How can movies like this exist without the corporations they're based on suing the fuck out of the filmmakers...

How can movies like this exist without the corporations they're based on suing the fuck out of the filmmakers? They're literally using McDonalds logos and figures.

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Fair use laws.

You think McDonalds gives a fuck? They make billions and people still go to their restaurants no matter how much other people criticize them.

Do documentaries violate the NAP?

Its a documentary you turboturd, companies can't sue works of historical fact.

Why would honestly care? In this case it's not the fucking logo that McDonalds is selling, it's nothing away from them. This is just free advertising

Then explain this.

That is an actual McDonald's frachise that screwed up on the signs and decided to roll with it

Formerly McDonald's

Because if they sued the movie makers the movies would have been constantly mentioned in the new. Same shit with the Facebook movie, apparently Zuckerberg went ballistic when the movie got released and forbid all of his employees to watch it or even mentioned. Big companies let it slide because the public forgets very quickly.

Damn I want some McD's in me now

desu I fancied a mcdonalds after eating this

the only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about

Well, I don't think the movie was just a blatant biased piece of shit like super-size me and that wasn't takeb down either. So either Mcdonalds doesn't give a fuck or they can't do anything. Still the movie didn't portrayed anyone literally "in the wrong", it was just a historical piece that showcased how one if the modt influential brands in history was created and the up and downs of it. I doubt you believed for something this big to be created, everything was going to run smoothly. Kroc really didn't had to fuck the brothers with the royalties and he was kind off an asshole to his wife, but he really accomplished what the brothers couldn't.

>watched movie
>got a QP+fries afterwards

I don't really see how McDonalds suffered


Go get that Big Mac you've been craving user. Or maybe even 2 for 5

A) Rat Kroc has been dead for a while
B) It didn't say anything derogatory about the company or it's products
C) Everything else is a matter of public record

Maybe. Macros on a big Mac aren't as bad as people think, it's just that fatties eat them 3x a week on top of fried potatoes and ice cream. I think I may just settle my stomach with a couple double burgers or see if they have any nicer looking big sammies.

Meanwhile, shows like mythbusters constantly had to tape over logos or blur them out. You see things like that all the time on non drama tv shows.
>some guy in the background wearing a nike shirt?
>better blur it out so people don't know that Nike shaped blur is a Nike logo.

I used to eat that garbage daily.
I dropped like 50 puns when I quit 6 years ago.

Pounds you retarded phone.

not so they don't get sued, more they don't want to give away free advertising.

Post puns

The "no such thing as bad publicity" philosophy.
I mean how much business did they get after Supersize Me out of pure spite of that film that still happens probably to this day?

I watched The Founder and immediately wanted to go to McDonalds for a McDouble and fries. I think McD’s knows that

>unzips dick
Come get my McD big boy

>I used to eat that garbage daily.
Were you drinking sodas like a fat little piggy?
I can't talk shit, I work right next door to a McDonalds so I end up eating that garbage more often then I'd care to admit. I go to lunch at 10am, so I usually get breakfast. And IDGAF what anyone says I've always loved the bacon egg & cheese biscuit.

Parody law

>free advertising
>makes the original CEO look like a bastard in line with Occupy Wall Street doctrine dogma
>shits on the quality of McDonalds products
>film designed specifically to highlight cancerous business practices in big corporations
>free advertising
They can use it without repercussions because McDonalds is no joke such an integral part of American culture.

Well at least you figured out that you're not supposed to eat fast foods every day. They get a bad rap from over indulging fatties who eat breakfast and dinner there every day which I don't think is fair. I mean ffs if you bought the ground beef and ate burgers slathered in mayo 2x a day at home, what are you going to do? Sue the pink and white when you blow an artery?

It still looks dumb. I understand trying to sell advertising, but these shows take place in the real world and we are exposed to company names all the time. Now excuse me while I take a sip of this 0 sugar 0 calorie Monster® Ultra™

It also protects the production company and network since it could be construed as copyright infringement since they don't have the legal rights to show their trade mark logo.

