>20 minutes into wine party and chill
>brother's field hockey wife falls
>he wants to go through the whole rigamaroo
20 minutes into wine party and chill
Other urls found in this thread:
Nick...my wifes laying here, bloody as a bash. come on
Cmon big guy.
you tripped her nick
i watched you trip her with my own two feet
i SAW you trip her
im not going to invite you to a wine party just so i can throw your wife through a table!!!
You're gonna sit here and point fingers at me and she's gonna crawl around on my 19 gorillion dollar rug bleeding from her eye socket trying to tel me i threw her through a goddamn table, you're as crazy as she is
Great another one of sam Hyde’s threads where he samefags for 200+ posts about the “lol so rendum xD coffe table and wife blood!!!! So absurd!!” Edgy Tim and Eric rip off sketch from his edgy tim and Eric rip off show.
It gets boring
>Look mom! I remember the lines of the sketch and posted them on Sup Forums!!!
dont click on the thread bud
hey bud dont click on the thread
how about you hide the thread bud
I think you're right *looks at camera and smirks*
what's going on big guy?
>David Duke
*gets show cancelled*
hey bud
DAVID DUKE (looks at camera and smirks)
Moon man
How many of your friends are dead from alcoholism?
My father taught me to deal with BITCH NIGGAS with a TITANIUM PIMP HAND
easy bud
>he looks like anderson cooper with aids
glad they tied the mom and dads universe together
>sam is such an awful writer and comedian that pic related was better than the whole of MDE’s library of “””comedy”””
Really gets my noggin jogging
what even is pic related?
>Call me trannydicksucker
I would suck her dick in a fucking heartbeat.
You’re delusional, Sam
>being this upset that world peace is still more beloved than rick and morty
>he says this as he goes into every MDE thread
Of course you’re an obsessed “TWOO SCOOOOOOPS” poster.
Great humour.
You’re a fat stinky altright virgin, buddy
Have to admire the dedication of this /lgbt/-browsing mentally defective tranny faggot. Posting this in every single MDE thread for over a year requires dedication, especially when you are clearly having absolutely zero impact and no one believes you.
>crossdressing nick
in which fucking universe lmao
either you're just using that phrase very wrong or you're a fucking moron sheesh
>being this triggered over ice cream
wow i thought it was a joke that liberals got mad over that? guess not
imagine being so derriere devestated that you search for sam hyde related threads on a timbuktuan rotisserie chicken cooking manual just to shit on him on a daily basis
You sound butt flustered there, buddy.
then why are you so angry at him my dude
it's a good thing, eventually they'll realize how useless they are and kill themselves.
this aint about piece in the middle east, its about world piece my dude
...said the 400 pounds Sup Forumsvirgin manbaby living in his parents basement
your parents hate you
Sam Hyde fans are retarded
>be on Sup Forums
>get upset that we still like world peace more than your cucked out sjw tier garbage
Rick and Morty was fucking shit this season.
Where the fuck does MDE find music? It's always on point.
at least i know how to spell "retarted" you litteral retart
Awful writer and comedian? It's sad that your comedic senses are so dull that you cannot grasp his genius. All the best comedians have some inner struggle they use to channel their material. In Sam's case, it's his repressed homosexuality.
Tell me, would a straight comedian come up with a hilarious bit like this?
And have so much inner turmoil that he uses transsexuals as an outlet to deal with his gay demons?
If only you could comprehend how much he suffers for his art, just to make people laugh. It's the least you could do you ungrateful cunt.
same idea I had. Claw through bandcamp and find rando artists and pay them next to nothing for their samples.
Look up miami by this same band
There are more people liking rick an Morty better than MDE even on Sup Forums, though.
Contrary to your beliefs, Sup Forums is not a Sup Forums subsidiary hug box.
this thread
Imagine being so bitter about Sam Hyde that you see one person make a typo in a World Peace thread and you get mad about it
why would you go into this thread if it makes you so angry so easily
Two typos, faggot.
contrary to your belief, up until maybe 3 or 4 years ago, all of Sup Forums was Sup Forums until you deditt faggots came on over
>Sup Forums-alt left manbabies cry about literally everything
Yeaaaah, no.
Not like you think anyway. Sup Forums back then was libertarian and atheist instead of contrarian ultr aright wing larpers.
