What you got planned? What have you seen? What's your favourite?
/hor/ Horror General
This so far. Saving F13/Halloween series for the applicable weeks this month. Also got Suspiria, Shaun of the Dead, Grindhouse, Slither, Lost Boys, and Night of the Demons lined up. Plus whatever we're in the mood for.
Probably Mother, I think it's suppose to be horror.
It Comes at Night
Probably whatever I haven't seen that's on Netflix
Oh and Stranger Things season 2 :)
>have you seen
recent ones I've seen was IT, Houses October built 2, Cult of Chucky , Annabelle.
IT and Chucky were good. The other 2 were horrible.
The Boy is probably one of the best horror movies ever made.
Dead Silence is another favorite.
Alien is a oldie that never gets boring to watch.
Stranger Things :)
Autistically compiled a bunch of horror[ish] movie options. Feel free to tell me my meticulous categorization is shit and I'm wrong and yadda yadda.
It's almost like your so new you have no idea some cunt did the same thing a decade ago and then claimed it was not exclusively his own opinions, but rather the hivemind of Sup Forums.
I've seen a hundred compilations posted over the years so I dunno which one you're referring to. This is my own wasted time over the last few days.
I just watched all the "Stepford Wives" flicks toay, lads
>Oh and Stranger Things season 2 :)
Not horror but psyched for it nonetheless!
That fucking piece of shit this scene always makes me laugh my ass off
What's an easy way to find old movies? I only know of Netflix, but apparently that one only does series, not movies.
I dunno IMDB related movies?
It only gives informations, you can't rent them here.
Or at least I don't think so.
Just go to rarbg and be done with it
I'm a moralfag.
Block buster is no more and netflix has turned into a joke just pirate the stuff and if you really like it buy the bluray
I wanted to avoid it, but I guess there's no way around it.
I have from 23 to 31.
18 movies (I hope).
I don't have the list right now so maybe other day in other thread I'll post my picks.
I've seen Ginger Snaps and Eyes Without A Face. First one was fun early 00s schlock, supported by surprisingly good thematic weight, but the ending was shitty. Second was great psuedo-german expressionist nightmare kino with a great face-off sequence and a beautiful ending.
Still planning on watching Onibaba, Kuroneko, Suspiria, Carrie, Poltergeist, Possession, Nosferatu, Faust, The Fly and Videodrome. This is the comfiest of months for late-night viewing.
So we all know Karloff was the GOAT, but after him who did it best? Bela Lugosi, Chaney Jr., or Glenn Strange?
Lugosi looks so goofy in the costume. Apparently when he did the test make up for the original Frankenstein, everyone burst out laughing.
Watched the VVitch last night, watching Creepshow this weekend, gonna check out that documentary on Psychos shower scene, and I got tickets to the 4K restoration of Night of the Living Dead.
Oh, I saw that. I should rewatch it again, but I remember I liked it.
Eyes Without a Face was kinda neat too.
Can't comment on all your choices, though I'm not sure if you'll like Suspiria. It's really peculiar.
Watching Dale and Tucker vs Evil sober this time.
Just watching one movie a day at random or maybe if something catches my eye in these kind of threads. Last night I watched Creep and tonight I've got Observance on deck.
Strange actually looked pretty great as the monster. Lugosi was pretty terrible but Frank vs. Wolfman is a solid flick.
I don't have any plans, I'll just watch whatever Horror strikes my mood.
I might watch Inferno -- downloaded it not long ago.
It's kinda like Suspiria, it's pretty strange. It's like a LSD nightmare.
Thus far:
The Exorcist
Twitch of the Death Nerve - youtube.com
Tombs of the Blind Dead - youtube.com
Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein
Cat People
Dracula's Daughter
The Sadistic Baron Von Klaus
Slaughter High
I've already seen a few of them (Halloween, Exorcist, Phenomena) but GF is a horror virgin so I'm schooling her. Open to more suggestions.
You can skip that one, it's trash.
I've watched some of it before and the visuals seem stronger in Inferno.
