>David Hall works at the Social Security Administration office in Champaign. He says all employees were told to watch a video about LGBT inclusion, but he claims that violates his religious freedom.

>Hall says he's expecting to be fired. He says he hopes it won't come to that, but if it does, so be it. We sat down with him to let him explain his position, but that's something LGBT community leaders say makes no sense.

>"I can't be any more sorta Christian than you can be sorta pregnant."

>David Hall has no problem signing his name on a blank piece of paper. His issue is signing something to confirm he's watched a workplace diversity training video on the subject of LGBT customers.

>"They wanted me to certify that I had completed the training," says Hall. "I'm not going to certify sin."

Other urls found in this thread:

The guy objecting isn't very articulate, but he is right. There's a political agenda.

Good. All religious people should be fired tbqh. There's no place for bigoted shitlords like that in a modern, progressive inclusive society.

It's over. The corporations and government offices are fully sold on the gay acceptance meme. God help you if you ever express an opinion somewhere out of of the norm on this matter and are gainfully employed.



>in navy
>command makes us acknowledge LGBT day
>had to celebrate it this year with a pot luck
I really fucking wish I was making this up

Social security admin. Sorry to say it but dealing with people from all walks of life without discrimination is a basic part of his job. If he worked for a private company I would support his decision but he doesn't. I wouldn't want a Muslim working for the government who was refusing basic training on religious grounds and I won't support this guy doing the exact same thing. He doesn't have to agree with his job but if you work for the government then you accept you have to perform the tasks that are part of the job.

Claim that he is Muslim and LGBT is offending to him.


good on him fucking madcunt fuck it id refuse too

Fuck off cuck i agree with him

Nowhere does it say that he's going to discriminate against gays. He just doesn't want to sign off his approval of faggotry.

this guy has his own set of moral values and he stands by them, even if it means facing grave personal consequences. hats off to that, this kind of behavior is a very rare sight these days.

>beard shadow
>mans haircut

>gay day
That's not going to surprise anyone.

Good on him.

Sick of these fucking faggots demanding special treatment at the expense of other people's beliefs and morals.

America and the planet have truly become almost 100% Orwellian. This is a nightmare, and it isn't one that you can wake up from. It's your life. It's real. And it isn't going away. And they're all around you.

Call me a faggot. Whatever you need to do.

I say it's hell.

so the faggot in the video makes an actual living from being a faggot?

>a man in lipstick

So be it ? Isn't the freedom of belief one of the cardinal points of the goddamn constitution ?
I say let them fire you and sue the shit out of their overused anus, any lawyer would have a walk in park with this.

He came off as very articulate. His one weakness was his appeal to superstitious authority, i.e Jesus Christ.
The answer to his question, though, is probably that he was made aware that there are people with mental diseases that want to be seen and pretend to be other genders.

>Concert to islam "only takes a 40 second prayer"
>Cry islamophobia
>Take them to court for bigotry

That faggot used to go to or still goes to University of Illinois Urbana Champaign. Always dressed like a faggot protesting some shit with a megaphone. Annoying af.

IT could work

Singapore, isnt it the death penalty to visit this forbidden site?




>boss tells you to watch a video

Religious tolerance ends where intolerance begins

This is why flags are fucking stupid. He's obviously an American spoofing his IP, idiot.

>not letting her know about or access family income

That's just solid financial planning not abuse.

To be fair this shit is only pushed on the military, generally they just follow the protocol for the burocrats to shut up and then proceed like nothing happened.
If you're a faggot you won't get harassed anymore but don't expect people to shower with you or getting invited too often when they're out for a leave, they thought you were a freak before they still thing you're a freak now.


Liberast detected.

>respect my imaginary gender
>no my imaginary boss won't let me

can't make this shit up

Imagine it was something you were morally against. Like child molestation for example. Would you watch a video encouraging you to accommodate child molesters because your boss told you to or would you stand up and say this is wrong?


problematic desu

I'd watch it and shut my face or walk and get a new job.

I dont think the analogy is very adequate though. In my mind there is a box called "shit other people do that doesn't effect me or anyone else" that I A: dont care about and B: think that the people who DO care about this shit are a bunch of poofters. Faggery is inside the box, child molestation is outside it.

>the 1 in 4



>Nip's first thought is immediately child molestation.

Weakening men from every angle even in the fucking military

Ways homosexuality affects everyone:
Break down of the family
Lowering the birthrate
Spread of disease
Weakening of the institution of marriage
Public displays of nudity and sex acts in "Pride" parades

(((Stephanie))) isn't even trying. He got beard shadow, a guys voice and a guys haircut for fuck sake.
>how do you know if you haven't watched it
you don't need to watch an LGBT (((training))) video to know the agenda they're pushing, it comes with the name.


I pity gay people getting lumped in with transgender lunatics.

