The Death of England
!985 this song came out, Sup Forums's always been late to this Party.
Watched the entire thing
There's nothing we can do to change this
As long as there's 1 Englishman left, England never dies
Where the FUCK is Brit/pol/?
The U.K. is lost.
So are you
That guy makes great videos
God damn, it's truly depressing when it's presented like this.
And you can't even point at Sadiq Khan or the influx of migrants or the vio;ent black youth and be like "this is a sign of the end times!", you'll just be laughed at. I don't believe Khan, or any individual Muslim of black are necessarily fucking evil, but on a wide-scale cultural level this is clearly a concerted effort to supplant our people.
It's a bit like Adam Curtis if he was willing to step over the line.
Consider these jimmies rustled.
I almost cried. The motherland is lost.
I want to fight back.
dumb retarded mouth breathing patriots is why this country is dogshit you should all kill yourselves
Fucking love Murdoch Murdoch
fucking Australians
Well that ruined my day.
>mentions lewisham and ladywell
I live 5 minutes from there, complete non white shit hole i was mugged by a pack of feral niggers when i was 13 in ladywell
Gas the immigrants, Greater Britannian Reich now.
Just fucking end me, senpai. I'm out.