Is this the beginning of the end for Trump? Hillary's unfavorability was the edge Trump had over her, if she's replaced with anyone else Trump is done
Hillary dropping out of the race becoming more and more of a possibility each day
Who will replace her, bernie? That forgettable vp of obamas? If the latter trump will loose
If it's not Bernie, it's Kaine.
And nobody wants Kaine.
Biden, maybe, but not Kaine
Only idiots think Hillary dropping out would hurt Trump.
Yes, I'm sure whoever they scramble to replace him will be able to grab the attention of the American people with only 60 days left in the election.
I'm sure it won't invoke confusion, doubt, and worry in the hearts of the average citizen that the Democrats don't know what they're doing.
How the fuck can you run with pneumonia?
How can you hug a child when you pneumonia?
Fuck this crooked old bint.
>he actually thinks it's that easy for people to switch support of their parties
Libs are on the fence with Hillary because they know how corrupt she is but are only voting for her to keep Trump out, anyone else would have libs running to vote for that person, the polls showing Bernie would destroy Trump in the general election if he got nominated wasn't a meme
The only people that would replace her would be her VP, Kaine or Gary. I don't see them wining against trump at all. Worst case scenario would be that obongo would place martial law
>the polls showing Bernie would destroy Trump in the general election if he got nominated wasn't a meme
Just like how the polls said Kasich would stomp things back when people were fighting over the Republic nom, right?
I had to look his name up, by the way. That's how memorable that guy is.
56 days. You are genuinely telling me that Trump would get taken out by some substitute whose had no presence or build up? People might not move to him, but they certainly would question on whether or not they should vote at all.
Cali-Fag here.
Meme Magic is real.
It might be.
Just hope that Hillary lives long enough to lose the election. I know it's hard, but it's imperative we dedicate some meme magic to keeping her alive and campaigning.
>and campaigning
Why? As long as she doesn't willingly step down and doesn't die, she gets the nom.
I don't get this image. Why would you squeeze your moms ass if she got pizza?
To reward her
Why wouldn't you? You fucken gay or something?
Good job 008. Another degenerate seed planted
>spot the hillary shill
It basically has to be Kaine at this point. And that won't work.
It's almost impossible for Bernie or Biden to sweep in.
Mamma buy ya pizza
Yo eat pizza
Daddy and mummy fuq
>he doesn't love his mom
Kasich probably would have stood a chance if he didn't show up 90% of the way through voting. Probably an even better chance if he wasn't just a democrat plant, too.
>Must be a nigger.
>Implying you don't get those uber rare boners for your mother.
I don't buy the idea that any of those other guys would have done better against Hillary. The media shilling for Hillary would have been even stronger against a milquetoast Republican. Imagine how quickly Kasich would have folded once they started calling him a misogynist.
Trumpism (giving no fucks) is the last best hope of breaking the conditioning.
He didn't "show up" late. He just didn't get coverage until he was the last of four people still in the race, and people started going, "Who the hell is that?"
>Trumpism (giving no fucks) is the last best hope of breaking the conditioning.
While this is correct you have to realize that for months, roughly every single word out of Hillary's mouth and on her twitter has been in reference to Trump.
She has no campaign message or policy position that anybody anywhere below the billionaire tax bracket likes, so her only ability to sell herself to the peasants has been on the basis of not being trump. I honestly think a good portion of the republican candidates would have slaughtered her in the general because nobody likes her without monetary incentive.
At first I thought he was a hatchetman meant to clear the field for Bush. If you remember he was constantly interrupting Trump and attacking him in the first few debates. Then he shifted into Golly Gee World.