Yeah, but it makes McDonalds look like a company founded on lies and deceit. Then there are movies like Professor Marston and the Wonder Women coming out next week which are all about how Wonder Woman is just a sex comic.

Why isn't WB trying to stop that movie, especially given how much of a hit WW was this year?

I drank sodas too.
I was a dumb poor kid living next to a McDonalds.

When I started working I started cooking my own meals.

>it makes McDonalds look like a company founded on lies and deceit.
Not really user. 3/4's of the movie is just showing Roy working his ass off and selling the shit out of this franchise and maintaining the quality of the brand, hand picking the first franchisees.
Its only after he realizes he's not getting what he think's he deserves that he goes full merchant.

parody like that is allowed in japan as long as the copyright holder they're parodying doesn't complain.

no such thing as bad publicity

Well you can't deny the founding events of today's McDonald's. There were 2 brothers named McDonald who got Kroc'd, why do you think they aren't part of today's advertising like fat Wendy or the Colonel

That's all common knowledge.
People know that to some extent the founders were jewed out of the franchise.

kek, compare this to akiba's trip which has the MC's go to a real Carl's Jr twice during the course of the show

The pivotal key of success is going full merchant
McDonalds, Microsoft, Walmart, Monsanto all are cutthroat businesses which will gladly use every Jewish Trick, if not inventing more.


>Yeah, but it makes McDonalds look like a company founded on lies and deceit

And what big company isn't?

You can eat McDonald's daily and have no problems whatsoever. You can't pig out with every meal at McDonald's making everything into a large combo with an extra large Coke and a sundae on the side and not expect problems.

China doesnt respect international copyright laws at all
Incredibly illegal but no one cares since they offer cheap labor

The entire movie basically jerks off the idea of McDonald's and fast food

Oh sure, Modern McD's. But you saw it in the movie, people were loving the concept, and the people who were owning and operating the stores were making out like gang busters.
Kroc was the one who was getting shafted considering he was putting in a load of work.
And walmart was a completely different company when Sam Walton was running it.

Notice the ram or Baphomet symbolism om this "minimal cover.

Free speech still exists. In America, it's only libel if you didn't think it was true. These movies are all basically true.

Not really a comparison, the Colonel made himself into a logo, and they don't use pictures of Kroc on McDonalds ads either.

Didn't even think about that, neat

>eating films
Do Americans really do this

>implying everyone already doesn't know that
They see the burger and fires and they wil get the urge to go to McDonald's.

The worst thing he does is fuck over the two founders and divorce his wife, and even then the movie doesn't seem to really care about that

>>shits on the quality of McDonalds products
What planet?

>not literally consuming Kino


They don't use Kroc or anything closely related to the founding era precisely because it was a messy event,

They could still sue depending on the circumstance. I don't think Nike would like their brand to appear in Catch a Predator and be associated with pedophiles.

Not everyone is a sheltered cuck like you, most people know what it takes to get to the top in the corporate world, it's just how it works. I don't think anyone was surpised to see Ray Kroc's business practices. It's like saying The Social Network is harmful to the facebook brand.

They used to have a plaque with his relief in all mcdonalds.

>Not everyone is a sheltered cuck like you
>says the user on Sup Forums of all places

WcDonalds is REAL?!

It actually makes service for mcdonalds for making average dumb people think "okay, replacing the milk from milkshakes was a pretty nasty thing"

The actual case is far worse. The milkshake machines are full of unidentified slime as result of using only starch and wheat based products as base for milkshake, they use cellulose in hamburger buns in europe which causes many cases of diarrhea


>i'm a kissless virgin neet therefore everyone is
Yeah, you are a sheltered cuck alright.

They are working on the sequel now
> Founder 2: Mystery of the Perpetual Broken Ice Cream Machine

>projecting this hard
>bumping a thread that was almost dead because you're this triggered

Why is the fucking milkshake machine always down? I just want my flippin milkshake!