I'll check it out again soon. Didn't finish the first time.
They're really peculiar. Not for everyone.
I remember watching them, expecting a normal movie, instead I got a really wild ride.
And Inferno is supposed to be even worse when it comes to wild ride.
Whelp just realized I accidently bought tickets to Night of the Living Dead and Suspiria on the same night at 2 different theaters with just barely enough time to see both. Not sure if that's gonna be fun or exhuasting. Suspiria is a midnight show.
Amazon prime
I always say I'm gonna watch 1 horror flick a day during october but never do.
This year I'm just gonna watch a bunch of Tales from the Darkside and other trashy horror shows. Im burned out on horror anthologies like VHS even though they're my favorite horror films.
Also, I cant go wrong marathoning the treehouse of horror episodes.
I wish there was a name for these movies where the characters are investigating a tape or something and end up cursing themselves.
Like Ringu, Ring, Sinister... Maybe even Noroi.
I reeally like these kinds of movies, because you usually discover stuff at the same time than the characters, and they tend to be low on jumpscares.
Can someone recommend something to scare my gf?
Try "My Boyfriend Is A Serial Killer".
Or Boku no Pico. It'll work too.
Inferno was good, ended rather abruptly though and didn't explore its premise enough imo
Need to watch Suspiria now
Can confirm great film
Inferno makes no sense even by Giallo standards
>posting current
>Ravenous invaders controlled by a terror out in space...
>commanded to annihilate the world!
The world needs more horror insectkino
I never wanted to be anything but EDF!
do worms count?
I need a good horror kino to watch, preferably something newish
I don't like slashers and pleb shit like insidious. Needs to be paranormal subject matter
pls help
I'm hungry now.
What do you like? Scifi? Fantasy? Supernatural? Killers? Asian?
>don't like slashers
>like gay ghost shit
lmao kill yourself fag
kinda grew tired of mutated animals after watching slugs
Looks more like Chow Mein
paranormal isn't horror
The grifter.
Arachnaphobia, IT
Watching Needful Things right now
I'm not really sure how horror this is but damn is it underrated, especially considering all the recent discussion about IT and King movies
I like Storm of the Century, even if the ending is kinda meh.
t. MarvelPaki
just watched the void
that's the last time i listen to reddit
Someone watch the found footage killer doll movie Heidi and tell me how shit it is.
>found fountage killer doll movie
Your hopes shouldn't be too high..
Watched the first 6. Lift and Wolfen were pretty good. Curtains was ok. Rest was pretty shit.
Any more suggestions? Preferably some hidden gems,
this was a nice film
it's not as good as you'd have hoped it to be, it does get a bit ridiculous, but it does have a nice feel of pottery mixed in
the gore doesn't feel stale or unimaginative but not in the way that makes it feel like something new
I don't understand why the devil would concern himself with pitting small town schmucks against each other like that. It seems like a lot of leg work for not much reward.
you mean the annabelle rip off?
Saw rosemarys baby last night. Really spooked me and enjoyed it except for the damn ending. Why the fuck didnt she just stab all those old cunts and the satan baby?
Also, post those giant lists filled with horror movies, makes it easier for me to watch something I haven't before.
Forgot the pic
The Reflecting Skin
>why doesn't a mother murder her newborn?
>Why doesnt the confirmed CATHOLIC mother stab some werewolf ass looking monstrous satan baby
>seen recently
Beyond the Black Rainbow (pretty, kinda stops making sense but worth seeing for visuals)
A Dark Song (slow, simple movie about doing a complicated ritual. Loved it, but not everybody will be okay with the ending, or how slow it is)
Mother (sort of horror. Not excellent but it's pretty and if you go in blind it's a fun rollercoaster)
Resolution (kind of a mindfucker, quite spooky, ends weird.)
Bunch of other shit everybody else has already seen
They Remain (indy film based on a short story I really like)
It (idk should i see this?)
