about fucking time the DNC realized how bad Hillary was.
This will be an easy win. Everyone likes Joe.
about fucking time the DNC realized how bad Hillary was.
This will be an easy win. Everyone likes Joe.
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Joe "Pet-Her-Ass" Biden
I think after running a token minority they were relying too much on the woman card, expecting republicans to go full on anti-woman or some shit. Prophetic how poorly it went and how a fucking white male would have done so much better
If they replace hillary with someone and they manage to beat trump that would get me flustered. It's been so long since a latecomer won an election I'd feel cheated. like they skipped the election and walked right in before anyone had a chance to campaign against them.
>being this stupid that you think it's this easy to just switch candidates
Not really my place, but i'd think Joe is too close to Obama and Hillary to jump in at this late hour. Not to mention that he has stated no interest running and ruled it out in the primaries. Can't see the DNC running with Tim Kaine. They're shilling Hillary till the end.
what a lewd man
this right here.
The filing deadlines for presidential candidates are fucking over. But guess who's still technically running for President as a Democrat?
Bernie winning would destroy Sup Forums
Nobody likes Joe. The average American thinks he's a fucking retard.
Besides Joe and Bernie I'd pick Al. He'd stop global warming and it would be great to see him avenge Bush stealing the election
Fuck you, Joe is awesome.
He also totally fucking called it on Iraq. Remember the "Biden Plan" for partitioning Iraq along ethno-religious lines (Sunni, Shia and Kurds)? Well guess what Iraq spontaneously fucking did to itself?
He may have terminal foot-in-mouth syndrome but he's a lot smarter than he comes across.
yes, yes, he's back to being an independent...
...but he's still going to be on ALL the ballots for President of the United States...as a Democrat.
>Cuck Bide
Is no one better?
>elect Al Gore
>tell him middle east is hiding manbearpig
Hillarys not going to give up the nomination.
who's the qt, I'd vote for that jailbait
That's just a common sense idea that anyone with a brain would have foreseen happening.
The problem of course is that the extreme sandnigs will still try killing the other ones.
>That's just a common sense idea that anyone with a brain would have foreseen happening.
And yet nobody else in Washington has an ounce of common sense.
Biden is a fucking creep holy shit.
I mean other than that he's alright, a bit worse than Obama but not terrible.
Still, what a fucking pedophile.
Sanders is the only hope for the DNC at this point.
Mckayla Maroney