What are some TV shows/movies with Jewfu main characters. I mean actual Jewfus, not the European looking crap. Pic extremely related.
What are some TV shows/movies with Jewfu main characters. I mean actual Jewfus, not the European looking crap...
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Damn Weird Al looks like that?!
You won't find the equivalent of Broad City chicks. They are funny, thiiiick and they make fart jokes, tampon jokes, period jokes...they do it all and they like it up the ass.
Now, good luck finding a real jew like that.
Why are her eyes so close together? Why does she have the bottom jaw of Marlon Brando The Godfather? She looks like a retarded snowman. Great tits tho.
>Good luck finding a real Jew like that.
jews often have close set eyes and big bottom lips
Wait til you see her thighs and butt, son.
You should watch UHF
Slums of Beverly Hills
I'm pretty sure you're just into middle eastern girls.
>that adorkable smile
i'd rather fuck corin tucker
>she doesn't have nudes
>search in Google
>Best guess for image: man
shoo shoo shlomo
dude women that behave like men are so hot
I got "Chest"
merchant thread
Butter face 101.
>tfw no thicc mommy tit jewess gf
Jibbly Jewish jubblies instagram.com
Some hook nose, but the rest looks good 2me.
youre being fooled by lighting, makeup and a little bit of photoshop
not the same guy, but I've seen Jenny Slate on JASH and Kroll Show
she has a top-tier body
Guys, I asked for movies and TV shows.
Ilana is so fuckable
is this a thinly veiled thicc jew thread?
god damn I didn't know the Israeli army was still manufacturing CANNONBALLS
Who is this semen demon?
That woman looks like she has aspregers. There's just something about her features.
Ilana "glazed" Glazer
she's got a slammin body
This bitch needs to get naked already
That fucking bearded cuck, my god
>Hitler wanted to exterminate this
What the fuck was his problem?
That's her brother
dude smoking weed and period humor is like sexy as fuck bro
She was a camwhore on /new/ back when that was a thing, so you're probably correct.
Gibs jewess
How the fuck can chestlets even compete with this?
They didn't want his little dick
indiscriminately killing people instead of going directly for those in positions of power and taking them out quietly
Jewish boobie's
obviously i prefer a girl who is qt but sometimes im attracted to butterfaces (like if its the nose, not like warts or something)
>acting like a nigger
such a waste
what a shame
A little dance isn't nigger, too much Sup Forums, kid.
>tfw no jewish mommy gf with fat tits
why live lads
>my hair looks like that when it gets long
shit, could i have jew in me? i'm a mestizo so it's relatively plausible
Christ, I am disgusted by jewesses
>"heyyy my fellow 4channers, aren't Jews great? I mean, look at these totally epic tits!"
Fuck off kike shill
>having a personality = nigger
You weirdo autistic white boys get salty at anything
She does it for me for some reason. Everything about her should be repulsive to me, especially her voice. Some repressed part of me finds it qt though.
i wouldn't mind talking to her. i kind of like her voice.
Theguy formed an alliance with Turkroaches user, what did you expect? Besides, he was like, 5"8. He could never fuck a THICC Jewess.
They also have the highest IQ in the world. Jelly white boi?
She's not typically "pretty" but a nosejob would be a bad idea for her.
I fucked like 4 jews who match that description in college, is this bait?
I think it would be nice if she wasn't playing it up like she usually does. It's prob qt when she's speaking naturally.
She's friends with Levy now too so I can't dislike her.
A good nose job maybe, but I don't think it's bad enough to risk getting a bad one. Not Peretti-tier
I thought her ass would look better, nice jugs tho
Why do they not understand that subtlety and an air of daintiness is more attractive?
>fedora le tippe
ok, how fucked in the head am I for thinking Illana is extremely attractive?
10/10 would re-enact Holocaust in my personal labor camp but instead of Zyklon B, Zyklon D would be administered to the obedient and repentant.
Normal for a any healthy guy, we're so used to babyfaced models and plastic porn actresses that forget about the normal hot stuff.
not at all, that's point of this thread
jewess' are perfect for me because I like big thin noses so they're effectively ideal
Are there nudes of this jewess?
i want to see her tits so badly!
What and idiot!
Man I forgot all about CommunismKills
He could even not go quietly in this case, nobody would say shit to him. Stalin pretty much decimated every his competition in power (almost every) who were Jewish, nobody except some surviving "golden youth" says he did something wrong.
Hitler, being nazinigger, went full retard under the delusion that nothing similar will happen to him or his nation.
Same logic that was behind colonizers, behind conquerors and behind monarchists. Which, of course, resulting in blowing up in their faces.
Bomber Harris didn't even know how on spot he was with the "reap the whirlwind" speech.
Just get some coke and go to the nearest bar in West Hollywood
t. virgin
>sniffs her hand
If they ever make a Skyrim movie she could play a hagraven
>it was dope
>idk a Catholic person
A Jew having sex with a lowly goyim? What a concept! XD
that's Einhorn
>i mean, Finkle
who could possibly be behind this thread?
Anything with hairy Jewesses? All these bitches wax their arms and all that.
Bride of Frankenstein just came to TCM
holy shit im mediterranean and this bitch is hairier than me
>Levy shows up in Twin Peaks
>for one scene
>as an extra
Lynch you're a hack
I just threw up a little
>tfw my first was with a big titted jewess
>haven't been with one since
These threads are honestly suffering.
Christ that's foul. I think I just shat myself in fear.
You need to find yourself an Ashkenazi qt to procreate with to fix the gene pool then.
is this bait? West and east coast is crawling with people like that.
You can easily pick out a askenazi jewish person.
In just gonna believe this is photoshopped so I can go on living
I could maybe deal with the pits, but those are the legs of a middle-aged Greek man who's given up
You're mixing up your world wars you retard.