Is this a meme edgy/b/tards believe??
Sup Forums doesnt actually hate the jews right?
Other urls found in this thread:
jews are to pol like cops to blm, a boogeyman to explain away inadequacies and failure
If you don't 'get it', I suggest reading Culture of Critique. He lays out a pretty good argument.
how could we ever know what "Sup Forums" believes? the smart people on here use antisemitism as an ironic joke and the stupid people take it seriously. but you'll never know what "Sup Forums" believes because there's no accurate way to poll...Sup Forums
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Though what they do...the ones in power, is messed up
I'm a jew,an I hate he jews
not every jew, not all jews
but certainly the jews in charge of hollyood, the ones in charge of all the lobby groups, the ones behind all the marxist shit, the ones behind feminism, the ones behind neocons, the ones behind wars, the ones behind the (((media)))
you get what I'm saying?
i don't hate every jew for being a jew
but a lot of the people I hate for fucking up the world are jews
always distrust jews, we are manipulative bastards blessed with too much verbal IQ and a natural persecution complex and paranoia
>persecution complex and paranoia
we openly discuss gassing them on this website 24/7
I guarantee you if the whole world suddenly loved jews, jews would still feel persecuted, they would then start trying to control everyone from the shadows because hey people are too nice they must be planning something against us, and eventualy you would realize jews are controlling you and demand they be gassed again
that will repeat itself over and over and over just as it has happened through history so many times, the problem isn't the societies where jes live, the problem is that jews always feel persecuted, and will always use that as justificationn to take over societies, and that will turn those societies to shit and make people hate them
the funny thing is that the jewish conspiracy is real, but it isn't what you might think. It's more of a plot made by certain jews to get rid of the "wrong" type of jews
the conspiracy itself IS the fact people are encouraged to believe in a jewish conspiracy and dislike overtly recognizable jews. It's done by globalist and rich olygarch jews to get rid of zionist jews like me and Israel itself, over time
No. They want to rule the goyim from Israel.
>rich american anti-zionist non israeli jews overtly run hollywood
>self proclaimed retarded "red pill" sees this
>takes the bait
>"Israel is trying to enslave us!!!"
thank you proving my point, dumbass
Thats why they all love Israel? Even ya boi Sanders, who is a communist.
where are you getting this rubbish
Yes we hate jews everything is a fucking pure coincidence.
read through this thread and then say that. you are merely ignorant or a shill.
there is nothing smart about denying the obvious. jews have recognisable traits and these traits are largely negative. it's retarded not to be anti-semitic.
Ya well they may not be what you say true Israel jews they still do way more to promote Zionism kike.
the goyim are really dumb OP, they think the ashkenazim with funny hats and obvious jewish clothes are the same as Soros, and always conflate the two and keep repeating nonsense against the very people who are hated by the globalists the most
No.And I don't even think there are people here that actually like Hitler or believe that the Holocaust is a myth. Stop taking memes so seriously kiddo.
>rich american anti-zionist non israeli jews overtly run hollywood
fucking lol. name one anti-zionist film to come out of hollywood? name one film about holodomor? name one major media outlet in the us that is anti-israel.
Straya doesn't actually shitpost, does it?
no. jews are based
no. we fucking hate jews. quit shilling kike.
Since brit/pol/ isn't posted, I'll stick this here:
>watching BBC news before going to work
>some story about a petition to let immigrant families reunite with their UK based family
>laugh to myself and say the petition writer is probably a jew
>he's a bloody rabbi
I don't trust the jew, you shouldn't either.
No, Sup Forums is a good goy who loves (((Jesus))), believes in the dual covenant as handed down by Vatican II, and wants to secure the future of Israel by continuing the never ending crusade against kebab in the middle east, all the while flooding our own homelands with more shitskins. Don't believe the hype about Jew hate on here, it's just a build up to sell you Christian religion.
Mfw OP ask if we actually hate the Jews or not.
you're actually posting a 50 minute video made by fucking AL JAZEERA and expect me to take it seriously?
believe in whatever the fuck you want, dumbass, but if you fail to see that Israel is ultra nationalistic and kills arabs and globalist jews are doing exactly the opposite and attempt to erase borders, you're way too fucking stupid to even consider following politics a viable hobby.
FFS the jewish-american New Israel Fund is trying to get israeli soldiers incriminated with war crimes because we dare shoot at sand niggers instead of opening our borders for them to come and explode and rape inside our borders. How the fuck did you manage to miss it??
israel exists because of the rothschilds.
neoconservatives (jews) and the jewish lobby have been dictating the usa's foreign policy for decades, all for the benefit of israel.
Let's flip the question.
Is there anything to like about the jews?
The answer is no.
I just posted CNN (which is jew owned) stating israeli isn't cucked enough to the palestinians and you fail to notice it?
