Who the fuck is this person?

Who the fuck is this person?

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Tom Petty in a dress? I think he lost a bet or something.

idk she looks sick af :^((((((((


#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter

>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter

#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter

>#DropOutHillary starting to trend on Twitter



Madame President

Gary Busey isn't looking so hot these days.

it all comes tumbling down

He is always here, user

Daniel Day Lewis prepping for the inevitable biopic

wasted on a leaf

Looks vaguely like Elton John

a dying dinosaur that needs to use a piss-bag.

We may have actually hated Hillary to death

all hail kek

alex jones after sex change

Hurlery Klindon :DDD

Boy George in a wig and sun glasses.

Kkkilary Kkklinton.

Not someone the secret service felt like protecting. Also her pet nigger and everyone else is gone.

Her face after a stroke?

Hillary 'I've been healthy my whole life' Clinton


Mickey rourke

Greta Van Susteren?

Nice quads bro. But that's not Hillary, it's her payed for double

Jesus, man


I feel really bad for her. She's never been electable but... look at her face. She had a massive stroke.

It all returns to nothing

fuck him. he convinced me i was smart enough to replace my clutch.

Its still hillary

But shes been... modified.

It's just a different hairstyle calm down faggot


She seriously has body dubles? Ive never seen her with sunglasses before

That's because the eyes would really give it away.

Elton John is looking GOOD!

That's Val Kilmer from the 1995 movie 'Heat'


see posts

Holy Kek, she's wearing anti-seizure lenses. What the fuck have we done? Will the head jew in the afterlife send me to the lake of fire for this?

You mean she's had work done? .... she's had a face transplant?

>be hillary body double #004
>nervously sweating through pantsuit
>wait they are going to send me out like this
>you think we could use more makeup???
>fuck fuck fuck
>this isn't what I wanted to do

Professional body double -- growth industry in the 2000s

And Australia continues to rest confidently on its throne.

May all other shitposters bend the knee.

Grab your tinfoil hats boys

meme queen


No one commenting on quads and trips in the first three posts?


Jesus Christ.

bill clinton wearing hillarys pant suit

poor guy

It's not her. Someone has had to get surgery to look that close to Hillary. Think Bill Hicks turning in to Alex Jones.

Even if it was her, then she's dead for revealing the secret.

this is real. what the fuck

or she is confirmed as le master trolle 5000

looks like a stroke victim, with half of face shifted.

t. family of stroke victim





It's Chris Chan.

That is what I think. Looks like a horrible stroke

I can 100% confirm that is Hillary Clinton, the love of my life.

unnerbraded :DDD

So she's definitely going to be dead before this is over.

That's a pretty nice wristwatch.

>ArcLinea Furniture

21 E. 22nd St, NY NY

Right next to the park, high end shit

This retard is always yelling like an idiot

FUCK no its 26th St

can someone plz explain?

It doesn't count if it's just the basket of deplorables.



Anyhow it still might be her.

She could have another stroke and a side of her face is not functional.

Is there video evidence of her after meeting coming from the apartment?

There must be.

No way they just took photos and NO video recordings.

A walking corpse trying hard to be what Margaret Thatcher achieved

Is that the bitch from the horrible parody?

Never mind found it.


Unless the body double can sound like that witch too then they have a top class one they should just use way more often.

I think OP's picture just shows a good effect of the stroke poking through her nervous system.

With all the medication she is on she obviously uses it to control it.

A strong independant womyn

Hillary Clinton BODY DOUBLE Theresa Barnwell. She gets paid $10K a month for working for the Clinton's,


>Who the fuck is this person?
It's obviously Hillary imitating Sylvester Stallone haha, what a funny woman she is, boy i'm glad i'm voting for her!

My face when i'm voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton for United States President