/BSE/ - BadSelfEater General Temporary OP

Mystery fake bank notes have showed up across the country. What do they mean? Why do they link to FBcom/ThankMrTeeth and BadSelfEater.com ? Nobody knows. Help us find out!

>dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
>dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0

>badselfeater.com/ (with countdown to September 14th at 7pm EST)

>Department of Defense demo by Minerva initiative minerva.dtic.mil/
>Wikileaks/Assange fucking with people (not their style)
>WW3 with the end result of a one world government
>Metal dump
>Fed leak
>Historical info for McKinley or JFK assassination
>NEW POLITICO SITE (had info prior to their FOIA article about Clinton Library) hughhewitt.com/politico-co-founder-jim-vandehei-msm-anti-trump-bias-2016/
>CERN opening gateway to Hell/Saturn to bring Lucifer to Earth

>Vide Cor Meum by Patrick Cassidy

>[YouTube] Servants of the State for Your Good (embed) (on BSE site as of 9/11)
→ (last thread)

Please don't correct this record, it could very well end up being a leak.

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0

Still here.

Recent findings:
>Poster at Clinton Library
>Poster at Board Game Island in Galveston, TX with ded dragon
>Poster at Trump Tower with hands clasping IRS logo
>Site changed from white to red and now has "you're welcome" in console, op video, and art from the posters in alternate views
>Hillary delivered her first speech about the emails in UN building next to Picaso's Guernica
>Bills distributed tonight in Chicago and Oklahoma City with "take one and live" message

The 3301 have finally began their active phase, it may all seem "scary" but do not worry, the 3301 is for the benefit of our sentience.

Be ready to destroy all you own.
As most things are not worth preserving.

>badselfeater = federalbeast
>the site is red now!!

Is this just a warning? Or is there somthing to be uncovered?

All i know is this better not turn out to be something stupid, like every single other time.

so, what kind of happening can we expect? Will it be as dissappointing as the last ones or better / worse?

Where were the bills on the west coast exact locations?

Also someone dump more of the CERN raid and religious Satan games from last thread

look at the information in the show more bar. I still think this just a project mayhem 2012 reboot.

Personally I think there's way too much going on to be a coincidence with this, an everything else..

So i hope it's not something stupid again, but i expect it's going to end up being stupid.

why has no one added the fact that this was posted today, which shows the beast biting its own tail with hillary in the background.

3 hours before her "health" concern and fainting.

With all the talk of Hillary biting the dust, has anyone tried working Tim Kaine into the puzzle?

If Hillary drops out, I assume it would be up to him or Biden.


This guy gets it

+ the pastebin drops it shows a deranged mind

Yeah... Exactly.


Someone fold the rest of the pics along the diagonal lines, the ones that have them such as the original goat pic.

you can add hashtags to the titles of old videos

badselfeater.com hasn't even been around for a month yet old ass videos reference it

We already did for the past three threads


So either way, what I'm trying to say is, I know there are knowledges that we shouldn't fuck around with because they are most likely way to complex for our understanding and it would be like trying to operate a nuclear reactor without learning the basic algebra. So while I believe there might be some truth to horoscopes I absolutely in no way put any stock in them when making decisions in my daily life. I base my decisions around Torah and only Torah, while recognizing that these other philosophies like Buddhism and Taoism and Gnosticism are attractive because they might have hidden truths but they all are paths to destruction.

I believe that humankind is like an evolutionary step to knowing and becoming like God, yet the purpose of our lives is to learn one thing and one thing only: God's morality. I think he is deliberately vague about certain "sins" not because he wants to confuse us, and not because he "wants us to sin", but that he KNOWS we will sin, but that we also be wounded by those sins.

It's very easy to blame our failings on things like happenstance, circumstance, and others, but if we focus on trying to understand the morality of God by reverse engineering it we will come to know who God and what he stands for and WHY he is worth freely pledging allegiance to. We understand that he only wants what's best for us, that he loves us, and that he wants a relationship with us. That he wants us to live in harmony with him and all of his children, and the ONLY way for that harmony to even be possible is by prescribing to and understanding his moral worldview, which is perfect.

I noticed that, wasn't hillary the dragon to trump's lion?

Something will be uncovered.
Life changing event.

Well then can you tell us the scale of what's going to be uncovered?

Someone on the Mr. Teeth fb page says that a Snowden film will air on the 14th in select theaters.

Imagine skin cells saying this kind of shit to each other while they work together to keep your guts in.
I think you're overthinking it, but I do appreciate your sharing.



And when you show the world, will there be chaos or violence?

Boaz, this is going to finally began the change.

WE will be living in a system like the Venus Project in the next few decades.

only by those who aren't ready.

most of Sup Forums will shit themselves.

What does it mean to be "ready"

who is boaz, does he know what will happen?

