Doctor Manhattan

So I guess this is canonically Doctor Manhattan's hand now?

It's whoever is the current head of DC comics, re-jiggering the continuity yet again (IT'S NOT A REBOOT WE SWEAR).

whats that

DC owns up to their reboots, though. You're thinking of Marlel.

Marvel hasn't rebooted yet. They were going too but SW ended up being as much a reboot as rebirth. Hell even less so.

Did Doctor Manhattan plant dinosaur bones to fool the Humans he created on a new Earth?

No, Manhattan did not create the DCU, he only stole 10 years of time when Barry fixed the timeline after Flashpoint, that hand is the presence

Wrong, the hand is the Anti-Monitor.

Wrong. The hand is the specter.

Yeah, but they still wiped out the multiverse. Which means no more "What If" stories

Didn't you read the last issue of Secret Wars? Reed Richards and his family are off rebuilding the Multiverse.

I think Johns'll do some work around where it's not Manhattan but like it inspired Manhattan to interfere or something.

also it's Galactus' hand

Wrong, the spectre is the presence

you mean booting

they're exactly the same as they were before. with the exception of the Ultimate Universe no longer being around, and that's set up to be explained in Ultimates^2

the owner of the hand at the creation of the creation is not intrinsically one entity. lots of people have created everything at zero hour

goddammit time trapper

It's not a hand, it's a glove. Occasionally some cosmic asshole will insert themselves into the glove and cosplay as the creator, but they come and go. The glove is constant.

But why isn't it a paw?

but where's the sheriff?

..That is the traditional image of the creation of the DC universe. A giant hand grasping a vortex of energy.

>the spectre is the presence

No, the Spectre serves the Presence.

> Empty Hand = 'The Absence'

Glove? Don't you mean... gauntlet? An infinite gauntlet?

Fucking furries... one of my favorite activities.

I still don't get how Manhattan is somehow 'greater than Darkseid'. He had quantum manipulation powers in his native universe. Same as Captain Atom, that was the whole point.

This is panic football and it was unnecessary.

I hope he and the Empty Hand fight.

If he's powerful enough to create DC Universe (Multiverse?), Darkseid is less than a speck.

you literally can't wipe out the Marvel multiverse

>but they said

yeah they said it in Exiles too and it wasn't true then

certain writers go for the big action sweep because they're not good at understanding the concepts they're playing with, but the fact is - the Marvel multiverse is literally infinite

the worst you could do is collapse the local cluster, giving the impression of total collapse to anything left in the center of that group

>that one user from months ago who suggested that it could be Mister Mind controlling Doc Manhattan from behind the scenes

I love Sup Forums sometimes

Yes, if he is powerful enough to do that.

There is absolutely no indication, anywhere, by anybody, that Doctor Manhattan is powerful enough to create the DC Universe (Multiverse?).

So what is your point?

>the Marvel multiverse is literally infinite

Nnnno. Although it is big. One of the bigger ones, certainly, although one issue of 'Mutant X' implied 616 is about halfway a sort of spectrum of universes, so that suggests there are about 1300 at most.

It's not unfeasible.

Its been the Spectre, Superman, Supergirl, The presence, etc.

And possibly Volthoom.

Kind of hoping we get the rest of his story what with this whole Phantom Ring mallarky.

johns has no idea what he is doing, he is a hack that used Manhattan after being asked by the suits. Johns has no long them plans he does shit on the fly

Poor fly.

He meant Johns does things the moment they occur to him without thinking about problems it might cause beforehand.

It doesn't actually involve flies.

Oh. Well that at least is a blessing then.

Johns really does just seem to do whatever.