Holy Shit. Based Takei. Sup Forums BTFO
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How will Sup Forums ever recover?
get a load of this faggot
pic of the guy jerking a dude off please
>opinion discarded
Why do nu-males love this dick puppet so much? They treat him like Oscar Wilde.
Wtf i am now a #hillaryartillery
I honestly hope he doesn't actually think that was a clever burn.
He's pretty funny actually
>hillary called you idiots
>got that you fucking idiots?
>can you even understand?
Well Trump can't afford such luxury to get his pipes cleaned by Captain Kirkxxx
wtf I hate Trump now
Seriously, do liberals think that insulting Trump voters will dissuade them?
Someone else made that top joke first.
"Team Takei" is stealing jokes.
Remember when Trump fired his useless, pansy ass on The Apprentice? The loser couldn't even win a single challenge, he lost to Dayana Mendoza, for God's sake. What a loser. Didn't bring home a single cent to his charity.
He didnt write that joke. Ive seen that joke posted several times on Kikebook.
>there are people who literally come onto a Tibetan knitting forum to say Sup Forums btfo
I fucking cringe at you fucks. Not even angry anymore.
George Takei is a filthy homosexual
Mfw I actually did have to look it up
Was this a way of saying full of shit?
Well I guess he of all people would know if a man is full of shit.
I am pretty confident that a lot of Clinton supporters had to look up that word as well.
I have never heard the world "deplorable" before Clinton brought it up.
Then again I do have the "not my native language card" that I can play.
did my part desu
>chink intellectuals
"Deplorable" is a very common English word. No one in the US had to look it up. It's a shit joke.
He became loved and relevant again after coming out. That's how (((Hollywood))) treats all it's former closeted fags.
thank you for correcting the record
Just 4u
I had to look it up only to confirm she used it incorrectly, it's not a noun, fucking newspeak cunt
He's not only a cucked faggot he's got absolutely no idea. All the twitter accounts I follow immediately adopted it as their own meme
What's deplorable?
Sad part is I'm not even trolling. Although I did technically know the word based off the context, if you had asked me to define it I probably wouldn't have been able to. I'm half retarded.
Honestly, I laughed. It was a decent dig.
SAGE the bait.
HIDE the bait.
That's the key word. This guy has sucked off and jacked off random faggots on Howard Stern after he got gay married.
HAHAHA! It's funny because Trump said he loves the uneducated and a majority of his voters do not have college educations!
the same way his tiny chink anus does. with time.
Is he still liked? His page got really popular maybe 4 years ago when he would post stale memes and """"wrote"""" a book about """""""internet culture"""""""
Is there still a market for elderly fags from sci fi?
by not being a washed up actor who cant get many parts spewing his impotent gay rage over no one else but trump, a literal business shark by the image he presents. Its like pouring water into a broken vessel, just like this thread.
In fact this whole thread seems fucking deja vu.
You do know that right before he said that he said that he loved the educated.
>rightwingers are stupid meme
He's such a bitch!
means, awful, terrible, etc etc. just negative description for someone
Who cares. Trump is the next president now. Have fun bein a gay old asian guy, george
Gay asian meme man at it again
This entire bit was hilarious, dude being jerked off was a huge sulu fan
Oh that's why he's so damn salty. To be honest what has this man done except be a side character on Star Treck, him and Will Wheaton think so much of themselves lately.
Surprised AIDS hasn't killed off this gook yet. I suppose he has the same secret Hollywood treatment that Magic Johnson gets.
>him and Will Wheaton think so much of themselves lately.
considering the geek culture trend is still ongoing, they probably think they matter a lot
That's just nasty, that sulu fan's greatest moment in life was being jerked off by a washed up tv actor on camera.
Someone should reply to him something along the lines of:
>"You know you weren't actually on a spaceship, right? You made your living memorizing and repeating somebody else's thoughts. What exactly have you contributed? We don't want a president who just repeats what he's been told to say. Not anymore. "
This is why we hate you faggots more than being just gay.
