>Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!!
Oh believe you me, us Norwegians are ITCHING for a war with USA. We will fucking ANNIHILATE your dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of American soil that has running water, electricity, or petrol that isn't on fire, once our airforce and navy is done bombarding your defenseless country. Then, our army boys (we'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping your women, and killing EVERY American pig shit they see. When Norway's done with you, we will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
Norway couldn't singlehandedly-destroy USA in a week TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!!
Other urls found in this thread:
low-tier bait
Shouldn't you be out drilling oil or something? Or getting killed by a moose?
What in the fuck am I reading?
>Australia couldn't singlehandedly-destroy NORWAY in a week TOP KEK NORWEGIAN PIG SHIT!!!
>meme navy
>Norway population: 5 million
>Nukes owned by Norway: 0
>Norway squares miles: 148,000
>U.S population: 320 million
>Nukes owned by U.S: over 5,000
>U.S square miles: 3.8 million
I could state more stats but I think you get the idea.
Face it Ahmed, you are an insignificant bug that the U.S would crush into the metaphorical sidewalk. Now go back to fucking your goat.
>five frigates
>What are nukes.
>meme nukes
Sorry we dont need outdated 60s tech
you blokes call that a navy?
>using nukes and carriers in 2016
How outdated are you?
Its like using a battleship in 2016
>outdated 60s tech
What the actual fuck? How many layers of nationalism are you on right now?
Our nasam missile system
Shoots down your outdated nukes before they even hit our soil
Face it.. nukes are irrelevant in 2016
>Norwegian Navy
You seem upset. Did Le'monjello Al-Skwigelfi cuck you?
Did you love it?
>nukes are irrelevant in 2016
You do realize nukes don't need to fly through the atmosphere right? All it takes is sneaking a single nuke into the capital and it's all over. There's a reason everyone flips their dick out whenever a third world nation says that have nuclear tech.
With the true nordic master race support from slovenia, norway could destroy america in a week.
mohammad just because usa fucked up your country doesnt mean we want to have war with them
Stale pasta
Slow morning in Sup Forums
>implying the us hasnt buried nukes under every country in the world and can destroy anyone with the push of a button
Norway has stuff that isn't black metal?
What's the matter americunt? Afraid? Our annihilation masterplan is already under way, our top agent Melania is on the case.
>green digital camo
>on the ocean
Your pussified civilians would not support any such aggression. BTW, awful bait, Hansel.
Wouldn't you be making more niggers by raping American women?
>no nukes
Did some rich guy decide to show off his collection of boats or something? Surely that isn't a sovereign nation's navy, is it?
Are you twelve years old?
t. norwegian with power-projection issues
Top kek burgerstan. Our fleet of 3 Pilatus aircraft are already on their way to destroy you.
Pic related. This will reign death upon your puny country
Australia has a new rival
I for one welcome our new Norse shitpost vikings
>3 Pilatus aircraft
Hva er det du driver med?
out for a two front law?
Russia cleared of a ‘war’ on Norway
Hi easy on the schnapps Anders...
You think that's all we have? Topkek. We also have a battleship Triglav. With a boat and 3 pilatus we will reign supreme on land and air. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Are you the cook?
Why the heck you guys fighting for?
Remember, muslims are the enemy gaiz
Rare af
Austria of course supports our Norse brothers in the reconquest of their rightful clay
With our unmatched STG-88 those filthy american pigs and their little nukes won't stand a chance
I hate this thread
>Canada couldn't singlehandedly-be destroyed by the USA in a week TOP KEK AMERICAN PIG SHIT!!!
Oh believe you me, us Canadians are ITCHING for a war with USA. You will fucking ANNIHILATE our dirty country. There wouldn't be a square meter of Canadian soil that has running water, electricity, or forest that isn't on fire, once your airforce and navy is done bombarding our defenseless country. Then, your army boys (you'd send the niggers and other mongrel races first) would swoop in, raping our women, and killing EVERY Canadian pig shit they see. When America's done with us, you will have committed acts of genocide. Of course no one is gonna do shit about it
>implying he isn't a muslim pretending to be "Norwegian"
Oh yes my friend. With the support of Slovenia, Norway we will breed you out with our nordic genes like the vermin that you are.
Only country ITT Norway may actually be able to fight
Wait a minute...THOSE ARE LAND BOATS! When they hit land they'll blend right in!
And it would be a Canadian victory,because if you let the enemy kill you,you win
Say that again, remember we have artillery the French left during the battle of Grand Port with the British.
