>doesn't have a halal gf

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This bitch is ugly

Move aside

Here goes nothi



Might as well fuck a goat


fuck sand niggers

They're all pretty hot, would smash.


You can always settle for sub-par Kosher

Your god is false.

>>doesn't have a halal gf

I'd rather have a woman with a clitoris.

9/11 would shish her kebab.


damn, they wear a lot of make-up

ABSOLUTELY nice tits

>he fell for the modest Muslim meme

Women who wear the hijab are damaged goods compensating for the fact they have had their hymens repaired.

Google *Muslim hymenoplasty*


>Like an increasing number of Muslim women in Europe, she had a hymenoplasty, a restoration of her hymen, the vaginal membrane that normally breaks in the first act of intercourse.


>Doctor Marc Abecassis, whose office is near the chic Champs Elysees, sees the rise in religion among France's five million Muslims fuelling this trend. His patients are between 18 and 45 years old, Muslim, born both in France and in North Africa.

Enjoy those """virgins"""

>be teen Islamic woman
>move to western country with father's oil money
>enjoy western lifestyle with fancy clothes and technology
>use position to advocate for more islam so they can take away my western lifestyle


Is that why their sandnigger men all run off to Europe to fuck white women?

All I see is shitskin trash.

>Falling for the virgin meme
There's a reason why some women over 18 are involuntarily virgins.

They fuck white women, then marry their own kind.

Also, don't fall for these Jew race mixing topics.

>tfw no kosher gf

So they admit their kind is substandard?

>implying any of the girls in OP would give the light of day to this NEET pasty little neckbearded manlet with a micro drink

I've never fucked an Arab, I'm doing my best to be a global and non discriminatory womaniser.

How can you even live with being a paki?

I don't think they think their women are substandard, but the Muslims I know go clubbing and fuck white women, then it's time to get married they find a proper girl back home that there parents approve of, which means a virgin girl.

That's what OP said

Why do hijabis always have such an awful attitude?

>muslim girl marrying a non muslim is halal

i dont think so m8


He lives with his 13 year old sister wife

>inbred Pakistan
>talking about dick size

Nigga you guys are so inbred that your country should be called chapatistan.


Is it even possible to date a Muslim girl without being murdered by her father or brothers?

>tfw when devout Catholic gf who's never had a bf and is helping me convert
>tfw OP is a goatfucking degenerate that worships the moon

Aw hell I gotta roll even if I don't wanna.

if by date you mean rape then yes that is possible to do you don't even need a mask she's already partially blind folded.

In romanian halal is translated to trashy

Convert to Islam and they'll think it's fine.
Well some. Others are fervent racists and won't allow whitey a taste.


I like to wipe my cum off their face with their hijabs before they go out in public wearing it with my cumstains.

that harem is haram, ahmed

>wanting to fuck a pile of sheets

Everybody knows Arab women are 1-3 foot dwarfs using stilts. That's why they get so man when they're told they don't need to wear it outside of their third world shitholes.

Roll for haram

>hurr hurr if you don't racemix you must be a NEET goyim

I wouldn't ask any of them for the time of day. Inbred muz-face all around. The only passable one is the obvious Malay.

I dated a Muslim in junior high, and when I walked her home we had to split off halfway there so we didn't get too close and get seen. I couldn't talk to her on the phone, and she was never allowed out. She was really hot though. Had huge titties. I broke it off because I was too paranoid about being murdered by her cousins.

Arab man here, thank god im am half white. The arab part off me is French-Lesbianese, while the white part is Greek/Albanian. I am Bektashi.

Our women r shit

whats the point of that selfie? you cant identify shit


oh sid whad ubbb

I dont like her. GOing to reroll for second wife

allah akbar

ugh... 3th wife time

ahibegigebe give me a cutie gf


5st WIFE. Need one that can actually get me hard.

That'll do. But one more time for my 6rd and final wife.

>Doesn't have running water.

Goddammit. Got three of the same bitch. FML

Just ban me from posting mods and end my plight already...


rollin and hopin for the third one she doesnt look like she has a phone so thats a plus

if you know islam you will realise that each one of them sin't wearing hijab correctly also they are all trash.
what is Sup Forums opinion on christian arabs tho?

They also do 50% of the abortions here (being 7% of the population)

No. I don't want a woman who covers up her entire body to look like Grimace just to fulfill her religion, no matter how qt her face may be. Drop the sheet, or I'm not banging that.


roll 48 git

>screencap a hasid from a renegade school in the west bank who has no standing whatsoever in Israeli society