You need to buy some cryptocurrency.
I just so happen to have some dogecoins I'll sell you.

I'm still 99% sure that this is just some viral marketing campaign for a shitty blockbuster movie or something, but I'll gladly bump because I still hope against all odds for a happening.

guy on /x/ reckons its a dan brown movie viral campaign

its not the hashtag im talking about. even then why would someone add the name to old videos in the first place? i mean there isn't a reason to redirect views to something 5 years old.

To find the truth within every intelligence.

To know what sentience is and why it is sacred.

Anyone who is indoctrinated and brainwashed to ignore the I, and it meaning is not ready.

To be ready, is to find the truth within.
No actions are needed, just your mind.
To understand that most things are not worth preserving.
To be ready to destroy everything you "own".

It seems all kinds of extraordinary talk, but it is quite simple.

Every intelligence is a being, everything in the world is a manifestation of that intelligence and the only "truth" is sentience itself.

Nah, im good lawman

You can cap this if you want, but this is definitely viral marketing for the new Kanye/Drake album.

That would make sense, it seems to be right up his alley. Has he ever done anything like this before?

Just be ready for change, my dude. If you have a few hundred bucks to spare, buy some food and water. Stuff that won't go bad. At the very least, you'll have food for months and won't need to worry on that end.

Being ready means just that. Pay attention. Don't ignore the timer. Check in and see what's revealed. Respond accordingly. No matter what is said, or what happens. You will be among a few thousand (that's highballing it) that will be the first to know. It will trickle upward, to more major sites, and most people won't know until the next day. You'll have an entire day to respond before they have the chance.

Just be prepared as much as you can, and know that it's coming. You can't stop it. You can't fight it. You can only respond. Consider yourself lucky that we are even being warned at all. September 13, 2016 is luckily nothing like September 10, 2001.

Though I believe the implications will be much more profound, close to home, and unavoidable.

blindspot airs on sept 14th, a snowden film too i think

fuck off with your pseudointellectual bullshit.

does anyone with a clue have a tl;dr of whatever the hell the Philippino monkey in the OP is trying to talk about?

This is LITERALLY just some cuck advertising his art or music or some shit

Prove me wrong

the 3301 left the Liber Primus for a reason.

Nothing I have said is pseudo intellectual, everything I said is true.

The words used may seem overly profound but what they mean is something everyone knows, but subside due to the bastardization of the I and indoctrination.

For the end of self.
As to die is to belong.


Someone asked earlier - the plant in the eagle's talons looks like an olive branch, entangled by the same thorns seen on the bill face.

The term "pseudo" is very often used by established scientists who want to defend their legacy and therefore their ego against a dogma changeing thesis from someone unestablished usually ending carerr but also a necessary scientific discours about dissent and dissenting people.

Dont want to suggest that you are a scientist but ad hominem and ad populum are fallacies who dont belong in any fact and rational driven discourse nor discussion.

Make an argument instead of attacking someone personal.

ur late bro

>Bill found in Ontario

>the 3301 left the Liber Primus for a reason.


Ok fgts, enlighten me !

What is this shit all about ? I´ve seen it the last days and people are like "WTF THE END OF THE WORLD" and shit ...

Are you sure this isn´t just some guerilla marketing bull shit ?

Wait how come no bills were found in Denver yet? The damn airport roof is on the bill, and flying to either CA or WA from Chicago, you're probably switching planes in Denver. I saw Dave Chappelle's name on a monitor there once, he was late for his plane. I was almost late for my plane too so I didn't really care, but I'll admit it, I looked around for him.

On phone.

The 3301 left the Liber Primus to guide groups such as Cicada.
The 3301 needed to do this because unlike what their actions on the surface may "evil" they only exist to the "benefit" of sentience.

What I told that person is not something you can just tell people and they will have a catharsis, because of the pollution of the I.

The Liber Primus is just that, the prime "knowledge" as the rest is something that can be achievable in the end of self.

Once again sounds super profound and blab blab but it's pretty simple.

You're a fallacy, that other poster you're defending is a pretend wizard who thinks he's somehow achieved a kind of knowledgeable ascendance when all he's really doing is asking for attention for his silly little sermon on the hill while he does the fingers switch hand trick all the other fake messiah's do.

Get bent.

What made you the way that you are, user?

