Remember crysta?

FernGully was a classic animation movie, so cool!

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crysta was hot

No wings?

it looks like she's gone human modo

so good
the film, i mean
also great waifu material
crysta, i mean

>the film
wait wait hold up
ferngully was terrible. we're all in agreement about that
it's just that crysta and hexxus were great

so if it has good elements doesnt that still mean it's enjoyable? which means it's good?

>which means it's good?
i don't think so, no. but perhaps we're arguing semantics. is 'so bad it's good' good?

>it's just that crysta and hexxus were great

Batty was pretty alright too, although the Batty Rap may swing your vote depending on how you feel about Robin Williams rapping.

The film had two-three great characters surrounded by utter shit.

That is definitely not Crysta.

Yeah I was going to mention him but it's like
is Batty actually good? i mean, the design isn't.. the point of the character isn't.. even the bat anatomy isn't. it's more like 'robin williams is good, batty is... voiced by robin williams'

My first waifu.

>is 'so bad it's good' good?
I'd argue yes. "So bad it's good" is good. But Ferngully doesn't qualify for that. It has some truly fantastic parts (Toxic Love) but the majority of it is just mediocre.

It's hard not to like Robin Williams.

>doesn't quality for that
I agree, twas just an example of something else that I wouldn't call good-good. clearly we have different definitions, so that explains that

he had to work really fucking hard in One Hour Photo
in the end you still feel sorry for the poor fuck. you hope he gets the help he needs.. but it's gone way too far.. fuckin tragedy. I doubt I could rewatch it now.

I think the original guy was spot on - . Something can be enjoyable, but still bad. Or even just "not good".

well that guy was also me, so I'm glad we can agree


Oh. Well, there you go.