Why are people so concerned over pneumonia?
>B-b-but it's actually 4D AIDS cancer
There's no evidence she has ANYTHING other than what her doctor said
Why are people so concerned over pneumonia?
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Hillary is finished, it's over
>no evidence.
Why don't you just answer me this, Mr. Shill. What is evidence for?
I don't recognize the woman.
Evidence, like you know what that is.
1 post by this ID.
>Hillary for Prison Hospital 2016
>that height difference
Kek, what gives a womanlet like herself the delusions that she can be commander in chief? When will womanlets learn?
what i dont get is why people want to vote for her? just put other younger woman to elect, do people want to kill hillary or something?
go on
Her glasses are all the evidence I need
pneumonia is already bad enough, it can be deadly. There's no need to lie about it.
So they don't pay the shills to talk, they just hit us and run with these threads?
You'll never convince anyone that way, if you don't even answer questions.
Avery was convicted on less evidence he committed the murder of Halbach, than there is evidence to suggest shillary has more than ammonia.
Pneumonia is not a big deal in most cases for a healthy person. For children and the elderly it can be fatal.
Pneumonia is frequently a complication from other more serious conditions. It's a complication more often than an initial issue. It's a deep lung issue and it frequently follows an upper respiratory issue.
Hillary has been coughing incessantly for months and had a serious (as in often fatal) upper respiratory issue several years back. The pneumonia came from whatever gave her the cough, and her medical history predisposes her to some pretty bad things.
Despite all the meme magic stuff, there's really no conspiracy theory here, it's pretty obvious that she has something more going on.
why did she lie about feeling okay? it feels pretty shitty have pneumonia and you would totally notice it's not just "allergies".
I think this may be the most important thing here. They lied about her just having allergies, then they lied about it being heat exhaustion, and now they're saying it's just a random case of pneumonia, but why would we believe them at this point? If all it had been was a completely run-of-the-mill issue, they wouldn't have lied so much about it.
> For children and the elderly it can be fatal
> Hilary Clinton
> 68 yo
>There's no evidence she has ANYTHING other than what her doctor said
Did her doctor say she had pneumonia and nothing else at all? Just saying she was diagnosed with pneumonia doesn't mean she doesn't have something worse or that her collapse was even caused by it.
Announcing she has pneumonia was actually clever, despite not saying it caused her shaking and collapse, people will jump to conclusion that they meant that was the cause. So it shuts down the focus on brain damage while technically not saying anything untrue, presuming she has mild pneumonia.
>I think this may be the most important thing here. They lied about her just having allergies, then they lied about it being heat exhaustion, and now they're saying it's just a random case of pneumonia, but why would we believe them at this point? If all it had been was a completely run-of-the-mill issue, they wouldn't have lied so much about it.
That's the trick they aren't lying technically. She could have very well have had all those problems on top of more serious issues.
It's like if you had someone in hospital for multiple gunshot wounds and a broken finger. If asked where they are you could technically say "they are in hospital recovering from a broken finger". People will assume it's meant that the person only suffered a broken finger, but the statement is not untrue. Omitting details of other issues doesn't automatically imply the person is otherwise healthy.
You spelled Parkinson's wrong faggot
There wasn't any (((Evidence))) of (((Pneumonia))) yesterday either.
The doctor's statement.
Why are people so concerned over Hillary's health?
>B-b-but it's actually 4D AIDS cancer
There's no evidence she has ANYTHING
t. you a week ago
>collapsing in public
Yeah, she'll make a great president.
Not to bluepill or anything, but there are a lot of young women who hate the idea of Hillary being the standard bearer for women in politics in the US
>Why are people so concerned over pneumonia?
Because it tends to be fatal in old people
>what is evidence for?
>The doctor's statement
Do you know how to read?
Maybe it's hard to believe for some people on Sup Forums but doctors tend to value their professional integrity.
It used to be known as the older peoples friend, they would catch it and fade and die away.
It doesn't look good for her to be falling down in public like that!
Alright buds, you can take your time. Once you figure out what I'm actually asking, come back with an answer that makes sense.
It's pretty clear to me that she has something wrong with her and I don't believe much of anything she, or her paid physician, has to say about her condition.