Post your favorite redesigns





disgusting, its like im looking at doctor strange








Toss up between D and E



fuck you I like it


>user says while posting a wannabe Ezio

B and E are both great.

This easily is Spider-Mans greatest design right next to his traditional, black suit, and ben reilly costumes.


Fuck me the pure cancer of this unmitigated filthy pile of trash opinions is fucking horrific.


Let us see one of your favorite redesigns, user.

I actually understand why these characters look the way they do and why its aesthetically pleasing faggot.

>Renegades Cobra Commander knockoff trash.
>le dark n' realistic may may.

Explain the appeal of this pls

Not nearly ridiculous enough
>Posts a Superman "redesign" of all things
>No trunks

>I actually understand why these characters look the way they do and why its aesthetically pleasing
>That pic
Okay buddy

>no goldfish bowl
Throw it in the trash
This is the best Mysterio redesign

>>Posts a Superman "redesign" of all things
>>No trunks
Its my favorite of the "no trunks" redesigns since it keeps the color balance intact.

>That wing spam
>criticizing someone elses opinions on good design.

Its not bad user but poor play.

Now lets talk god tier aesthetics.

>>criticizing someone elses opinions on good design.
>Its not bad user but poor play.
He started it lol
But honestly, I fucking love wings.

To be fair, his entire head isnt a fishbowl in that design either. But yeah Shattered Dimensions had a sweet Mysterio design


>But honestly, I fucking love wings.
Wings are good, especially if they're pronounced and form part of the silhouette, but theres too many of them on that cap.


Yeah I see what you mean. I don't have a lot of redesigns saved.

Wonder Thighs

You are right about color balance but there's one thing atrocious about this design: the "belt." 1) It's too thick to be a belt; it might as well just be briefs. This thickness leaves too much red negative space at the bottom of the buckle, thus negating the balance you pointed out 2) Each recurrence of red has a geometric motif, ie, an angular top and bottom edge, but the "belt," while following the motif at its top edge, jeopardizes the entire aesthetic balance of the costume with that autistic curve at the bottom. Also, OP here. The first four images I posted aren't really my favorite either. I just needed to get the thread started. My actual favorites are the Alex Ross ones.

Killer Frost with short hair

>Belt and pants

Thanks for posting my waifu

Swamp Witch Enchantress

Tacticool done proper.

True enough, its frustrating that people wont accept the trunks, they're perfect and still work in a modern setting due to the prominence of professional wrestling which overwrites the strongman influence.


My issue with this is the markings on the forehead look like wrinkles or stretch marks or some shit

Cyberpunk Sukeban Katana

>Just Jaime My Shit Up


I'd say the more pronounced spider and a more signature hoodie. It's not bad desu

Bog Witch Enchantress, Katana, and Diablo are the only good things to come from that film.

Just the goat redesign

It kind of is. Has the general shape of his standard bowl, even if it isn't exactl.

That being said, I could live with something like the one you posted. I feel his design from the second movie game is also worth mentioning

That sixth helmet.

Joker and Boomerang.

>fur trim

Doom be on fleek.

see: Boomerang yeah, forgot, Joker nah, face tats and dental caps arent clicking with me. Letos goo

Best Cheetah.

>big red hair
>sporty and athletic, yet seductive outfit
>cheetah print inner thighs

C'mon man. That looks retarded.

it's not an intentional redesign, but I feel this is a better look for the same concept compared to Poison

>niggas wearin thigh highs

Shit dude he's kinky.


you're getting pretty quick on the draw there.


Im partial to the Doom Cheetah design myself

Get out of my thread you cuck

>face tats and dental caps arent clicking with me.

Valid, although I think the facial tats are so small that they're barely noticeable. Even DAMAGED is barely there, but I can understand not wanting it.

The grill has grown on me one I realized how much more visible it makes his smile on camera. In the comics Joker's teeth are always visible when he grins, and the grill really makes his smile pop on camera.

Op is a massive fag

That one's definitely my second favorite. I like the purple on the other one a little better though.

No memes, completely serious, the Affleck

Get out of here u cuck

Get out u cuck

Fucking hell did Murdock draw that himself?


No where near as good as this one imo


This begs the question as to how Netflix Iron Fist is going to pan out. Because I dont see the yellow mask making a debut sadly

um...user you clicked the wrong image

Oh whoopsies!

Yeah this ones pretty good too. A tad oversexualized in my opinion but hey when is that a bad thing?

Bong Witch would be a good name for a heavy stoner metal band

D-doom? What did they do to you?


Dr.Doom looks like THAT?

now thats a comic id read

Think he has another set, but I can't remember.
Aside from the Joker I like them all.

Usually hate shit with limiting bare skin but this somehow works in my opinion


Captain Bromerang

I might be biased since I made it myself, albeit with a template I found on deviantart, but most Spidey designs either deviate too far from the norm or not far enough. Went for a look that blended the Superior and Reily suits, while giving it the paler blues of the older cartoon Spideys. I think it came out pretty well, but again, that's personal bias.

Better than the absolute trash we got in Daredevil S2

Agreed. The hand ninjas were awful too. Considering how great nobus costume was in season 1


>No mask

Get your shitty Doom out of here.

This is a shit thread op


Why don't you make it better by posting a fucking redesign user? If you don't have any, then fuck off you cuck!

I kinda like that Cyborg design.

"something something skeleton wonder woman wah wah wah"

Whoa chill out bro you sound like such a huge faggot right now

So do you. Now leave my thread and don't come back. Take your hurt feelings and go.