And of course you wouldn't see a movie about holodomor, you blind retard, I just explained to you that the jews that run hollywood are globalist anti-nationalists, which makes them like the soviet union but hate Israel or any ukrainian dissent to it
fuck this, I give up, you're too fucking gone if you can't understand these things on your own
Kek. Stop fucking with OP's head, he's obviously new to the place.
>jewish-american New Israel Fund is trying to get israeli soldiers incriminated with war crimes because we dare shoot at sand niggers
Ya well if thats true maybe you kikes have it coming
yes because all non-elite jews are hasidic.
well, I guess it doesn't matter in the end
we'll just have to keep fighting the globalists ourselves and hope we don't end up sweden'd
What are you, an anti-semite?
I hope not, i'm jewish
You guys are funding ISIS, training them and helping the injured even. Also, some jewish think tank came out recently and said ISIS was good for Israel.
The jews are our friends, my daughter even married one! Help me help Israel, MAGA!
you are obviously new here if you think anti-semitism here is some epic edgy meme.
Only the Talmudists. I don't hate people for having big noses. I hate people who hate white people and Christian values.
yes, I won't lie. that is probably correct
however, the implications are beneficial to both us and you, and Russia too.
the only big loser of this entire threater is Iran due to their weakned grasp over southern Lebanon via hezbollah. the globalists are enraged over this because it strengthens us, strategically, and so they shill for allowing the "poor rapefugees" to enter Europe, the result of which is rape and terrorism, plus more anti-israeli sentiment which the muslims always bring with them
If you want the best results possible in favor of the typical Sup Forums user's opinions, you need to let us do our thing here and keep away from it yourself, and CERTAINLY take no arab immigrants from this region regardless of how bloody it gets
>oy vey they don't think we should completely genocide all the palis! dese anti-semitic basterds!
name one that is anti-zionist, not criticises israeli policies once in a blue moon, but is actually anti-zionist.
>And of course you wouldn't see a movie about holodomor, you blind retard, I just explained to you that the jews that run hollywood are globalist anti-nationalists, which makes them like the soviet union but hate Israel or any ukrainian dissent to it
and yet there are a million movies about the holohoax. the worst atrocity of the whole world in history, happens to be what happened to the jews, and happens to be the thing that justifies israels existence.
If you want open borders, I HATE YOU FOREVER.
If you want a multicultural paradise, I HATE YOU FOREVER.
If you just want your own little nation of Israel or whatever, fine, be my guest.
Over 10 years new.
again with the white phosphorus
I dont hate jews. Actually, I am converting :^)
israel hasn't stopped jews from ruining goym societies into the ground. in fact it's made them far worse, probably because they know they have somewhere to run away too when the ovens inevitably start heating up. zionism is international in it's nature, it always was.
With all those dubs you'll be hating kikes forever!
i'm talking about Sup Forums.
1.The corruptors of everything
2.Talmudic Judaism
3.The Jews are our misfortune
4.The coming of the anti christ
5.Marching to Zion
That is a pretty unfair categorization. To me there are 2 categories of Jews. Schlomo six shekel walking down the street is okay (in fact I live across the street from a Temple and have Jewish friends.) But there are Jews that have worked their way to the tops of academia, finance and the media whose are intentions are to subvert our society.
Guess which group I don't like?
>holocaust presents socialist anti-nationalists as death camp liberating brave heroes
>finacially benficial to all jew factions, globalist and nationalists
>movie count: 1000+
>holodomor presents socialist anti-nationalists as starvation inducing genocidal evil maniacs
>financially beneficial to nationalistic jews ONLY
>movie count: 0
do you even bother thinking before posting your faggotry?
The problem isn't the whole jews, it's the global zionists that all happen to be jews.
That's why celebrities and other high-profile people are lambasted as anti-semites, because they learn of the evil zionist ways and immediately start blaming "jews" when they should really being saying "zionists".
it's not their intentions, it's their nature. niggers nig, jews jew.
I dont even understand why israelis fucking post here.
who exactly do you think NATO will have to fight when the muslims escalate Europe to a civil war? and what with?
My only problem with you guys, besides things like pic related are yall criticizing us whites for wanting to keep our lands white, such hypocrisy. Netanyahu even attacked Trump for wanting to keep muslims out.
I was talking in general with my experience over the years. It's difficult to tell how few do take the memes seriously though. Oh well.
there isn't, as I said these guys are the white BLM and to them jews are the mythical ubermensch that controls the world, just like "white privilege" for blm
Some of them just meme around, others actually believe that right now me and the rest of the jews are sitting around in a circle with Rotschild and Soros and the rest of the Freemasons and share our plans to control he world.
filename is translation
use your fucking wits, who do you think israeli zionists support? whites or arabs?
Zionisim isn't the problem. It's the Jews themselves, it's in their DNA
1.Seeing the forest
2.The scorpion and the frog
>holocaust presents socialist anti-nationalists as death camp liberating brave heroes
yeah there are so many movies about how great the soviets are. not like they weren't the generic "bad guys" throughout the 70's and 80's. as you well know, kike, the holocaust is not portrayed to invoke praise of communism (just lol, i can't remember seeing a russian in any holohoax film) it is portrayed to invoke sympathy towards the jews and hatred towards those evil white male nationalist patriarchal cis-scum nazis.