Shoulda bought the six spindle.

I think the niggers who work there are just too lazy/retarded to use it so they just claim it broke.

It takes a really long time to clean, so while theyre cleaning it they say its broken

When are you ordering it?
I was a closing manager for a fast food restaurant, and the shake machine is one of the biggest pains in the ass to clean, and usually one of the first things you start breaking down when you're 15 minutes to close... and every time you start a little earlier some asshole comes through wanting a shake,

>and every time you start a little earlier some asshole comes through wanting a shake,

Then clean the frequently used appliance at the prescribed time. You probably make families and kids feel like shit for wanting a product that should be available.


Isn't the answer obvious?

Because barely anyone gives a shit. There are many documentaries describing the horrible conditions a lot of farm animals are held in and yet many people still continue buying cheap meat. They could portray McDonald's as badly as they wanted and it would barely make a difference in their profits.

That's called branded content

Macdonalds isn't even doing well anymore. They've been closing lots of stores in the united states. They're nowhere near as big as they used to be.

it's almost like pic related has been right the whole time...

MAGA 2020

I think Macdonald has shrunken to a state you can safely assume they can't sue your ass off anymore. Which is why you didn't see this movie in its heyday.

It's freedom of speech

Yeah, even in my 3rd world McDonalds they had those. Felt like I was the only one who noticed when they got removed.
Why did they get removed again?

Of course he's right, he's been using chinese labor for decades

This probably did more damage to the franchise

>frequently used appliance
They're not frequently used at all though, that's the thing.

Formerly Chuck's

Fucking kek

Is this the worst successful documentary of all time?
It hurts my brain to think about how fucking pointless it was.

I hated this so fucking much when it came out
>hurrr I ate 5000 calories everyday for a month, why did I get fat?
The retards who saw it were even worse. Everyday after this came out it was "Bro, McDonalds is fucking poison, bro. One Big Mac and you're obese bro." Then they would stuff down a meatball footlong at Subway everyday and cry when they gained weight.
>"B-But it's healthy!"
Fucking retards. This shitty doc cemented normies retarded beliefs on nutrition and made it impossible to argue against it because
>"Did you eat McDonalds everyday? Didn't think so."
I hope that ginger faggot Spurlock gets ass cancer and dies.

How long did you WAIT to see results

It's pretty scary to think about how many teachers have shown this garbage to kids.
It feels like at least half of the population in western countries have NO idea what calories even are, yet preach about micronutrients and "toxins" in food.


That's what shit does. Sit until used. It's not your call if it's profit doesn't pay its usefulness.

Most of your margin comes from selling soda. People really don't appreciate the markup.

I helped organize a small health survey in college that would gauge how well students knew nutrition and its effects on the body. I felt like killing myself when the results came back.
One of the questions compared two products labels, one which had 2 servings, each 150 calories, and the other product one serving, each 250 calories.
Around a 1/3 of the respondents said the product with two servings had less calories. One third. One third of college students could not figure out a fucking nutrition label and basic arithmetic. When we looked up the demographics, it wasn't surprising. Close to 2/3 of the women answered wrong. Women are absolutely retarded when it comes to nutrition.

What? There's no milk in their milkshakes? I used to drink those things quite a lot as a kid. Now I want to retroactively throw up.

Probably because it's essentially marketing and advertising for McDonalds anyway.
Imagine how many people went out and just got McDonalds because of this movie.

I've tried to explain to my fat dad that eating some meat for a meal, filling and rich in protein, is far better than eating a bunch of bread, but he honestly thinks that eating bread constitutes being on some kind of diet, despite it basically being the same as eating sugar.

>who knew eating fatty foods and ordering large portions made you fat and depressed

Everything in that kitchen is making money. That's the only concern

I've worked in food service. If you come in 15 minutes before closing and think you can get whatever you want then you're a nigger, fuck off.