Says it all, doesn't it?

Says it all, doesn't it?

Other urls found in this thread:

Indeed, colleges have long been known to be liberal brainwash camps.

>old polls
this is pathetic.

worse thing is that this pathetic bait thread by this overweight NEET will get 200 replies.

STEM education=/=Liberal Arts BS.

>being this mad


You're literally helping right wingers push their narrative with this, leaf. Not that it is a false narrative I have a problem with, I'm just saying.

>really sez it all

No one takes the narrative seriously. Everyone can tell it's just butthurt.

every time

>going to college makes you educated

Remove communications degrees, women's studies, diversity studies, and all that other useless garbage and I guarantee you the trump votes will be the majority.

To these people educated means they agree with you.

I'll be praying to god that the electoral ae smart enough to not pick someone who may very well collapse in front of Putin in a meeting. It would be catastrophic if that occurred.

Kind of throws a wrench in the narrative that the Republican Party is made up of the rich and privileged.

Are you sure?


>I didn't assassinate Hillary, I swear to god
>She just died in my office suddenly
>I know that that's how all my political opponents die, but I actually wanted her alive because she's just a weakling

Vs Actual iq scores were republicans rank 1-3 points higher on average. Shills btfo. Education=Indoctronation


So basically the more time you spend in a college where leftists ideology is spread wholesale the more likely you are to vote for a leftist?

Funny how the vote from the elderly which swings heavily towards the red gets mocked and downplayed but the opinion of those who by profession are insulated from social/economical problems seem to matter.

Wtf, I'm a #cruzmissile now

>implying people who got a 2 year AA will claim to have "graduated college."

The most educated will always vote Democrat and the less pragmatic ones will vote independent. Republicans pander mostly to the absolute dumbest of American society.

I never liked this argument because most blue-collar workers like mechanics, electricians, and anyone else with a trade job (all of whom are highly skilled) that doesnt have a FUCKING LIBERAL ARTS DEGREE is completely discounted by the left even though they are highly skilled and intelligent in their fields.

Whether you actually believe that or not. Shaming them is a good way to lose an election since they far outnumber "intelligent" liberals.

Hillary's going to lose anyway.

"education" in American institutions of education does often does not involve actual education but rather indoctrination with political ideas, a majority left. As user said, if you leave the real fields of math, engineering, biology, chemistry, you will find that a much smaller amount would be Clinton supporters. A great number of fields, gender studies being a fine example, are far from actual education and more a learning of leftist ideas.

>Indoctrinated morons are more likely to vote for Hillary
>People who actually work for a living and pay taxes are more likely to vote for Trump

No shit, leaf.

She is, but a large reason why is because she continues to sit on the fringe with her supporters thinking they have it in the bag and are superior. Trump was willing to open his arms to all which is a trait presidents are required to perform to win.

A majority of independent voters actually believe that.

As a matter of fact, most people acknowledge universities are liberally baised

whoa really made me stumble around and pass out.

>Smart people want clinton
>Dumb hicks want trump

geeee i wonder which one will be the best choice

>plugging into the borg hive-mind education and voting for clinton 2016

>I'm so smart!
>takes on hundreds of thousands in debt
>votes for a dead person

Hmmmm, rly makes u thunk

>people who have spent thousands being indoctrinated by the system vote to continue they system

Oooooooh I wonder why....

>geeee i wonder which one will be the best choice
The one who will best benefit the people who actually work to make America prosperous.
So Trump, obviously.

It's really this. It's all about exposure.

Universities do not allow as much of a platform for organizations or people that aren't leftist. Even if you don't take an obviously biased college course, you're still exposed to the environment of a university where you don't hear any opposing ideas to what's presented. Today, leftists have so much control as to what goes on, they'll shut down events that go against their beliefs.

So unless you do your own independent research, you'll probably just fall in line with the leftists at your college campus because of their sheer numbers, control of ideas, and even intimidation.

Once you get out of college, you have a better chance of breaking out of that mold, but you might be so far gone that you still maintain those beliefs you had years ago.

You, in one simple post, have managed to state effortlessly why people despise liberals. Your smug arrogance and indifference, your self induced sense of superiority, your flat disregard for any other opinion than your own. You can not be disproved, even in the face of facts. You refuse to be cowed by logic and reasoning. All you are capable of doing is clinging desperately to a false narrative that has been proven to be ridiculous over and over again.

One day, as many people who are now conservatives have, you may see the stupidity in your ways and take off the blinders. Or you won't, in which case you'll forever be a parrot squawking the ideology that is, was, and will be always the cancer that kills a society.

Have a nice day, and thanks for your bigoted and shortsighted opinion that shoots your entire ideology in the foot.

I know so three people that graduated college and then went to be heroin junkies that stooped to robbing their friends and family. One of them almost died. The other one tried to stage a fake robbery at a pizza shop he managed to steal what was in the safe. This is not a joke either, i have proof.

oh shit i m now #sickforhill

Thinking getting a degree means you're smart means you're stupid. The average person with a degree may well be a bit more intelligent than people without one, but the difference in intelligence is more than cancelled out by the brainwashing people receive at university.

Also, doing well in school is mostly about obedience to authority, not intelligence. This is the main reason girls do better, they're naturally more obedient. Obedience to authority correlates to wanting big government and being left wing.

34% is too much to say that hes completly wrong who is described by the left and most media as litteraly hitler
to discard leftiest views one must have decent knowladge about history, politics and economy and most people today dont give a damn about politics and are more focused on their day to day problems and ambitions
so media has prevalent power in that segment



vultures of a feather, flock together

Don't more women go to college these days, as well?
Compound that with the liberal brainwashing angle, and I'm surprised that it's that close.

kill yourself


> states with low IQs because of blacks and indians

Is this really the argument you wanted to make?

Let me get my Gender Herbs and Spices for Holistic Trigger Healing Studies Degree so I can be smart.



oh wow, well i guess ill just change my mind and fall in with the crowd, wow, really makes you not think

I like this post. It's a good post.


Based rock sciences.

Good speech user

your argument works against you. its Sup Forumsacks that use this logic the most. they bring up low IQ among niggers and then laugh at libtards claiming that IQ is not a real measure of intelligence, then they ignore the fact that many white conservatives in the south have extremely low IQ comparable to that of niggers. usually correlating with high religiosity.

inb4 some crudely drawn strawman webcomic.

>degree in African or gender studies

Yeah it says a lot.

Vs trump who will collapse repeatedly on Putins cock