Pic related.
Also we own Diego Garcia, island burgerstan made their base.
kek, this fucking guy.
He doesn't know it yet
Tell us about your life. Are you a permanent resident? Were you born there? What is the non tourist population like?
Never even heard of your island
Honestly summer makes us look really bad.
>American education
Am I missing something?
Is that the plane that doesn't even have weapons systems
Honestly in clinton wins the rest of the world is going to pounce. Usa is weak as fuck right now there is no way you would have enough troops.
>but muh nukes
Lol there is no way.
Everybody in the world hates what usa is doing to culture. And we're going to kill u and take the money
a brain.
>Honestly in clinton wins the rest of the world is going to pounce.
Pounce where, exactly? Are you implying the rest of the world would invade the United States of America? That they would put their boots on American soil, sail their ships in American waters, and fly their planes in American skies?
Wtf is Mauritius?
kill jews instead
it was p good when they tried it last time
If the rest of the world united then we would be fucked
Oh shit America, you shouldnt make Norway angry. Back in the 60's we sold them secret weapons developed by Kekkonen (nukes included)
If the rest of the world united, I hope they pull a Germany and get Hugo Boss to make their uniforms. I'd love to collect some new suits.
>All imports cut off to US
>US completely cucked by jews and corporations, America doesnt have the means of production like they did in the 30s
>America goes under siege until someone runs out of men or money
My Huge Boss suit is actually wonderful.
$850, incredible cut and also very comfortable. Quality wool. I want to wear it every day.
Why would a nuclear bomb not be a serious threat.
I'm 25% Australian and 25% Norwegian, give the word and I'll cripple our defenses so your forces can land.
But Slvoakia, you're landlocked...
It's just trolling you dense motherfucker
or wherever the fuck you came from
Do it fgt
That's what I though I just wanted to make sure.
If you use yours they use theirs, that's why it's not part of any ones battle plan.
Thanks for the interest Sir. I am at work right now but I’ll type as fast as I can. Yes I’m the forth generation of immigrants here. White makes up 10% and the rest are Indian hindus, muslims and niggers, pretty multicultural and quite a working one amidst a few disadvantages.
1 million tourists arrive yearly mostly from France, Germany and the UK. We have the highest gdp per capita in Africa, in spite of having ZERO natural resource. We just have nigger lesser than anywhere in Africa. The island has beautiful nature and you can come relax anytime you want. It’s not so bad but then it lacks good culture and surrounded by shitskins is depressing. But some are fine too.
>>America goes under siege until someone runs out of men or money
Remind me again where most nations gold in reserve is kept? I vaguely remember it being held on American soil.
Besides, if they put boots on the ground, do you really think our armed citizens won't defend their land and their nation even without support? Most gun owners have ammunition for their weapons as well.
I've heard that about them before, that's why I said I hope the enemy has them make their uniforms. I'd also happily settle for them supplying American troops and militias, then I wouldn't have to hunt for my size.
>That's what I though I just wanted to make sure.
WTF I hate Denmark now!
Oh sure, that will happen.
You'll totally destroy the USA with dinghys and sticks as weapons, and with the friendly refugees in your army totally helping you by giving ficki ficki to the other, more white soldiers in the army.
Sure you will Norway, you so stronk, sure you will...
>inb4 negative comment directed toward the russian army
LOL @ showing a Norwegian Flag in an F35.
If any of you allied countries ever got out of line with that technology, we'd skyjack it from you so fast. Guaranteed there are numerous fail safes from preventing our smart-tech from ever being a threat to us.
MIRV. Lay the mead down torsten.
>usa military budget bigger than your country's GDP
Im just saying war is fought on logistics, not necessarily firepower. American military is not invincible. Jets only work when there are parts.
Tanks only run when there is fuel.
Having to fight against a multitude of nations will really make it difficult for us. Our armed citizens would only do so much, especially if they go Pre Geneva rules about it and firebomb all of our homes.
There is a lot of coast and land cover. We only have so many military personnel.
This is a mindless argument anyway. Im going to bed.
t. Marine
I've seen a Mexican posting this exact pasta before
Why the fuck are you morons posting in an obvious copy-paste bait thread. This Nornigger has made the same bullshit North-Korean hostile threats before. Ignore him!
Except that all of Europe, half of Asia and outlying parts of the middle east would get instantly turned into glass parking lots. Canada won't fight us they depend on us to create culture for them.
You have the cutest Navy Norway.
You CTR shills need to stop doing shit like this. It's over. You lost. Deal with it.