>>dropbox.com/s/h80yqx65n9hca1e/Bill Back.psd?dl=0
>>dropbox.com/s/916w7mn58j3rwcv/Bill Face.psd?dl=0
>>badselfeater.com/ (with countdown to September 14th at 7pm EST)
>>Department of Defense demo by Minerva initiative minerva.dtic.mil/
>>Wikileaks/Assange fucking with people (not their style)
>>WW3 with the end result of a one world government
>>Metal dump
>>Fed leak
>>Historical info for McKinley or JFK assassination
>>NEW POLITICO SITE (had info prior to their FOIA article about Clinton Library) hughhewitt.com/politico-co-founder-jim-vandehei-msm-anti-trump-bias-2016/
>>CERN opening gateway to Hell/Saturn to bring Lucifer to Earth

>Sup Forums falling for kikery who woulda thunk

its a game or a movie and you all well know that

Great story. Really neat. Thank for sharing :)

You're welcome.

Enjoy the ride.

We will know in 2 days.

The possibilities are endless.

>viral marketing
>ShadowBrokers releasing their virus for free
>leak uncovering JFK´s Mc Kinley´s assassinatoin
>study on internet autism
>the start of the revolution
>and everything in between

Are you fucktards inventing a new conspiracy?

>venus project
Are you telling us that soon everything we own will be considered property of the citizens of earth? As in, we won't have the right to own property or resources of any kind? What's going on?

I'm starting to think this is a clothing line

I was looking for explanations which sound a little less retarded than

>CERN opening gateway to Hell/Saturn to bring Lucifer to Earth
and the like ....

>while he does the fingers switch hand trick all the other fake messiah's do.

It is always surprising how so many intelligences can't see past the dogmas.

Nothing I have said is in the same "context" of the dogmas you include.

For what I have said is not dogma, but a simple realization of sentience.

Be prepared to destroy all you own.
It is not entirely literal, rather what you need to destroy is to "own".

We only adhere to preserve in owning because we believe we are weak and it is scarce.

To achieve great wealth is not to own.

For the lie of consumption and preservation have molded your self into a world view that you are separate and must own for the self.

As you will learn, most things are not worth preserving.

It's just going to be a video of a guy blowing himself


It is not unwise to mustrust your "I"

Easy example:
Only because the beer, hamburger taste good and "you" feel the urge or need to eat them, doenst mean that habbits like this are beneficial in any way for you and your consciousness.

I have read the Liber Primus and there is some wisdom in there for sure but I would never go as far as give up my individuality for the robot one would become without. Remote controlled by its masters. Though there are social norms, habbits of consumption, media influences you should be highly critical about and with high amount of dissent against it.

It's fucking LARP bullshit.

Mr. Robot did shit like this on Twitch and IRL. Now some other faggots are trying to make some money off of paranoid and bored people.

It will be a "revelation" as well as an "event" that will cause other "consequences".

Everyone will remember the horror.

> individuality for the robot one would become without.

You are failing to understand that there is not a distinction. The separation of the I is cause of indoctrination and controlling from external factors.

The I belongs.

>follow me to the promised laaand!?!

Everything in Paradise already exist. (TO use common words to explain such concept, do not become obsessed with the words themselves)

The only change that needs to occur is that of the mind.

For your sentience already knows and belongs.


It is interesting how the I confuses itself to fight for its separation. As if it believes in the importance of sovereignty.

oh yeah aussiebro, shoudln't you have told "them" by now? As you speak of "secrets"

But the real goal of collecting wealth is to benefit your descendants. Sure we waste a lot on ourselves, but amassing wealth in the form of real estate for example is without a doubt helpful to the survival of our children. I mean, what are you, some kind of bible commie?

Why is this shit still here?

You missed the fun part.

It is here because you want it to be here.

Remember the spoon in the matrix?

Ignorant fool

You missed or reject this.

>We only adhere to preserve in owning because we believe we are weak and it is scarce.

The lie of consumption and preservation forces you to believe that you must amass great wealth BY OWNING, as wealth is scarce.

Monetary systems are the perversion of wealth.
For Mammon rules, as Mammon seeks to preserve without cause.

As we will learn, most things are not worth consuming or preserving.

I must remind you to not obsess in the words themselves as they seems more profound than they are.

seems to match up with where they sent all the syrian "refugees"

I think you're ahead of your time. I think Earth should always be filled with Wild humans, warring and improving, becoming fiercer and stronger. Maybe those who wish to remake humans into something that has no place on this planet, like a perfectly peaceful being for example, should just try that on other planets.
We eat each other here. And we're better for it.

If our current notion of ownership were to end, are you assuming some kind of post-scarcity scenario? Which variable changes - supply or demand? How do contributions to society translate into tangible personal benefit, if at all?

Inflate their ebay value and spread the message.





Print them like in description.

When the finger points to the
yonder moon,
The fool will not look at the fingertip.

Get ready for the biggest reveal.

we're all memes.

>It is always surprising how so many intelligences can't see past the dogmas.

Yours is just another dogma and you've been given signs and wonders to believe it. I don't care what you know, or what you've seen. I don't care how much it makes sense, or how good it sounds.

