Roger Deakins

>13 Oscar nominations.

Will he finally win one with Bladerunner?

Other urls found in this thread:

They'll give him a posthumous oscar just to piss him off even more

Dunkirk or The Shape of Water will win, they will cuck him forever.
Not that Deakins cares about it at all.

An oscar?

With that shitty photoboi camera?

Get the man a RED Weapon. Maybe then he'll get something.

they have every fedoras favorite actor one finally(leo) so why not their favorite memetographer at this point

>Red cucks btfo.
>Nazi's always win.

Who do you think deserved the Oscar that year more than Dicaprio?
Because the rest of the actor nominations were pretty poor also, I mean Matt Damon in The Martian? Bryan Cranston in the most forgettable Trumbo? Fassbender as the flat Steve Jobs? Transgender Redmayne?

People often make the mistake of thinking that actors get an Oscar for their best role in their life, but they get an Oscar for the best performance of that year, there is no comparison with the rest of his career in the evaluation. It was just a shit year for male leads.
Same goes for any other category.

What's everyone's favourite Deakins shot?



The first one is basically DUDE SMOKE LMAO

Remember the shot were deckard and the old guy are looking at the tv in that blue room while he explains he's got 6 skinjobs? There is fucking smoke for no reason, none of them are smoking

Stop listening to cinemasins.
There was a lit cigar.

There isnt even any fucking cigarette look at the source of it

don't bother
he doesn't actually know a thing about cinematography which is why he made a grid instead of webms

GODARD: You forget the cinema is people who invest their money, invest their ideas, their heart. Actors invest their body and sometimes their heart. I invest my heart. One has rarely seen technicians invest in the cinema. [Excuse me.] One has rarely seen technicians invent equipment. It wasn’t a sound engineer who invented the Nagra. You didn’t invent the Arriflex — you don’t even know who invented it. Hitler invented the Arriflex, so battles could be filmed. That’s why you have a light camera.

CINEMATOGRAPHER: This is not what they invented…

GODARD: NO, but the Arriflex was developed from it…

CINEMATOGRAPHER: I know the story…

GODARD: It was the military…

CINEMATOGRAPHER: I know the story…

GODARD: I regret that a cameraman or a camera operator never invented, the way a singer invents a song. There are many things like that. So when one is insulted, one knows what risks he’s taking on the film; he doesn’t have to take risks but he doesn’t have to sulk either! There are enough unemployed in France.

CINEMATOGRAPHER: It’s now been 5 weeks that we have a strange relationship with you…

GODARD: And I have a strange relationship with you. And you have a curious relationship with the sun. I’d rather spend an hour discussing an intonation.

That movie had some solid shots.

Roger Deakins is the Hans Zimmer of cinematography

>Not sure if good or bad.

I looked up what films beat his at the oscars

>shawshank lost to legends of the fall

>fargo lost to the english patient

>kundun lost to titanic

>o brother where art tho lost to crouch tiger hidden dragoon

>the man who wasn't there lost to LOTR 1

>assassination of jesse james and no country for old men lost to there will be blood

> the reader lost to avatar

>true grit lost ot inception

>skyfall lost to life of pi

>prisoners lost to gravity

>unbroken lost to birdman

>sicario lost to the revenant

He is tied for most nominations (13) without an award (the other guy: but the total number of loses (17/18) is taken by and (14/18)


fucking lmao

He has won other awards though

>guys let's silhouette ourselves at dusk instead of conducting stand-to
>such operator
>much tactical


for all you know they could be in a valley



Fucking based deakins

Deakins is definitely getting it this year. The only closest competition is Dunkirk's cinematograpy, but it was just okay.

I'm fully erect right now.

Dunkirk's cinematography was masterful, Blade Runner just looks like neon mcdonalds, the "im acting" equivalent in cinematography

The most try-hard shot in modern cinema

Your reliance on buzzwords doesn't make for a very compelling argument.

I bet you haven't even seen it

tough year isn't it?
with meme films like dunkurk and shit

he really is the zimmer of cinematography

Dunkirk is the best movie of the year and certainly top of the decade, not "meme films" you fucking spastic

they smoked before the scene retard

how is dunkerk not a meme film explain away

dunkirk was boring

>assassination of jesse james and no country for old men lost to there will be blood

>You'll never cuck your chance of winning the oscar by making two kino's in one year and causing a vote split.

Inb4 character devredditment

Well first and foremost it's not based on memes how the fuck could it be a meme film

yeah nice back peddling retard

>life of pi and gravity have won before
who cares?

lubezki won't get nominated for song to song and there's no 3D movie that's classy enough for the Oscars this year (four of the past eight winners have been 3D), so yeah, he'll probably get it

would be hilarious if he got cucked again though

Lubezki is such a hack.
While the framing and composition in The Revenant was beautiful, I would still give it to Deakins that year because the visuals in Sicario actually tell a story, while in The Revenant most of it is empty pretty visuals and long take gimmicks which Lubezki has done a million times already.
Not to mention that half of The Revenant visuals are ripped straight from Tarkovsky, especially the dream sequences.

>dat deakins deakotography
like I give a fuck about this wb

No Lubezki isn't a hack, but in the case of The Revenant, he certainly was working with a hacky director who made all the creative decisions you're talking about.

>Lubezki is such a hack.
t. memekins drone

I'm not the guy you asked but I think Redmayne's performance in Danish Girl was in my opinion should have won that year. And Leo could have gotten it with Wolf of the Wallstreet the year before. Redmayne's put out a stronger performance on Danish Girl than he did with playing hawking. And leo was more captivating in wolf of the Wallstreet even though I liked the Revenant his performance in it was basically grunting it was believable but nothing extraordinary


Dunkirk's cinematography does not even remotely compare to what Deakins achieved with Blade Runner 2049. Blade Runner 2049 will be in talks for having the best cinematography of all time for years to come.


Judging by what critics say which is what matters here, comparing the RT comments, Dunkirk will probably get an award for sound and BR2049 an award for Cinematography or Visuals

>This cinematographer is a hack, I could do much better myself

Fuck Godatd. Heres a letter written to him by Truffaut where he gets eviscerated.

>Lubezki is such a hack.
what else do i expect from a fucking sicario fan. go back now pls

he is shit. boring shots that reddit loves to circle jerk over. watch more movies.
embarrassing post

>Lubezki is such a hack.
I want to punch you in the face.

>if I refuse to recognize how the cinematography advances the story than it doesn't
>I recognize a reference so I'm superior
If you truly loved the form you would see why both Lubezki and Deakins excel in different ways.

Just so you know this guy copy pasted a post from an previous BR thread and just added "lubezki is a hack" at the start

But I agree that The Revenant was a bit too gimmick filled. The last film where Lubezki actually used long takes and a handheld camera as a way to support the narrative and not just as an empty gimmick was Children of Men. Maybe if they were used in a few select scenes to emphasize those parts in The Revenant, but using it in almost every single scene with Dicaprio just removed any effect or impact it had and made all those scenes on the same level of dynamics no matter what's happening.