/lit/ here
what is Sup Forums's equivalent of self publishing and why haven't you done it yet?
/lit/ here
what is Sup Forums's equivalent of self publishing and why haven't you done it yet?
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So hol up I can say im dying and some dumb bitch will show me her body?
>Im dying show spread pussy
>h-here user so sorry for your illness.
Only if you're Chad dying.
>browses reddit
Unironically fucking kill yourself.
What a slut.
>Any schmuck can do it
>Only rarely makes money
Youtube. And plenty of people shill their channels here.
i wrote 200 pages about a post-apocalyptic space-heist from the space-Vatican but then I deleted it because I'm too afraid of criticism to ever do anything with it
>anything below 300 pages
Maybe a good idea for a YA book.
Fucking retard.
Was it a space apocalypse?
just save t his image and email it to her, she will realize the person was lying and his reddit account can be reported
Fantastic feet, goddamn.
What the fuck
truly /ourgirl/
open bob
do milk
>cover up all the nail's flaws with nail polish
>can still see flaws
>fantastic feet
Why do women have it so easy bros? Imagine being able to sell your book just because horny dudes hope it'll give them the chance to suck your toes. Fuccccck.
Looks like prime Lexi Belle
>not 800 pages of exaggerated autobiographic existential social criticism by a fictional character
>prints screen and emails this to her
guys can i use twitter from a computer if so ill make an account and send this image to her
Come on brah it's easier than ever to bend women to your will brah my dude it's 2017!
Taco Belle?
Cool ass chic
She self published. Literally anyone could do it. You could even self publish a book of top Sup Forums threads if you wanted.
Isn't this the chick whose boyfriend was a mod that basically gave her a free pass for voter manipulation?
oh no his reddit account!
There was that guy that made the bane porno.
you should have saved it and waited till literary standards hit rock bottom so that you'd feel okay sharing it.
>Also I kinda have a thing for feet. It would mean alot if I could see yours before I die.
>she actually sends a pic
Is she retarded? Does she not know he's going to jerk off to her feet? Or is she a camwhore?
Might write a novel about space harry potter
>You could even self publish a book of top Sup Forums threads if you wanted.
Chapter 1: Bane
You could write a Space Harry Potter but it would still have the same result as one of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises. Each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though r-right
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.
Yes, I think if you told your mom you were dying her gut reaction would be to send you a picture of her spread asshole.
fucking kek
how do you do it
>wirtting something
>ok this is going on ok
>suddenly there are nazi samurais in my story
>suddenly i realize my story is a Slayers rip off
evrery time
2.1 out of 5 stars from 53 reviews
you think she cried when she saw she had 2 stars bros
wish i could be there to tickle her feet desu
>what is Sup Forums's equivalent of self publishing
putting your shit on youtube/vimeo
>why haven't you done it yet?
I have
stop it not again!!!!!
Yeah, she had a self centered thing on reddit to sell her crappy unedited book that no one had the heart to tell her was crap before she published it.
Buuuut I feel kinda bad for her desu
This, and I have too.
>every shitty book they force on you in high school
>not just ripping off david lynch
roasties jealous as fuck
This fucking guy. Every thread, within moments of Harry Potter being mentioned, you manage to fucking to do it.
yeah mayne
There's a system on the outskirts of a big space empire, and this lad starts up a religion, but then he goes on a long journey to be a space-missionary, and by the time he gets back hundreds of years have passed due to time dilation and the empire in that part of space has collapsed into barbarism after fighting off an alien invasion and his religion's been hijacked by a zealot who's waging holy war against the various factions in the system. In the meantime the remains of the empire, which have survived in other systems, have been slowly recapturing all the territory they lost. It turns out the system had been home to a superweapon which meant that it was too dangerous for them to try to retake it, so they send an agent who teams up with the original religious dude and a ragtag bunch of misfits to infiltrate the religious homeworld, seize control of or destroy the superweapon and assassinate the usurper, wihle also getting up to hijinks in chaotic post-society Mad Max space
I liked it.
>It turns out the system had been home to a superweapon
stopped reading here
>that footpussy
He should've just asked her to mail him a pair of her used socks
>what is Sup Forums's equivalent of self publishing and why haven't you done it yet?
It's youtube. And I have. You've all watched them.
how do people end up with taste like this?
Writing a book costs nothing but time. Making a movie costs money.
Well I mean you already knew it was a heist premise, and now you know there's a superweapon, your subconscious is automatically going to draw the dots whether you like it or not, so who really won here?
Not going to happen. Fuckton of the books are still good quality. Yes, lots of books are shitty but if you look at number and not percentage, books are still great.
because it's much cheaper to publish a book than to produce a movie, obviously.
wrong making a book is far more challenging and money taking consideration into money than a book could ever achieve such as a movie, so you're based on a wrong fact is not correct. preiod.
footfags are so pathetic
Fancy seeing you here.
Wikifeet is kino tho
>making a boo
>and money taking consideration into money
>so you're based on a wrong fact is not correct.
>not a single capital
Please tell us more about the writing process.
please mind you that this is a discussed topic on this thread, mind you that making it in a way of non conservative commenting is disallowed and will be re-enforced upon yourself if things find their path into this way, not such thing as keeping it to yourself as this is a public board and we do not tolerate such behaviours lightly.
thanks, very much
>he doesn't know
Fucking newfags
>Is she retarded?
worse - shes a woman
Better to self publish or go to publisher? Have sci book I wanna publish one day and don't know to go about it.
Do it fast, before you realize scifi is for retards.
>footfags are so pathetic
>Do it fast, before you realize scifi is for retards.
Self publish first and rock the convention scene, I have a lot of friends who sell their art/writing/comics that way. Get a little bit of a fanbase and the money will flow.
>self publish and sell at conventions
Why though? If anything, it can be attributed to fantasy if Harry Potter and A song of ice and fire is to go by. The most recent SciFi book I think can be called retarded it would be Ready Player One.
footfags confirmed for reddit
I've been on this board (with the last five and a half years being absolute dogshit due to something Id need to write an essay about) for 10 years and I still fucking hate feetfags.
Fucking feetfags. What the fuck is your problem?
>2hu shit
>username is BriannaMGoux
she got goofed hard
Lmao this is basically the plot to Andromeda with Kevin Sorbo
I've pretty much done writing and editing a novel based on a dream I had. Editors are going through it right now but it's on track to be published next year.
It's sci-fi with some steampunk and fantasy mixed it.
The opening main characters are Culver Fenner and Elizabeth Weyla, two teens trying to survive together in the ruins of a city a generation after the bombs fell and laid low their civilization.
Technology has regressed back to about the equivalent of a century for us. I used 1898 as an inspiration for the setting. The old cities are mostly avoided by members of the reemerging civilization, and in the first few chapters Culver and Elizabeth find rebuilt structures and encounter friendly folks that are actually cannibals.
I'm hoping my book gets picked up for a movie.
She actually came back.
I'm sorry user and I really don't want to hurt your feelings but that sounds fucking disgusting and I hope you never write again
What's wrong with it? I barely even gave details.
And it's good enough to be getting published so what's your issue?