"You will know them by their fruits"

"Let no one deceive you in any way. For that day will not come, unless the rebellion comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself against every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, proclaiming himself to be God. Do you not remember that when I was still with you I told you these things? And you know what is restraining him now so that he may be revealed in his time. For lthe mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness."

Yes yes—I'm brainwashed. Only the secret acolytes have been privy to undeniably true. Trust yourself, goyim, say it with me—"I AM", yessss...we all shall be like the Most High.

You know what? If we're all one, and when I die, I shall "return to oneness" regardless...I think I'd rather taste death than fall for one of your clandestine promises of divinity and godhood. I'll just shit-post here til you all inevitably take me away for "lowering the great cosmic vibration" or whatever, you fucking borgs.

>The lie of consumption and preservation forces you to believe that you must amass great wealth BY OWNING, as wealth is scarce.
>as wealth is scarce.

What do you mean by saying wealth is scarce?

He's projecting the belief wealth is scarce onto me. Whereas he is all like, everyone's got a couch and they're not using it, so I'm just going to bum around and I think everyone should. I mean look at all these couches!

So, how will this leak/crush of the cancer of the world/ market crash will affect living conditions in Finland, and how do I ensure that redpilled people survive and normies do not?

Should have been a prepper with food and place for years, and with gold in the stack. And cryptocurrencies.

you seem to accept anti-positivism, that we humans are separate from our environment.

The I is not separate of cause, it malleable.
Human nature has no defining limitations as sentience itself has transcended such implications.

Every intelligence is sacred, every intelligence belongs.

Peace is just a concept to contrast what we deem "negative".

Try to do it in your mind.

Remind yourself that ownership is a fallacy, bound by rules created by the I itself.

In order to understand what will "happen", you must first detach yourself.

You seem surprisingly tendent to the "divine" meaning in my words.
For you have been taught to think that such understanding is extraordinary, as if there is distinction between the self and the "divine" as your dogma may call it.

This is exemplary of your dogmas need to belittle your sentience, to subvert your I.

The only reason we seek to "preserve" or "own" "things" is because we believe they are scarce or their necessity is worth consumption.

This is not true, as most things are not worth preserving and consuming.
A sentience only requires things essential for its preservation, everything else is a pollution or "mental masturbation" of the I, owning great wealth its orgasm.

It will take time for those who refuse to be ready to perish. As every intelligence is sacred.

Is that you?

>He's projecting the belief wealth is scarce onto me.

Which is complete bullshit. The distribution of wealth is absurdly out of whack. I know these people are claiming to "protect" us by destroying the petrodollar, but it's literally robbing peter to pay paul. Millions of innocent people are going to be affected for the damning actions of 1% of people. People who, curiously, have connections with this same "all seeing eye" we are continually bombarded with.


If this is nothing, like it probably is, snag some old US silver money, 1964 and earlier. It's money in any country, each dime is worth about a bag of cheap groceries, like rice and beans tier. Get 5 or ten ounces worth. It's really neat how it was set up, the quarters were 1/5th of an ounce and the dimes 1/12.5, so you you'd actually lose money by melting them and selling the silver in bulk. Anyhoo, they're good for trade. Ammo could be a good trade item too, if you trust the person not to shoot you with it later. Food is the biggie though, if you don't have that you'll kill for it, if it means not dying.

OK I get it, the 14th marks the start of the Ego Holocaust.

but how does it happen? Can't you be specific, who are you protecting by being vague. If what you say is true and cannot be stopped, then there should be no harm if you just spilled the beans now, no?

>Ego Holocaust.
Surprisingly funny term.

When you show the I its pollution, its disgust will be enough.

Meaning when people see what we have done, we will be so affected by it, it will began the "change".

Once again, don't take it as dramatic as the words make it seem as every intelligence already knows, it is only a matter of the mind.

If you are planning on removing all that is not strictly necessary for survival from humanity, to do away with superfluousness, then prepare for war. I am an individual, I am materialistic to an extent as is everyone else. I will not relinquish my autonomy willingly.

Like I said before, all this cryptic shit and art relating to this is so fucking pretentious it's cringe. It's literally fucking nothing.

To restrict is not to extinguish desire.
As I have said, all that is needed to "change" is in the mind of every intelligence.

As I have said, every intelligence is sacred; you will be "given" time to be ready.

You are correct you are an individual, but the I is not separate, it belongs.

Autonomy is not dependent on the separation of the I.

For you are not alone, you belong.

>yfw this is their long-awaited response to the phrase "real communism has never been tried"

>the I is not separate, it belongs.
>Autonomy is not dependent on the separation of the I.
>For you are not alone, you belong.

Where have I heard that before?

>all that is needed to "change" is in the mind of every intelligence
And how will you accomplish that without brainwashing or violence? How much time will we be "given"? You saw we belong, but isn't that up to the individual?