Suspiria (seeing at some art museum screening)
Berberian Sound Studio (was told to see this after watching Suspiria)
The Evil Dead series (no explanation needed)
I'll go ahead and post my list. I'll probably think of double this after I post but here goes. mainly ones any horror fan has seen but for the new people joining.
all of these are at least worth watching. * = really liked
A I'interieur
Kill List
The Loved Ones*
Behind The Mask, The Rise Of Leslie Vernon*
Tucker And Dale VS Evil*
Ginger Snaps*
Late Phases*
Stake Land*
A Lonely Place To Die
The Ghost and the Darkness*
The Edge*
Bubba Ho-Tep*
Cold Prey(also known as Fritte vilt)
American Mary
Lovely Molly*
Dog Soldiers*
They Look Like People
The Nightmare
The Wailing*
A Dark Song
12 feet deep(okay/10)
47 meters down(okay/10)
The Void
Train To Busan
The Taking of Deborah Logan
Willow Creek
Lake Mungo
They Look Like People
>Sans Soleil
Goddamit, I meant Les yeux sans visage. Stupid French movie titles. I can't into French while I'm drunk.
Thanks for this list. Everything I've seen on here that you've marked with a star are good choices. Adding a bunch to my own list now.
Redoing because of stupid fuck-ups.
Les yeux sans visage
The Wickerman (1973)
Rosemary's Baby
The Shining
A Tale of Two Sisters
Santa Sangre
Faust (1926)
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
Just way too fucking many to list.
>Plan to Watch:
I've been meaning to start the Universal Horrors. Someone want to give me a good first film?
Halloween really is the apex of horror films.
I think older horror movies are slow and boring. I just want to get in to them but I can't.
How is this still the best zombie movie after all these years?
Get a rip/buy this set and watch in chronological order. Dracula is pretty shit, Invisible Man is the best.
The slowness is what makes them so kino. They rely more on suspense and atmosphere than edginess and jumpscares. If you're looking for something less campy, maybe try some of the German Expressionist stuff or Hitchcock thrillers.
Post 10/10 horror movies
Yeah, i know what you...BOOOOOO!!!...mean user.
I'm looking for some more modern British horror.
Recently watched Kill List and A Dark Song. Any recs in this department? The slower and more psychological it is the better.
Decided to do one spoopy movie a day for October. So far I watched:
>Sleepaway Camp
Mediocre slasher. And if I wasn't a huge weeb, ending would've amused me.
>Conjuring 1 and 2
Pretty light on jumpscares which is good, liked seriousness of ghosbusters duo. But both movies turn into action packed trip to Detroit in last 40 or so minutes of the movie.
Not spooky at all, but I enjoyed it.
Up next is Taking of Deborah Logan (I hope it will be more than THAT gif) and Drag me to hell. Haven't decided which one first, but both I think will be Exorcist-lite.
And I have a question: is it cheating to watch movies you've seen already as part of spooktober? Elm street and Friday 13th would make this thing so much easier.
Best episode of MST3K desu
What is some werewolf kino, other than the obvious choices like AWiL, Dog Soldiers, and Gingersnaps?
good taste OP. Italians make GOAT weird horror
>taking of deborah logan
I convinced this guy tripping on shrooms that the movie was actually real events. The entire time
>no way
>no way that's real
>holy fuck
>man I hate how when I'm watching a movie I have to discern if it's good or not, you know what I mean?
>another guy: dude, what do you mean, I just watch the movie
isn't he just having fun?
This is my yearly folder of TV specials. It's mainly Halloween episodes but some are just genuinely creepy episodes that I enjoy watching around this time. Opinionated obviously, and some are bad.
Part 1 of my actual horror folder. Ignore VLC if you want (don't care), and ignore some shit things in there. I haven't organized it in a while.
Part 2. Ignore VLC if you want (don't care), and ignore some shit things in there. I haven't organized it in a while.
Silver Bullet, Howl, The Howling, Cursed, Bad Moon, Late Phases, Romasanta, Lobos de Arga/Game of Werewolves, Wolfen