Are all liberals this fucking stupid?

This is the writer of Deadpool for Marvel




Wow, Gerry Duggan is absolutely retarded.
I think I could even make a 10 year old understand the difference between owning a building versus having a really high yearly income.

Good grief.


Wow he's actually retarded. In what world can you have your name on a NYC skyscraper and not be rich? Seriously what the fuck

yes, they are

I know. This is the most basic of economics.

He's just desperate to believe that Trump is as bad a man as the media makes him out to be.

>This is the writer of Deadpool for Marvel

When's Marvel going to make the Punisher go queer and start killing cyberbullies who bash Caitlyn Jenner?

there are all manner of legal means Trump could use to make his earnings

There was a point where it seemed like they were trying to replace him with a female Punisher but the guy writing it was actually pretty fucking redpilled and prevented it. She ended up going to jail instead and Frank went on to kill cartel and Isis members instead.

Jesus. Income = net worth/asset value. Every time I think they've finally found the bottom of the stupidity barrel they find another layer below.

>There was a point where it seemed like they were trying to replace him with a female Punisher

There's a "female Punisher" every decade or so.

It's all fag shit except for Punisher and Uncle Scrooge, you guys.

This is why he should definitely never release the returns.

Remember when Kanye tweeted "We're $53mm in debt pray for me senpai" and people actually thought he was broke?

>people are surprised that rich people don't pay taxes
George Soros pays 1% on his earnings. The Waltons pay around 3%. If you're smart you don't pay money to the government for no reason.

Or when 50 Cent filled for bankruptcy, yet kept posting pictures of himself online with stacks of cash.

This isn't deliberate, they are genuinely that ignorant. The great advancement of our civilisation has also been it's ultimate failure, in a word it's specialisation. In many ways it's allowed the west to achieve things beyond that of every other in the history of mankind, but slowly it has eroded well rounded thinking and independent analysis of information.

These people can't comprehend a simple argument or rebuttal because their limited intellect is focused on their skill, everything else, including politics, is a hobby for them.

I've come to realise that the man who is average at everything is smarter than most because whilst his view is broad and blured, he is not restricted by the focused binocular vision that most people have in our society.

Basically in our pursuit of greatness and our recognition of acquired skills we fucked up and we're now a society of idiot savants.

>There was a point where it seemed like they were trying to replace him with a female Punisher
No it didn't. It was only for like 2 arcs and the ending explicitly said that only Frank could be the Punisher.

Because these people don't understand the difference between personal and business liability. It's not even complicated, a quick look on wiki would enlighten these fucks, but they literally think that when Trump Steaks went bankrupt (or whatever it was, I dont care) he didn't have a penny to his name.

They're morons, encouraged by morons for an audience of morons.

>the most basic of economics.
Pick one and only one

Whoa I'm like woke now from that comment keeping it 100

More like idiot japs. A lot of people aren't even good at what they do.

That would actually make it more impressive. If he had to build himself up again after every failed venture I'd admire the shit out of him.

Right now at Marvel, yes, most of them. particularly the ones with any editorial power.

If you want capes, read DC. The real Superman is back with his wife and son.
If you don't want capes, read pretty much anything else if you don't mind finding out a little about the author first to make sure it's not progressive garbage.

>Experts and specialists lead you quickly into chaos. They are a source of useless nit-picking, the ferocious quibble over a comma.

Frank was right.

More occupiers?

There is a Trump Tower in Vegas too, do people really not know this?

>If he had to build himself up again after every failed venture I'd admire the shit out of him.

Apparently, Trump was in dire financial straights in the late 1980's? or so but was able to turn it around.

I don't really know all the details, but it's a simple search away

I always thought Deadpool was a pretty shit character anyway. Self referential humor is the lowest of the low.

In a nutshell, it's Trump Vs Trump Organisation.
One may own the other, but the assets and income of the either are NOT legally (or logically) fungible - they are two (or in case of the Trump Organisation, several hundred) different and distinct legal entities, they don't come as one big pot; the Trump Organisation entities own their assets, and Trump owns the entities, so he owns the assets by association, not as direct property.

Trump most likely draws salaries from the various entities or has written in access to assets in company policy, in order to keep his personal wealth and income on the sheets down, while managing his companies.

This is the magical world of incorporation. You may not have a right to success, but you DO have the right to incorporation.

It's the same reason that, under election law, the Trump Organisation must charge the campaign a fair market rate for the things they use, rather than a donation (of which there are defined limits) or for free.

Your question answers itself. Liberalism is retardation.

Is this the modern deadpool writer

don't know what keeping it 100 means but cheers senpai. I watched that Ruben Report with Scott Adams and something he said stuck with me "Everyone is irrational". Really hit on something that I've felt to be true, even scientists when discussing something outwith their particular area of study are prone to errors in logic because they depend on the reasoning of others to justify what they already believe to be true.

That's true of every human, those of us that can spot ourselves doing it have an advantage over others. This is critically important.

> A lot of people aren't even good at what they do.

Completely agree, but that's because most jobs now actually require multiple skillsets, which many people won't hold. That's why in most modern working environments bosses and coworkers pick on particular examples of a coworkers failings, because its the particular skill they excell at whilst being blind to many other things that said coworker outperforms them in.

I don't think his failed ventures make his business empire any more or less impressive, when you have the kind of money Trump does you've got to speculate to keep that growth going, nobody can have a 100% hit rate on business ventures. It's utterly meaningless in his ability as a businessman. The only impact would be any character implications you could draw from his actions as a businessman, but none that I think seriously impact his ability to be president. The focus on bankruptcies by Hillary fans has been a massive waste of time.

Just google limited liability, im sure Trump operates a wide range of legal entities across his business empire.

It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if Trump's income is under $500k/year. That doesn't mean he's poor, that's probably living allowances. I imagine his place in Trump Tower is a business asset, and a lot of the other home properties are held in trust or are also business assets.

It wouldn't surprise me if his personal assets were actually astonishingly low. Which makes me think that him not revealing his tax returns as requested by Hillary is actually because he's got anything to hide, but more when he does release it the fact that it's extremely modest (maybe even less than Clinton) would be a PR coup for his campaign shortly before voting day.


leftist marxist propaganda. when will you fucking retards stop going on twitter and stop interacting with marxist autist

oh, also, Trumps reports say he earned 558 million.