Young sheldon, can you please pass the salt?

>young sheldon, can you please pass the salt?
>mmmmmmmmmm did you mean the sodium chloride, mother?
>laugh track

>young sheldon, we need to pick up some vitamins the doctor said I have a deficiency
>Don't you mean the ingredients for piss mother
>the audience flushes away their piss pills after getting an IQ boost

Aren't you forgetting the iodine, Young Sheldon?

reminds me of that asshole kid from "Problem Child"

That was exactly what I was picturing in mu mind, but...the first clips of it make it look -dare I say- passable. It looks like "The Wonder Years" but in the 80's.

I would drown that kid in a lake.

It's very different than this meme but I don't think it's passable. It's unfunny comedy and terrible drama, and shot like a movie.

>sheldon, i don't know how to say this but your mom has gone off to heaven
>no dad, her biological existence has ended and she is naught but void i...i will never see her again...and in time, all will pass away and even her memory will be forgotten


I want to molest his boipussy

>Young Sheldon, your principal called and told me you've been saying some very disturbing things at school
>But mother! It simply does not add up. There weren't enough ovens at Auschwitz to burn all those jews, I've done the math

>Now Sheldon, don't you forget the happy pills I packed for you.
>Mmh, what I think you meant was fluoxetine, alprazolam and escitalopram?
>*the mothers next line is stifled by the roaring laughter of the audience*

"Mother, ionization being necessary to food is a myth purportrated by a certain (looks directly at camera) ethno religious group in order to sap the strength of the masses."

Raimi was able to sneak a few lines into the show apparently.

just hand over the salt before I fire your ass.

good but raimi sheldon would call it a "race", to which mom would say
>Ha, Sheldon, "race" isn't real

>"I will not pretend that my father didn't molest me"

That episode was a bit to much for me

>Excuse me, did you say 4500 corpses a day? It takes three hundred minutes to cremate a corpse with modern ovens, do you expect us to believe that at any given time there were an average 937,5 corpses being burned in the ovens of Auschwitz?

Any cringekino from this show yet?
The fact no videos are posted make me think it's not actually as bad as TBBT

His dad is dead and his mom is alive tho.

>young sheldor lets go hunting bears wth ur dad
>no dad i must science
>i fucking slash your throat young sheldor

I'm not convinced it exists

>Young Sheldon, why don't you go outside and play?
>I'm playing a poorly coded Pong emulator on my Commodore 64
>Also mother, there are niggers out there. Grandfather said they're almost as dangerous as kikes

AWWWWW track

why does he dress smart in this but not in the original show?

Kids rarely buy their own clothes?

>Young Sheldon, it's time you became man. I've procured you a paid companion
>No, father. Coitus with said female specimen would lead to my contracting gonococcal urethritis

>I'll teach you a trick kiddo. Just double wrap your dingaling!
>laugh track
>Father, two condoms in close proximity would only provide further friction leading to more heat and so a higher likelihood of the barrier contraceptive devices breaking leading to a higher likelihood of me contracting gonococcal urethritis. You really haven't thought this through at all.
>audience in tears, heart attack from laughter in front row, roll credits, twelve emmys

>like tears in the rain

paid companion kek

>Young Sheldon! If you don't finish your dinner, there'll be no desert. Don't you know there are starving children in Zimbabwe?
>"....what did you just say mother?"

But Sheldor, do you think these ovens actually abided by modern cremation laws? They worked more like garbage incinerators. Did you even read the 1942 Topf & Söhne patents?

>If I pull that off will you die?
>that occurrence would result in a great deal of pain, the actual recipient of that pain however would not be myself, but you

Well mother, they certainly weren't starving when they were still called Rhodesia. That's what happens when you decide to kill all your white farmers.


>Hurry, Young Sheldon, the school bus is here to take you!
>Mother, wouldn't a similar service be beneficial for you Churchgoers?
>Well ... maybe, Shelly. Why are you asking?
>Because the short yellow buses are surely underutilized around here!
>*laughing track from people who died decades ago anyway*

How many Emmys, guys? Can my cat get one as well?

Young Sheldon doesn't have a laugh track though...

I kinda wish they'll sneak it in there to boost ratings since I find it a funny gimmick for a show that's turned out to be more depressing than I expected

>Just a little more, mrs, just push a little more
>*knock knock* mommy *knock knock* mommy *knock knock* mommy
>*laugh track*
>Congratulations, it's a boy
>"And that's how it all began, this story, the story of my life, the story of Young Sheldon"

>"young sheldon, did you write auschwitz on your sister's easy bake oven again?"
>young sheldon looks up from his casio calculator watch with tears streaming down his face
>"mother, according to my calculations, the holocaust couldn't have possibly happened as they say it did..."
>3 solid minutes of autistic screeching

just perfect

>laugh track
want to know how i know you faggots haven't even watched the show?

>Mom trying to probe baby Sheldon's first words out of him
>"Mama, come on. Mama. You can say it."
>Mother turns to Husband "What did he say?"
>"Sounded like gibberish. Nothing I've ever heard before.
>"Oh, let's keep trying then"
>audience laughter into Opening Title

i actually laughed.