It's just the exact same word misspelled in the exact same way
that's just a typo
so way to be bitter little bitch AND a pedantic one
cant have libertarianism with niggers,spics and mudslimes in your country
What did SNL mean by this
>same themes and style as the world peace social movement skit
>available at ROSS
If you're on a date and the broad starts talking about the "wage gap" or really anything remotely like that, just ask for the bill and get going. It's not going to go well for you. Also take it from some guys who have been tearing up poizi like maniacs for the past decade, it's not worth it. Poizi is literally not that good, chasing it is psychologically destructive and if you are crazy over it it's possible you have father issues honestly. I literally think I acted that way cuz I wanted to impress my pops. Pretty cool huh? Date around in your 20's and have fun but don't be a cad... Age 28 maximum start looking for a mentally stable person to raise children with.. Someone who will do dishes and cook without being a **** and will hypothetically do stuff like stay by your side if you're ever in the hospital for a long time, find one of these who has't had 15+ dicks in her. Do not date broads who drink or smoke weed...
>implying it's not just some autist samefagging this thread
Look at the unique IPs and number of posts, it's pathetic.
Tee hee, look at how mad Zucc is that his privacy is being invaded. I wonder if his lizard brain can process the irony?
>Sup Forums back then was libertarian
That's because the big 'right-wing' ethos of the time was libertarianism, and popular libertarianism widely and quickly evolved into popular nationalism as the political landscape of the US/western world itself changed.
Ron Paul became Nigel Farage.
There's nothing particularly special about Sup Forums, Sup Forums didn't change that much and never has, the only real difference is that Sup Forums now has some more (or at least louder) left-leaning people who impotently cry about Sup Forums as if it's a mean and invasive boogeyman of evil opinions instead of a dedicated board of more intensively concentrated Sup Forums-centric politics.
The people who bitch and whine about "Sup Forums" at every given opportunity genuinely are on the wrong website to begin with.
now post the second half faggot
Sams graphic t under the blazer in the toss it project gets me every fuckin time
yeahhhh no, Sup Forums has always been a fringe website that was invaded by stormers in its adolescents. Stormfag has been a title on Sup Forums since inception. Since birth, there was a happy medium of unironic nazis, but mostly ironic nazis. The past 3 to 4 years reddit faggots have invaded, somehow trying to keep the guise that this is a "fringe website" with sjw principles. Youre a fucking nigger, and you need to go back to r/television
I hope we see some of the sketches in this
the cyberpunk shit is called 2masx just a pilot with some other network...ruse said maybe we'll see it
Yeah and all the nigger hate threads were just ironic right
The clothing is genius in the show. I didn't realize that Teenus's hoodie had all his gorilla dick pussy god dialogue printed on it until my, what, 15th viewing of the sketch?
nice, hope it happens. Wonder what this is from too
Charls>Goose tbqh
>millennial """"""""humor""""""""
Every minute you spend in your 20s trying to rack up a score with blown-out [popular image blogging site] powerdyke tattoo girls is wasted time... does she make lo-fi music with a tape recorder and some old sequencer thing? Waste of time. Does she study art at an art school? Waste of time. Does she have a [blog] where she posts all the cool stuff she finds and all the cool washed out grungey images and landscapes she finds? Waste of time. You should spend that time honing a skill, building your network, pursuing some goald, finding your purpose, bettering yourself, etc.
this is really bad bait
You want this to be true so bad lol
Nick....what's going on Big Guy?
It has to be the faggot from that video that keeps posting this right? Who else would care?
best mde skit tbqh
sam is really untalented. I wonder what he did all those years at RISD to come out completely clueless at an easy profession besides MUH IRONY.
lol I wouldn't be surprised. Hes such a bad fuckin actor
wow... that's kind of cringe and not in a good way
Well its been a pretty good thread, its been fun enough. I like shitposting with user, I like shitposting with I am forgotten poster...even though he is what he is...
According to NPR we are an underground message board for alt-right hackers
Memes aside what is this sky sbout? Is it like fake men trying to be tough but never actually doin anything or what?
Something about big brother and government. You can put up a fight but it's pointless in the end if you aren't the one in power.
This but not only. Theres disastrous shit constantly happening right infront of you , not even "hidden in plain sight." People choose to ignore it for an illusion of safety, typically.
keep posting your doing great sweetie :-)
Stupid question: why did they change the logo they had in the omitted sequences?
>Bloody as a bash
Do you know what Omitted was?
Leftists are so pathetic they troll themselves. Sad!