I agree, of course, but their actions are intentional and thus intent. They may or may not be conscious of what motivates their desires. It seems that Jews have a tendency to subvert their society when given free reign in certain areas.
Still, I've known plenty of good Jewish people, it seems like only a certain amount (possibly we could tie it to certain familial lines) are predisposed towards these behavioral traits.
i thought it was a meme too. look into it, it's definitely not.
Ben Franklin literally donated money to have some of the first synagogues built in America. I'm assuming the rest of your post is equally as inaccurate. Why do you have to resort to disinformation?
no one believes that.
>yes blacks commit 50% of all violent crime but i'm black and i've never killed anyone!
watch Europa Europa.
>a boogeyman to explain away inadequacies and failure
What's Brazil's excuse?
Judaism is a supremacist religion. "The chosen people" thing isn't some quaint cute nonsense. It's the Jews permeated with Talmudic thinking that hate us.
Who we really hate are globalist bankers, activists, """intellectuals""" politicians and journalists, be they Jews or not.
Whenever an argument happens they always bring up 'you' or 'your' as if we're in Israel are responsible for some cucks in the EU or the ones that have billions of dollars and subverse Europe.
they don't even know what zionist means, it's just like illuminati now, just a meme, they think soros and bernie are muh zionis lmao
Most of the elite are Jews or crypto-Jews of some sort. The ones who aren't are generally Marxists or extreme liberals. Not every Jew is bad just most of them.
t. "Jew"
I like Israeli posters, most of you guys are pretty based tbqh. I take a certain perverse pleasure knowing your country is the closest thing to a living NatSoc state, and you're entirely functional.
leftist (and some nationalist) retards blame it on yankees or muh imperialism, most just blame the entire country's history since 1500
jews are based tho, portugal sent them here and I say send more
It's debated whether Franklin actually said that or not. It's believed to be a forgery. I don't like using that picture for that reason. I meant to post this one.
>one thing is wrong therefore the entire thing is wrong
not a hollywood film, regardless. it doesn't change anything i said. holocaust fetishism = israel justification.
That is actually quite a good movie. Haven't watched it in years.
It's National Socialists when veterans and holocaust survivors beg the government for Insulin because they took it and gave it to Schlomche and Ahmed? It's National Socialist when the parents of wounded soldiers have to pay for their own surgery if they happen to get wounded in the army? Is it National Socialist when the government pays millions of dollars to help up companies out of debt but can't arrange any sort of a program for starving kids?
Sure, we may look NSoic from the outside, but from the inside only the social elite and the leeches of our society enjoy the benefits of government.
I actually think there's a global conspiracy with many Jews in the high ranks, but the average Jew is pretty chill imo.
the average israeli citizen probably isn't that bad (i think living in a country of jews takes the jewiness out of you somewhat, with no goym around you become less jewish) however zionism as it exists is fucking cancer and is tied up in the global establishment. i advocate sending all the jews to israel, but if you try and jew us again, it's shoa time.
That's quite sad actually, you're right, that would never be tolerated in a NatSoc society. Thanks for the redpill Jewbro, even though it's depressing
Zionism is against Globalism, we had enough of trying to be around you expecting friendliness.
But it is bad, sure we're not starving like the people in Venezuela but the class gap and the unequality will burst the bubble most people live in and will demand a revolution and a full replacement of the government, taking down the opposition and the coalition who both look out for their own interests, not the ones of our country.
this does not explain it fully. every social change of the 20th century has jews at the centre of it, not elite jews, but ordinary jews.
read the fucking comments
maybe you'll understand that if anything, it's more like palestinian justification, today
are you really arrogant enough to think that those supposedly ultra-intelligent jew rich bastards are dumber than you are? that using their media when headlines all over the planet praise the poor palestinians' struggle wouldn't create exactly the opposite effect of supporting Israel when watching this thing?
or that those rich jews don't realize most smart people are cynics and would doubt the legitimacy of any strictly positive light shed on someone?
I'm sorry, you dumbass bellend cunt
I personally think you're just too fucking stupid and self absorbed in your views to realize that the very traits you attribute to jews would make people like you, ones that distrust jews, nonexistent
It's depressing as fuck, we're falling for a state capitalist agenda while the leaders who made our nation were die-hard socialists who would've fought the rich themselves.
>Zionism is against Globalism
this is the JIDF meme. i don't see it in reality. there are so many zionists in the elite of american society, politics etc.
Really? All the Israelis I've spoken to over the years have mentioned how there aren't really people starving or dying in the streets because of poverty. They mention how if you're not lazy the government will always try and help or sort you out, whether it's finding you a job or location to stay. Don't the kibbutz farms even offer work and accommodation?
Have I been Jewed on here ?