"If we don't stop them, there won't be anything left to fight for..."

>"If we don't stop them, there won't be anything left to fight for..."

>If you ask me, the light's winning


>we're not so different, you and I

when did the pink wojack meme start kicking off?

>If you kill me, you're just as bad

>if you kill me, you're a gay retard

>I won't kill you... but I don't have to save you

what is he holding

I think it's a /biz/ meme

i knew that part at least


And what does it mean?

>every making something that isnt complete utter shit

>uptight bookworm falls in love with comic relief

>not even a parking ticket

>this guy is a ghost

>if everyone had a record as clean as this guy, we'd be out of a job

>we can't kill him, we'd feel bad
>villain is a psychopath who has killed all of the cast's friends

>secure the perimeter


>he's the brains of this outfit

>you may have the looks, but I got the brains

>character is smoking
>something happens
>character turns, freezes in shock
>cigarette falls out of their mouth


>record scratch

>Leave it to me!

>We had a deal!

>This conversation is over!

>I lied



based ah-bloo-blooposter

>main chracters drive by train
"When are we?"
"No...where are we?"

>character is holding something
>character stumbles across a dead body or a fresh crime scene
>character drops whatever they're holding

Kill yourself. I don't think you heard me. Kill. Your. Self. Hello? Listen: kill yourself. Go. Do it now. Shoot yourself, jump off a bridge, hang yourself, I don't care, just kill youself. Now. Not later, not tomorrow, now. Kill yourself now. You think I'm kidding? I'm not. I'm telling you to kill yourself. End your life. Now. Go. Do it. Get out of our chair and kill yourself. There we go. That's it.

What did he mean by this?

What's his name again?

>You just don't get it, do you?

the biz whizz

>i won't kill you
>but i don't have to save you either

>so, what's it gonna be?
>you can either shoot me or help me stop this madness

isn't it the same? if someone crashes and you say that and go on your way, you go to jail