Want to know how I don't even have to ask if you're retarded?
Piss off, dumb frogposter

dirty dumb frogposter scum

>That boy has AIDS, Sheldon!
>Akshually at this stage, mother, it's only HIV

>At present there are four crematoria in operation at BIRKENAU, two large ones, I and II, and two smaller ones, III and IV. Those of type I and II consist of 3 parts, i.e.,: (A) the furnace room; (B) the large halls; and (C) the gas chamber. A huge chimney rises from the furnace room around which are grouped nine furnaces, each having four openings. Each opening can take three normal corpses at once and after an hour and a half the bodies are completely burned. This corresponds to a daily capacity of about 2,000 bodies... Crematoria III and IV work on nearly the same principle, but their capacity is only half as large. Thus the total capacity of the four cremating and gassing plants at BIRKENAU amounts to about 6,000 daily.[28]

*tips fedora*

>1942 Topf & Söhne patents
Jesus fucking christ that's dark man I knew holocaust denial was a fucking meme but sometimes you forget how fucked up it was

>sheldon, you cooked a whole thanksgiving dinner?!
>it was really quite simple father. Cooking is just chemistry after all!
>but you burnt the potatoes and the turkey looks frozen solid!
>science was built on trial and error father. I bet newton tried a hundred different methods to disover gravity before that apple fell on his head!
>but sheldon, at least newton got to eat the apple afterwards!


Yeah British propaganda is something else. Bigger the lie and all that.


His sister is HOT

>young sheldon who beat you in school? tell me now!
>well mother *spits front tooth* when you consider African-American crime rates and take into account that my class is pretty diverse it becomes pretty easy to guess doesn't it?

Memes aside, how is the show?

>laugh track
But YS didn't have a laugh track
It was very awkward

>Young Sheldon! You come and clean up this mess right this seconds, your room is in complete chaos
>Actually mother, it cannot be helped due to the second law of thermodynamics. Entropy will only ever increase, it is inevitable that the room will always get messy thus I can only conclude cleaning it is a futile effort and a waste of time and energy
>*laugh track*
>That's a whole load of nonsense, Young Sheldon. You clean up this room RIGHT NOW or you can forget about dinner
>Shut the fuck up, ma! The ninja turtles are on
>transition to next morning at school, Sheldon has a black eye

>implying anyone here watches tv shows



>sheldon's mom isn't a junkie and sends him to school with walmart clothes he wore last year reeking of cat piss, and he doesn't have money for lunch so he's on the free meal program

>what are you studying sheldon?
>anatomy, though I should be asking an expert like you rather than reading a book.
>an expert? me? how do you figure that sheldon?
>well you certainly had a lot of books in your closet studying the female form
>yeah, better keep those a secret from your mother...


>shedon, get off the fucking computer this instant
>but mommmm, I'm on le reddit xD

Is the show actually sort of dark? I saw a few minutes of the first episode and there was some toy train autism and sheldon deciding not to pray at dinner to God but rather to his mom.

>mmmmmmm actually mother aspergers is merely common garden variety autism, perhaps you should read the DSM-V next time you're waiting for your valium to kick in
>*gets beaten with heavily worn belt*

>Young Sheldon! That's a horrible thing to say! We taught you better than that! You'll never get into a reputable college with that talk!
>Actually, mother, you're right. The statistics I'm referencing go against the agenda laid out by the Marxists who have been infiltrating higher education since the cold war and turning college students into anarcho-communist reactionists who believe the more outraged they are, the more in the right they are. The whole purpose of this is to subvert western values from the inside and create a population of weak, hedonistic white people who will literally let African-American men have sexual intercourse with their wives and be joyous about it because they will see it as their penance for being white. This will inevitably cause a demographic shift in the nation bringing the downfall of america on a long enough time line. Europe, on the other hand, will just be an extension of the middle east by this point

does this trash actually get basic shit like ionization == iodine or are you the idiot?
p.s. iodine is to prevent goiters

>mfw when I thought young Sheldon was a meme made up by Sup Forums until last week
>mfw saw it under "featured" on a website I use to watch Chinese movies
>Not even a face

hello rennid


Okay, you GOT ME. Handin in my nerd cred card now.

You stole this one from another thread nigger

ultra qt it's like her eyes are the earth

>that's it young Sheldon, we're going to the doctor!
>Mr. Greenstein I need your help
>*one lobotomy later*
>Oy mrs. young sheldon we're done, he's good as new!
>sweety, say something

"Sheldon, you were born from the union of two men, shat into the word on a moonless night, lick'd clean by beetles and worms, your eyes open and blind. The devil is your father, Sheldon. You were chosen to bring misery onto the children of Adam."

"Did I do thaaat- white version?"

(Laugh track)

whats his catchphrase again?


>Oy mrs. young sheldon

does she get BAZINGA'd?



>I'll stop you right there, mother, the "extermination camps", as you put it, were but a natural consequence of (((their))) exploitation of the German fatherland.

>looks directly at camera

every time


Its mostly Sodium Chloride jokes


Looks like a young Dee Reynolds

>since the cold war
Read Revolt of the Masses. It has been going on since the XIX century.

wait the show is real?

>XIX century
Are you French? Cause it's wrong to be French.

of course not you fucking dumbass TV channels are retarded but not that retarded

Just because it isn't a sitcom they can't make jokes about it? Fuck off...

>9 furnaces 4 openings 3 bodies running 24h like clockwork
>1728 bodies is the same as 2000
>"6000 bodies!" vs the mathematically Correct and still unrealistic 5184 bodies
>"6000 daily!"
>EVEN if you believe that the furnaces run 24h straight without a second of delay, you are already been bullshitted by 816 corpses

>Sheldor's origin story

mmm powdah

That's 274176 jews in any given year that didn't existed right there

Fucking povvos

Why would he be on three different prescriptions?