What does it feel like to not be American?
What does it feel like to not be American?
pretty good? same as everyone else i guess.
>a brit said something
i'm a pakistani visiting family in england, nice try.
Hail Brittania.
cute picture OP
unarmed, it feels like being unarmed
No nigs spics kikes gooks and 1000 times less homicide rape or violent crime and very high human development as well
>Muh HDI
>high HDI
So you choose to ignore any other point and attack the high hdi which we have?
awesome, some shit is going to happen in november and im happy to not be there
I can only imagine it's the worst feeling in the world tb quite h
Pretty good. Especially good everytime a news article about monkey hordes ruining yet another town comes out.
I'm grateful that I'm not part of such a steaming pile of dogshit of a country. If I was american I would have already killed myself.
gr8 b8 m8
Cosy and safe, with just a dash of excitement and no extra fat.
No, I agree that America is full of spics, kikes, gooks, and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime (due to the spics, kikes, gooks and has a lot of violent crime))))))))))))))))))))