>be me
>be driving through central oregon
>be stupid, run low on gas
>it's 9PM, all stations are closed, and Oregon is not self serve
>pull in to small town, only about 100 people
>go to house and ask if they have gas or where it could be found
>guy pulls out phone and calls his friend the gas station owner
>owner opens up store and sells us gas
>refuses tip
Why is small town America the greatest place on earth?
Be me
Well they also need money more than they do in big city. I lived in Bend for a year. More small town comfy stories plz.
Fuck small towns they didn't treat Rambo nice
Rambo was a vagrant killer. Nobody wants that in their comfy little town.
How are the females in Bend, Oregon?
Except Germans and Swedes.
Oosh, right.
Speak for yourself. I live on a small veteran enclave. 0 crime.
afraid Im all out of stories
I'm gay. Lots of single mothers as I remember it. Not a lot of gay guys.
I went to local grocer and accidentally left my billfold at my domicile. After bringing my sundries to the store clerk, I realized my predicament. After explaining my conundrum, the clerk laughed and allowed me to take my collection of goods under the pretense that I'd pay her the following day. Which I did.
Cozy in Kansas.
They've changed the law to allow self-serve in rural counties to mitigate this problem.
"certain" gas stations. It kicked in just before this happened, but the nearest self serve place was too far away
While there's a lot of hotties, they're mostly imported from other places in Oregon, unfortunately they're mostly stuck up Instagram cunts who moved to Bend for attention whoring and photo ops
I lived in Dripping Springs, TX. Most my neighbors were old German immigrants and very friendly. Then a bunch of Californians moved to Austin and spilled over to us, they built a bunch of shitty cookie cutter houses and everything went to shit. I thought it was bad when I moved away 10 years ago... unrecognizable, now.
Anyways, you used to be a able to go to the corner store and keep a tab open...shit like that.
I'm glad I lived there before smartphones were that big, and there was no app store for iPhones.
Small towns still have their problem, such as this individual not getting laid young enough and copping out to be a faggot.
It's changed so much and not in a good way, traffic is terrible because of all the immigration there, there's not really enough housing so they have to expand and destroy a lot of the natural beauty that made all the zombies want to come to Bend in the first place. The irony of which goes right over the heads of most of the young people who have flocked there in the past decade.
I wish! There were barely any gay people there. The logic of stormcucks is broken.
Immigrants from where?
Not Immigrants in the literal sense but people from around other parts of Oregon and even California and Washington have moved there in droves.
what? all kids do in small towns is fuck
Oh yeah all my friends were from Cali or other parts of the U.S. I went there to go to a halfway house so it wasn't 100% a choice.
>people from Washington willingly moving to the only state (not counting Commiefornia) worse than ours
>can't pump your own gas
>everyone drives like a grandma
>65 mph
Fuck Oregon.
kek praises your great post
Wait, what's the point of not allowing self serve???
I had no idea this was still a thing.
Some gas station attendant in Portland told me it had to do with unions.
Oak Hill here. I feel really bad for y'all. Got a buddy with a nice ranch near creek rd and the suburbs will reach it by 2025.
A long time ago someone decided to make gas stations in Oregon (or at least, population centers, there's a bill going through to get it repealed for smaller cities) full service only. It is illegal to pump your own gas, (but you can pump diesel) and if you do so you can get slapped with a nasty fine.
The justification was that it kept people employed and that elderly people and those with disabilities would be safer inside their car while someone pumps their gas. (Despite the fact that 48 other states, including Alaska, Maine, and Colorado all have self-serve)
Some old fucker in central Oregon does this massive campaign any time someone tries to get the bill repealed.
>muh safety!
>muh jobs!
When in reality it's just a pain in the ass for 99% of us because you have to wait for some stooge to come and undo your gas cap, fill it, and then recap your tank.
So glad I moved out of that hellhole of a state.