Because he was a useless filler doing a menial task on a TV show from the 60's with zero personality. They can relate.
I met Will when I was a kid he came to town to sign his crappy book. My dad was excited because he loves Star Trek, anyway my dad after reading his book said that Will is just a Whitney brat who blames every one of his mistakes on other people. I remember him having a really bad attitude at the book signing to, probably because only 20 people came to see him.
I'm sure Takei won't mind letting Hillary win presidency allowing many "peaceful moderate" muslims in the country, thus resulting in Takei being thrown of the top of a skyscraper for being openly gay. Unless they decide to hang him from a crane.
George Takei sucks cocks for a living, but you're still a bigger faggot.
Uh, you guys have noticed the left has been projecting an awful lot for the last few years, right?
Fags like Takei likely had to look up "degenerate" at least once.
He is so sheltered he doesn't know that happens in Islamic countries. He probably is just thinking of those military aged men doing unspeakable things to him.
I know, I also still find it weird how Trump is doing quite good with the black vote
that's ironic coming from an american
>George "DUDE SOLAR ROADS LMAO" Takei calling anyone uneducated
They like him so much because initially he was very friendly and posted light hearted and funny things to social media.
He was the epitome of someone who was likable, but also happened to be gay. He did a lot to make gay people "normal" and more palatable.
Cat's out of the bag now. He got what he was looking for, and now he can express how he truly feels about "the others". He is free to treat people he's never met with the same bitter anger he met a decade ago.
All the while supporting a candidate whose husband signed into law the defense of marriage act, and up until about 5 years ago wouldn't openly support same sex marriage.
That's okay. I hear a lot of Hillary supporters were pretty upset when Trump tweeted that picture with the Star of David on it. The rest can't read.
Look, I don't care if someone is gay, but the dude literally jacked off another man on the Howard Stern show.
His opinions are invalid.
And all you're thinking about after reading that is "2" or "2+2". While it seems like he's straying off topic or just rambling on and on it's pretty basic neurological programming to drill that into your mind.
Yah we are screwed here too tbqh. Pic related makes me laugh so much because one thing that pisses me off about my fellow Americans is that we think we won ww2. I'm a History major so I actually know the truth.
What a glorified wanker. What exactly has he contributed to civilization that made him big?
Is he just another one of those gay, liberal people who just say whatever the establishment wants to be said that makes everyone feel nice and cheery inside?
Captain Sulu
if you dont mind
Who's dick did he suck to get promoted to,Captain?
Didn't this degenerate gook go on the (((Howard Stern))) show and jerk people off?
LOL, I'm an intellectual for voting democrat, right aging gay man from space Jew? I have low self esteem so I will do anything anyone says so long as they say I'm better than others for doing it.
It's funny because if only tax payers could vote then the republicans would win the national election by a landslide. But cool meme dude!
It's always funny to me how often these people who are supposedly supportive of the less-educated and less-privileged members of society are so quick to laugh at people who are "stupid" or who can't spell or who haven't heard of such and such person/thing.
The same phenomenon was everywhere with the #remainer cunts as well.
>trump supporters so stupid. aharhaharharh
god damn arrogant chink needs to get fucking nuked
>le liberal straw man may may
How typical. This isn't 2008 and the Daily Shoah is dead.
Someone with twitter tweet him back if he has anything against using a dictionary, and it is racist to shame someone from using a dictionary if English is not someone's native language. Imagine all those illegals, spics, niggers, and sand niggers the Dems love so much actually know what the fuck "deplorable" means.
Well, two can play that game:
The illegal aliens supporting Hillary had to scramble to a Dictionary because they thought Hillary said "deportable."
Those are pretty funny honestly.
That gif haha.
Literally nothing else.
wtf, I hate Sulu now
>completely believes the pneumonia story without question
>thinks he has the right to comment on others
Hillary's answer to the same question: "Three"
Hillary's answer two weeks later: "Like I have said countless times in the past, five"