Do you think a fallout movie is possible?
How do you think it would play out?
Who would you like to work on it if it ever happened?
Do you think a fallout movie is possible?
I think you should fuck off back to Sup Forums
sam raimi
Damn you would fit in with tumblr since you get triggered so easily.
Damn that has aged like dogshit.
Fallout shelter kino where I impregnate dozens of brown chicks
Do a double-feature of A Boy and His Dog and Beyond Thunderdome. Voila, a Fallout movie.
I don't think a movie would work but a new vegas tv show would be great.
Yes, but not in the boring Nu Vegas scenario
It didn't fucking look good even at release, are you dumb?
This looks like a 90's era Command & Conquer cinematic.
HBO miniseries looking at the different factions building up to the hover dam finale. it ends with yes man and the courier taking over everything
no, it's a shit setting
>Movie trailer
>War never changes
>ear shattering fart noise
>full frontal shot of the sole survivor rushing the vault POV with nuclear bombing in the distance
>black screen
>coming 2018
>opening shot is the sole survivor rising out of the vault 101
>movie is 2 hours and 45 minutes of SS killing hundreds of raiders
>ending is the ss standing over a mountain of corpses carying the last thermonuclear bomb on his back
>start shit thread
>"fuck off"
You have to be 18 to post on this website.
A mockumentary workplace sitcom set in Caesar's Legion
I think damnation alley can be made into a good film, but one was already made
yea exactly so leave
>no u
Quality post user
If the skyrim movie win the box office yes.
It needs to be taken not so seriously and very violent kinda like a Neveldine/Taylor movie, but with a more epic cinematographie.
Full turbopleb
>a short film about vault dweller travelling into the glow
>because BoS chucklefucks told him (off screen) so as a prank
>weeks walking through the desert
>climbs inside the bomb crater
>stays to play the supercomputer at chess
>dies of radiation posioning
>dedicated to todd's lies
What's wrong, bro?
No one just wakes up and decides to be this retarded. Why are you hurting? :(
>save game inside the glow
>die travelling back, from radiation poisoning
>die travelling back, from radiation poisoning
I remember that day
pack at least 2 radaways you idiot
also going deeper in without power armor is pretty stupid
my idea sort of combines the beginning of fallout 2 where a vault is invaded by the enclave and the 'you gotta shoot'em in the head" mission where a mr crowley type character manipulates the mcs to get what he thinks is treasure. oh and the ghoul cowgirl hooker from new vegas has to be a character. i just think ghouls make interdasting characters for a post apocalypse setting
>video game movie
No, just stop it. Storytelling works completely differently in video games compared to film because of its interactive format. What works in film doesn't necessarily work in video games and vice versa. What makes Fallout games so great is their detailed world full of content hidden away everywhere to find, and branching nonlinear quests and storylines (at least in real FO games, not that Todd Howard bullshit)
This wouldn't translate well at all. You'd just end up with generic post-apocalyptic road warrior clone #1498304
>overwriting your save file instead of making a new save every time
fucking plebeian. You deserved it too. You keep getting messages when you're at the glow about how radioactive it is. If you don't have any radx on you, you're supposed to back the fuck out and stock up.
Or just ignore the quest, since the BoS plot is 100% optional
>movie begins in a vault
>everyone is happy
>the maincharacter is a hardworking loving father
>finally the doors opens
>Enclave kills everyone
>you think chad survives and will go for revenge
>but no, they are all dead
>movie switch to other characters
something like this could set the tone,harsh reality of the wasteland.
Or just watch six string samurai. Or book of eli.
fuck i was just playing oblivion and i forgot to go into sneak mode when i took something where there was absolutely no one around
>suddenly a guard storms into the room that i was on the second floor of
>forgot to save
>have tons of other stolen shit on me
>fuck it not goin to jail
>everybody goes nuclear
>have to fight my way down the building and out of town and down the road
>chugging potions and healing like a motherfucker
>by the time i'm safe my ass looks like a pin cushion
>travel to the thief guild guy and ask to pay my fine
>2 gold
i was 11 yo when i played this game it was too much to process.
>dude when are they going to make a movie of a game that's just a knockoff of movies everyone's already seen??
hopefully never
It would be as shitty as Fallout 4
>they had to disable radiant AI because the cities would regularly get genocided by the guards because one of the thief characters stole a bagel
Oh, they'll make a Fallout movie. And it'll star a black need-no-man womyn fighting off would-be rapists throughout the movie with some beta Jewish sidekick.
man I don't even know why I come here anymore. you fucks are so fucking boring with this bullshit and you think you're being the edgiest kids on the playground.
