shit in Florida and various other states that require a writing (and signatures of testator and witnesses)


You seem upset. Did your daddy fuck you?

Did you love it?

>I already sent it to Alex Jones.

what is daddy?

One big stunt for attention. Dude's a narcissistic and probably has histrionic personality disorder.

The leet hacker shit he was typing in the terminal literally did nothing. The red text he kept getting in the terminal was the shell raising errors. The "what do we do with the cat" shit was him literally just making the terminal echo back the sentence.

Sage in all fields

he wasn't born on march 17, he was born on april 1.

What medication? Lithium?

Hopefully this faggot is dead and his threads die.

hey martin, will you be my friend?

This guy is a piece of shit. He's doesn't deserve anyone's sympathy

go back to l eddit, fag

I love this smug fuck.

>reddit said this guys is b-bad!!!11

>Guy makes a fortune out of scamming people out in a couple months
Geeesh, that's terrible!

>Guy makes wagecuck money out of scamming people out during their whole lifetime
This is fine, the system says it's fine :D !

what a pussy

hears a knock on his door and thinks it's an assasination attempt, then promptly apologizes for insulting that fat wench hillary. that's some beta shit right there.

Who is he and why should we press F for respect?

He's trolling. Have you ever seen his youtube stuff?

Fuckin leaves.

He's smarter than you faggots. That's enough reason right there to like him.

As if anyone cared about what some maplenigger had to say

kill yourself Le'monjello

>gangstalking is the final redpill

I can't tell with you people. Were you fucked by a moose or cucked by a spruce?

Fucking low income snow-coons are the worst


>take credit for english acomplishments since canada was not a country
>maplenigger education



>it takes my nation a year to put out a forest fire that is burning down towns

>t.Le'monjello Al-Montreali:Naturalized Canadian citizen

Shkrelis just chaotic neutral

Shkreli is a level 100 black belt master PhD troll. This is just elevated trolling, so sublime that most simply cannot perceive it.


You are being trolled by an drugged out millionaire AlphaNEET, a true prophet of KEK.


>hurr i've literally never looked into martin schkreli at all, i've only listened to reddit imgur tumblr and the mainstream iedia he's EVIL GUYS he wants to KILL EVERYBODY WITH AIDS and make a TRILLION DOLLARS off DEAD people

jesus fucking christ i seriously can't even understand how you can dislike martin shkreli and still come here

hating shkreli is quite possibly the ultimate media smokescreen bluepill
it's on par with calling muslim clock kid an american hero

tl;dr if you hate shkreli you're a fucking moron

Hitman killed the cat.

Seriously, the man is a fuckin poet. What we witnessed on the livestream was nothing short of Shakespearian, so of course lesser minds are unable to truly appreciate it.

idc for learning about Martin but when people say, "HE IS JUST BEING A CAPITALIST" I die a little inside.

You do realize the mainstream media is mainstream because they succeeded over the other media. So I think they know what they're doing.

>All these oblivious motherfuckers missing the joke

Why would you waste your life trolling if you were rich? It doesn't sound like something to aspire to or worship. It's sounds like something you would do if you were mentally ill.

Modern mainstream media is mainstream because they are funded by the largest corporate umbrellas to advertise mainstream companies.

this is a weird comment for Sup Forums

Entertainment, probably. But if we want to go deeper, what he's doing could be interpreted as political commentary.

american in Surrey, BC here

how bad is quebec really?

In the area for work next week and based off phone calls it really seems that they can't/dont want to speak a lick of english.... Pretty strange considering I just visited iceland/faroe/norway and everyone was completely literate.

Right and in a capitalist society that is success.

Look at the example video I posted above. He is pretty far beyond shitposting. He is being interviewed on national network news about the death of Harambe the gorilla in a dog-whistle frequency that alludes, to those who can hear it, to BLM niggers. He is satirizing activists.

>implying you haven't wasted you life if you didn't spend it trolling
Why so serious?

I'd be much more open to considering that "success" if their rise to the top was actually based on quality investigative journalism rather than being paid to say what special interests groups want them to.

So capitalism doesn't work because it leads to a biased media? Really makes you think.

He's obviously joking around and he's funny as hell.

Although I wouldn't put it past some commie faggots pointing a laser into windows (same with some cunts fucking with Reviewbrah)

You're only permitted to post about Hillary

$0.50 has been deducted from your account

it shocks me people still take anything this guys says seriously. hes been fucking around this entire time, nothing he says is consistent in any way except that he really really hates the media

Ok, but its not a success of the news media, it is a success of the covert government agency that runs the advertisement companies' policies that owns the various media outlets and dictate's its content in an effort to phase out news for entertainment.

>He's obviously joking around and he's funny as hell.

Or really boring and twacked out af. But hey, you say tomato and I say potato.

Any system is prone to abuse and manipulation. The amount of control that we're seeing now isn't what many would consider true capitalism. Doesn't mean we should roll over and let hardworking people get fucked as a result.

you've clearly never read Donald trump's twitter feed prior to 2015

but why wouldn't you troll?

The guy is a year older than me.

Not sure how to feel.

you're a fucking idiot, shkreli LITERALLY did nothing wrong

Okay, and what is upset?

Shoo shoo leaf

No fkn emoticons on this site pls. Fuck off and kys. Ty