Will we ever get good south park again?

will we ever get good south park again?

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that's what jj cuck is doing with Star Wars right now

maybe you should just kys mister shitposting man

they were constantly pushing the limit of what they were able to show. i think they just ran out of edgy stuff thus filling the show with political bs.

>dude spielberg flicks are high art how dare you taint them with a sequel


uh oh its the word police complaining about a word

Then don't use cuck. It makes you sound like a try hard pol edgelord

>newfag thinks cuck is a pol word
I hear people unironically say cuck all the time now. Calm down the election is over.

Who's talking about the election? Cuck is such a bullshit word. Its tries to reduce complex issues down to "you are weak and don't have sex"


Only if they go back to boys having fun adventures again.

fag lost its impact, cuck brings out people like you who get offended easily

thats why people say it

Woah I didn't know the phrase cuckold existed before pol popularised using "cuck" as a derogatory put down for anyone left of Hitler. Thanks user

you're a massive reddit cuck

>south park makes fun of the left/liberals
>10/10, perfect, state of art
>south park makes fun of trump, the alt-right, nazis
>HOW DARE THEY, shills, dirty liberals, the jews did this, my fellings!

Stop fucking crying over literally anything

"it's your fault I'm saying stupid things"
So you are saying you go out of your way to be annoying in the hope of irritating people?

I don't know if you are shitposting or acting like a cuck on purpose

maybe if you weren't such a cuck you wouldn't have an anxiety disorder

You know nothing of me.

Its clear that you have taken ssris

Probably not tbqh. Trey is like 50 now and just coasts on his past success. His play was critically acclaimed but that was what? 8 years ago?

>this stale, overused, argument
Sure some anons are butthurt about the trump thing but a lot of us just want the show to go back to the boys and their adventures
>South Park was always political!
Akshually it was always topical not political and even then those current events revolved around the episodes story not the other way around


Matt and Trey are not much involved with the writing and creation of episodes of South Park and haven't been for about 5 years. This is terrible because one could argue Matt and Trey are themselves South Park, hence why the show is a dead husk of its former glory.

South park was never good
It was always a show made by brainlet americans for brainlet americans

Non-American detected


What's the best South Park episode, and why is it Raisins?

The relatively recent direction and usage that the word 'cuck' has taken very roundly encompasses a whole range of effeminate traits in certain demographics of modern western males.
General weakness, submissiveness to females (white knighting etc), self loathing, race apologists, homosexual sympathisers.
Basically everything there is to hate about nu-males summarised i none short word.
Basically you.

>Matt and Trey are not much involved
sauce now nigga
in their last documentary it showed trey pretty much wrote everything and bounced ideas off the other 'writers' in the room, including matt

The show is just Sup Forums now but less funny. When was the last time they did an episode that wasnt just topics of the current week?

i think it's ruined. i wanted a sequel to team america too, but... not anymore :(

>implying Sup Forums is funny

Erics rapping in Ep 2 was amongst the best musical numbers ever !
it was an excellent ep all round

Last episode felt like an episode from 6-7 years ago.

The season with PC principal was good and the last episode was pretty good too.

South Park was a product of it's time, that time is passed. Now they just a pop culture shitshow in a world where most people would rather forget pop culture exists.

The season with PC principal was a disjointed mess
>for some reason ads have become sentiant beings because fuck you
>PC principal is also an ad I guess but not really
>and then ITS OVER! fuck you!

Only the last 2 episodes, which were the weakest. The rest were great.

I don't get the Gentrification episode either because I can't relate I guess.

Whole Foods revolving around every single episode wasn’t really funny. I can barely tell which one was which because they all had the same basic jokes

found the cuckold


>old south park makes funny jokes about liberals
>everyone loves it
>new south park makes lazy jokes about conservatives
>liberals love it