>with some beta Jewish sidekick.
A synth merchant
It's called A Boy and His Dog, you underage fuck.
nice heh. one time a snuck into that lady who has all the dogs' house and she ran down to ask me to leave, meanwhile her husband was in the back punching all of her dogs to death. but i digress
nothing is truly original anymore but you can't say the Fallout franchise isn't a story on it's own.
It has more charm than a boy and his dog and those goofy vault people.
A movie inspired by fallout should be action packed post apo goodness. Like Fury Road.
The movie would only work if the protagonist wasn't voiced.
you can say that, though. Quite easily. As all it is a mashup of six string samurai and a boy and his dog.
this guy (or someone like him) is invariably in every thread always one of the first posts. i just hear barking now when i see it, like background noise. i've never seen a group of people so assblasted in my life. just follow this guideline: never give them yous
Nah fuck that, wouldn't work, too much stuff in a Fallout game for 2 hours. Now a Fallout TV show, that I'd watch.
Idris Elba
Sometimes I think about it, and the only scene I can come up with is that a man and his wife get separated on their way to the vault. Years later the man emerges and one of the first things he sees is a group of ghouls that includes his wife, and then he has to shoot his ghoul wife. That would be the opening sequence and would then fade into the title card while some old song played.
>Fallout TV show, that I'd watch.
If it's written by the guys from black isles/obsidian
does he loot his corpse?
I Think New Vegas would work as a Series due to the Story kinda gives a vibe on that
First season:the hunt of Benny untill The Courier finally kills hin on the Tops cassino. Ends with the Courier returning the platinum chip to House but refusing further work with hin´´I did my Job,now i just want to rest``
Second season is all the DLCs History with Ulisses.The Courier receives a strange message from Sierra Madre cassino and them it goes further through all the dlcs(He obviously wont gonna nuke any of the factions because he is a TV Series protagonist)
The Third and Final season is the Hoover Danm Situation.
My original vision was that he would be doing this from a distance away, looking through a sniper rifle scope.
and I know you are being facetious but yes, perhaps he could "loot" her corpse for a necklace or some piece of jewlery to remember her by.
Not that user, but you've got to be pretty fucking dumb to go "Hey, you know that game that used every single piece of post-apocalyptic fiction made to date as some kind of inspiration for their post apocalypse... what if someone made that into a movie?"
Just like when some stupid shit says "Duhr why isn't there a GTA movie." The answer is, there fucking is, all the movies they borrowed the plots from to make their game.
You Sup Forumsermin really are as stupid as your reputation says
A 2-3h movie will not do justice. Mini-serie should be the way to go.
Each episode detailing a different aspect of the wasteland and/or introducing a new faction.
All of this intertwined into a larger plot.
New vegas should be a nice start
Pretty much this Although if it's possible, instead of 3 season, i'll try to stretch it with a few more season, each one will be focused on recruiting/befriending each "tribe"/"faction" for the final hoover dam battle where each faction will be present
better yet. How about a mockumentary that is openly poking fun of game mechanics where people being interviewed are NPCs
I was reading this thread and getting ready to make this exact post. What the fuck is the point in making a movie about a series that aped so many other movies? We already have Mad Max, A Boy and His Dog, The Night of Long Knives, The Omega Man, why pile more on top when it won't offer anything but pale imitations? Let Fallout be Fallout, the quirky isometric games that let you explore a memey version of post-post apocalyptic America, don't rape it into some Assassin's Creed bullshit. I'm not done reading the thread but I guarantee someone threw out Uwe Boll, somewhere in here.
No. The fanbase is insufferable whether it's bethesda or obsidian.
>wanting blood money at all
Worst fucking DLC they ever put out.
Were you having a long stroke while typing this? What the fuck
Who /legion/ here?
Fuck off back to Sup Forums, do you see threads there saying "Do you think a Citizen Kane video game would possible"?
Legion gets btfo in every applicable situation they could possibly be put in, why would anyone want to be Legion?
>Caesar dies, legion crumbles
>Caesar names Lanius to lead, legion over extends and gets btfo east and west
>Caesar names Vulpus to lead but I killed him already
Legion sucks
The sole survivor is from fault 111 you click
The lone wanderer is from 101
the legion is a dumb meme, even within the fallout universe
See pic related
>I guarantee someone threw out Uwe Boll, somewhere in here.
Just you did, fucking niggertits
Dead money is fucking amazing you retarded turbopleb