Are goblins from Harry Potter jewish?

Are goblins from Harry Potter jewish?

Well ofc , a real Jew would not risk his life for free

I dont know but they fucktop !

shill thread


who asking Troll?

Losch das!

You're just fucking realizing that now?

I'm pretty sure Rowling had a dose or two of redpill. Obviously not a full regimen, seeing how she opposed Brexit and all. But you know she at least half woke.

>Rowling loves black Hermione!
>Trump is more evil than Voldemort
>bigotry has no place in the U.K.
Rowling is as bluepilled as they come.

Was Voldemort even evil? He had no reasons for being bad beyond lol he wants powah.

Voldemort wanted racial purity. He didn't want wizards to racemix with the mudbloods, so he was evil by leftist standards.

That should give you an idea of how "redpilled" Rowling really is.

Rowling, or rather Rowling's agent/secretary/press team, is just saying what she is expected to say

if you legitimately think these are Rowling's opinions on anything, you're dense

The literal plot of the series was a team of good little progressive kids going against an evil fascist race realist. Those are Rowling's opinions, you're the dense one here.

i must agree with the other anons, the entire plot of the franchise is that voldemort is evil because he doesn't want the gene pool muddied by those who are indeed objectively genetically worse for magic


So are the dwarves from LotR

I'm not talking about her work, I'm talking about her public persona

I doubt JK Rowling cares much for Black Hermione but of course she's going to tell the media that she loves her

again, this is her work, I'm talking about her person

JK Rowling clearly wrote Hermione with a geeky white girl in her mind, but if she'd turned around and said "no, I do not agree with this" she is painted as a racist and loses fans because of it

of course Harry Potter is a story about an unlikely group of friends overcoming evil, it's a kids book that she was writing for kids, I'm not talking about that anyway
I'm talking about the lady herself, and how if she'd stated anything but the "right" opinions, the liberal media would have torn her apart

I don't think this is so much a question of her views and opinions as it is a question of her personal integrity

Rowling almost definitely did not love black Hermione, writers get weird about their favourite characters, but she said she did anyway because it went in her favour to say, yes, Rowling loves black Hermione!

oh, also
>writer =/= their work
and you call me dense

Rowling has stated many times in the past that she believes all this leftie shit.
In this case, it's incredibly obvious that Rowling took all of her ideas about what constitutes a villain and condensed them into a single entity. It's a concept that gets mentioned here all the time--projection.

And besides, your entire argument is shit.
>she said all this stuff
>b-but she doesn't mean it, trust me

so what did you think of The Casual Vacancy?

Read the books ffs. The whole series is predicated on a struggle between wizards who believe pure blood is best and those who oppose them.

Hermione is literally a Marxist incarnation: "free the house-elves!"

Rowling has practically admitted she based the death eaters on the SS.

Just face it: those books you liked as a child were just one more set piece in the massive puzzle of liberal, degenerate entertainment contributing to the brainwashing of younger generations.

again, not what I'm even fucking talking about



Pick both.

I'm bored of you dense motherfuckers
at the end of the day, if you can't very obviously see a difference between JK Rowling, the character she plays in the mainstream media, and JK Rowling, the person she actually is, then you deserve a president like Clinton

This is exactly what i thought when i saw that movie

Grindelwald did nothing wrong!

Well they run the bank so yeah