>Movie set in New York
>Characters randomly yell badda bing badda boom
Movie set in New York
Other urls found in this thread:
>Hey, I'm walkin' here
> Movie has a scene in brazil
> It's either the Amazon rainforest or the Rio favelas
Not all New Yorkers talk like that u know
>overhead Christ the Redeemer shot.
>Eeeeeeyyy Miiikeeyyy, you dun dat thing widdat thing I asked ya to?
lol why is new york so fucking terrible
New York City is the best city in the world
Best transportation
Best food
Next to no crime compared to nearly every big city in the world
Diverse but not mixed neighborhoods
Full of job opportunities
Overall great aesthetics
Go fuck yourself
>mfw every new yorker unironically says and believes this
Oh man would know better than the people who actually live there woooaaaah
Fucking faggot. I hate morons like you
New York is not in FBI's top 15 worse cities in america, yet it's one of the biggest cities in the world. Really makes you think
that's cause america has a lot more than 15 terrible cities
he's not wrong flyover
So does most other countries in the world?
Why do new yorkers have to do mental gymnastics to try to convince themselves new york is good, just because it is not as bad as Detroit, Oakland, Memphis, etc?
I have never lived in a flyover state, that is also the only dumb-dumb argument jew yorkers can come up with.
maybe in the third world
Well, I think we should break up big cities and have many more smaller cities in the 200k range, but New York is breddy decent for being a huge industrial city.
>Proud New Yorka ova ere, baby.
Still no argument about why New York City sucks haha wow.
Look at this brainlet
I do that shit and I'm a New Englander.
>movie from 2006
>Jeez Louise, its always somethin' in this town!
It stinks, and I don't like it.
you faggots are going to ruin this pepe, he's only funny when he's posted once every blue moon
Hola reddito
>flyover means an area like south dakota without large cities
know whats in large cities?
low class blacks
know what low class blacks do?
commit 90% of the violent crimes in america
yeah, ill enjoy my flyover area kek
Not an argument
Your life is fucking boring lmao
There's literally nothing in to do in flyovers you introverted freak
>Who do you think ya talkin to short stuff?
>lewding Star and not Marco
Staph making fun of my accent :c
>Aye you talkin about New York? You talkin bout my city? I'll bring my boys round and we'll kick your pansy ass, eh! It's fuckin New York!
Stfu you dumb fucking cunt
You just mad your city sucks
Don't you have a train you should be catching, or someone you should be buzzing up to your apartment?