Indian intellect at its finest.
Is this why white countries keep on hiring Indian graduates because they know the power they possess?
In this space program no white invention were used
Is this poo for ants?
They didn't use electricity ?
>Space is big
>Space is dark
>It's hard to find
>A place to shart
>Poo in street
>Or Poo in Loo?
>Here is a thumbnail
>Just for you
Lol. It's because our older generation sold us out to your cheaper labour.
No hate though mate, woulda done the same thing if I lived in a toilet.
is this meant for australian internet?
I am white enough to tell you how great this contribution is for the world thank you very much India !
Meanwhile other countries accomplished these things before the microprocessor even existed.
>no white invention were used
>indian intellectuals
Except the satellite India has launched has about 1% the features and capabilities of an American satellite. That is why the world is unimpressed with it, It can't actually do much of anything. Might as well just have thrown poo into orbit.
And in non bizzaro reality,
America, Europe, and many Asian nations have satellites orbiting, probes dropped, and functioning rover labs on Mars surface.
That was beautiful user
>electricity or harnessing of it, was a white invention
>rockets were a white invention
>micro processors were a white invention
Nice try though Poominder
Indians have some smart people but only whites are creative. Ask anybody that works in technology or engineering they will tell you only whites have new ideas.
That's the problem.
So?? You might have inventedd it but we made it better
we need to hurry before mars becomes a designated shitting planet
>you will not live to see the mars poo wars
>Other space agencies spend millions of dollars and man-hours encountering and solving every problem you will have putting an object in orbit over another planet
I'm seriously starting to wonder about the mental well being of Australians.
it's hard to tell with this tiny image, but is the satellite covered in poo?
>indian intellect
pick one and no, whites (specficly nazi germans) where the first to go into the field of space. and the only thing indians would be used for in space would be to send you there to shit all over the place so the fields would have all the manure ever needed
If you are so great than why does your entire middle class try to migrate as soon as possible
e.g. Australia, Canada, Singapore, New Zealand.
Oh yeah that's right you live in a third world shithole as people literally shit into holes in public. Fix your literal shit country and then you may post.
You didn't
You aren't doing anything differently putting that sat into orbit. You are just doing it the way we are doing it now, which took multiple attempts to figure out.
you're entering the game 50yrs late and bragging about how you aren't having the same hiccups that those that did it before you had.
why is there poo on the satellite? do you have to poo on everything?
>didn't use electricity
>didn't use computers
>didn't use radio transmitter
>didn't use cameras
Good morning to you sir, I trust you are werry well today. My name is ... S-Sebastian and isn't it a rainy day today in ... L-Lisesetishire in the United Kingdom yes indeed a regular poo in the str I mean pea in the souper... please do not be worrying yourself we are not trying to sell you anything oh goodness me no well only a space program no white invention all finiest indian invention yes indeed
fugg you stole my post
Because there are job postings that natives won't do
>>Indian intellect at its finest
What, you people finally stopped shitting in the Ganges?
>Indian intellectuals have recently discovered to convert poo to rocket fuel
>Indians pooing across the universe
Even china beat you to manned spaceflight and robotic drone on another body, you don;t see them getting all high and mighty about it. Countries have always cooperated more than they admitted, and India is no different.
the funny thing is that I would actually congratulate you guys on the successful MOM and the pretty badass RLV-TD flights, but you're such insufferable pricks about it that now you can fuck off.
>Is this why white countries keep on hiring Indian graduates because they know the power they possess?
because those countries haven't realized yet, what terrible quality most of you faggots deliver in engineering.
>Work at domino's as store manager
>Hire new kid, 17 years old
>Kid is half Paki
>He hates curry, 3rd world countries and Indians
>Tells me about how Indians shit in streets
>Says that they were banished by toilet witch
>Kid goes on how that the Hindus destroyed India and that the place was better when the Muslims ran it
>Does the toilet witch poem
This kid I hired is definitely a Sup Forumstard
>Toilet witch poem
I'm already laughing
please tell us what you remember of it
education is an issue in all fields with poo in loos
>Your stomach hurts
>You need to poo
>But I will not let you near the loo
>Behind from here young pajeet
>To the designated shitting streets
I'm pretty sure people here will run a convenience store or drive delivery trucks or make coffee just fine without you fucking Pajeets.
Begone* not behind. Phone is fucked m9.
It's because you cunts are cheap
I met an old indian man and he told me stories on how the british ran the country million times better than the hindus.
he seriously said that? kid needs to be a manager. im fucking dying here.
Kids only been working here for 2 weeks.
>no white invention were used
what about spacecrafts?
>be American captain of first mission to Mars
>instead of an international crew of specialists, NASA sends my ship full of Indians to Mars
>first week the ship smells like light spices
>the second month it starts to smell like meat and body odor
>the third month they managed to clog the shit array and their shit floated all over the ship
>I manage to save the ship after shit got into an EPS conduit
>by the time we get there it smells like an over flowing sewer
>I ask myself why they sent me along with these designated asstronauts
>Day Two of our mission on the surface I get an order
>"Let the Indians out"
>"They need to shit everywhere so we can terraform the planet."
>I comply, and our sector of Mars goes from looking red from orbit to brown
>still have to live with them and run missions for another month on the surface
>mfw one day I mix up our reserves and use one of the Indian oxygen tanks while on a survey mission
>mfw it smells of rancid ass meat and 4 day old curry shit
Black people invented spacecrafts, USA stole their plans
What about healthcare employees
wtf are you fucking retarded?
its well documented, clearly you are the retarded one here
No. That is complete nonsense. Dumb nigger.
Black people invented most so-called white inventions and their white slave masters just stole their plans before they could profit from them. Don't pretend like you don't know the truth, your family was probably some of the slave owners
Yeah that's true but why would they need a spacecraft when they had stargates? Only cumskin cave devils need spacecraft.
spacecraft were more suitable for short trips
Fantastic post
Jealous Aussie
India invented one thing that no White man can claim.
The designated shitting street.
Feel proud India.
Feel proud
>Jealous of a stinky subhuman who takes gutter jobs
Yes yes the power of lies. Meanwhile, India can't poo in loo.
infinite fuel on your streets god bless India
*brrrzzzt* Calcutta, the poo is in the loo *brrrzzt*
One small shit for man, a big shit for mankind.
you can collect one (1) internet at the exit
>retards falling for this obvious bait
This board sucks
>Is this why white countries keep on hiring Indian graduates because they know the power they possess?
People coming from a desperately poor country are good to hire, they'll do anything to not come back there.
When hiring immigrants, you force natives to accept lesser job offer, to not face unemployment for too long.
kek :D
Autstralia is god tier holy fuck.
Good job user.