If he was Muslim they wouldn't have done that

I pity transgender people for getting lumped in with polynomial extragender genderqueer multipersonal biethnic mocha frappuccino lunatics

Dobrý memíčka.

G-d bless him.


>okay you can keep this job if you watch this
>okay you don't keep this job

Fuck off. It isn't a legitimate excuse for faggot Mudshits, it's not a legitimate excuse for gash-crotched Christians or fat buttfucker Atheists either.

If it was some fat whore whining and lawyering up because she didn't want to watch an instructional video because something in it triggered her poor animal-like mind into having negative thoughts you'd be shitting on her.

HMS Fuccboi?


>Break down of the family
>Lowering the birthrate
Both of these are the result of feminism, not gay people.
>Spread of disease
STDs aren't exclusive to any one sexual orientation. Even AIDS isn't a big deal anymore as long as you wear a condom and don't hook up with niggers. Both of which are common sense, honestly.
>Weakening of the institution of marriage
Again, you can blame that one on feminism, and laws that make getting a divorce easier than buying a car. Straight people destroyed marriage by the time gays ever got around to it.
>Public displays of nudity and sex acts in "Pride" parades
Triggered? You're free to ignore them.


>Break down of the family
Only if family members are those poofters i mentioned. If you dont give a shit about the faggery then the family keeps on going as before

>Lowering the birthrate
M8. Fags arent going to have more kids just because people run around telling each other how bad fags are.

>spread of disease
no more than straight sex, so again i dont care.

>Weakening of the institution of marriage
Kek. marriage isnt a fucken institution. It's a word we use to describe the (supposedly) permanent relationship two people decide to have with each other. Marriage is older than any organisation or religion, IMO its pretty fucking arrogant for religious cunts to tell other people that they 'own' marriage.

>Public displays of nudity and sex acts in "Pride" parades
This, however, i sort of agree with. Just because you should be allowed to fuck whoever you want however you want (excepting for the obvious, like children, the unwilling, etc), doesnt mean you should parade that shit around on the streets. Keep it in all the many places we have where that shit is appropriate. It's not like they are hard to come by.
I think the anti-faggery people share blame for that though, all that gay pride shit wouldn't be a big deal if the thought/sex police didnt keep on giving fags a hard time.

Your house is on fire?
Lol just ignore it bigot.

Too bad he wasn't one of the many faggots who trim their eyebrows, he looks like he has half clown makeup put on.

>A parade you can easily choose to ignore is comparable to your house burning down

Is this what you guys consider logic up there?

Homosexual families are proven to be terrible for raising a kid. They do not work.

I don't care if you want to fuck each other in the ass on your own time, debauchery and hedonism are two of mankind's greatest virtues after all, but pretending it's good for society is a hilariously delusional idea.

>knowing about something is a sin as much as practicing it

Christianity in a nutshell folks

That's LITERALLY a man , how can liberals be this stupid?
There are guys who aren't EVEN TRYING and look more like women than that freak
Also lmao @ the trap-faggots in this thread , go shill your mental illness on

>Homosexual families are proven to be terrible for raising a kid. They do not work.
You know m8 i dont think they are proven to be terrible, sociology hasn't proved much and i really dont think its going to have a good time with 'raising children'.
Wanna back that one up with evidence?

>but pretending it's good for society is a hilariously delusional idea.
I don't think faggery is good or bad for society in the same manner that i dont think snowboarding or dancing or fantasy books are good or bad for society. I just dont give a shit.

I think that not giving a shit about a lot of things (like all the shit in that box i was talking about) would be fucking amazing for society. Imagine if we spent all the energy we're spending on faggery on corruption, government opacity, or election finance.






you had a case in Australia where you did a documentary about a wonderful gay family, then a year later turned out the two dads had raped he adopted kid senseless

fucking kek

Anyone who doesnt think ((( stephanie ))) should be shot in the head in front of a shallow ditch deserves the same

Just like the man, it'll be filled with seamen.

>I'm not going to certify an abomination

Things that are wrong according to this:
>Making her ask for money
>Giving her an allowance

>Taking her money?

That's right boyim, give us your money but don't ever think about using ours

that man with lipstick jesus fucking christ, deserves to be beat to a pulp without remorse


These kind of threads always give me a warm feeling in my tummy.

The Regnerus study on homosexual parenting (the largest of its kind ever done) showed that those raised by gays were signifigantly more likely to have negative life outcomes - i.e. being on welfare, having STD(s), being raped, being molested by a parent, being homosexual

Look up the Regnerus study

Take another look at the paper he signs.
See that there's text on the other side?

Sign your name on a paper, and even if one side is blank, if the other side has the contract text it can still be counted as signing a contract.

Speculate on this Sup Forums, what did he sign?

>social security

Fuck him, stupid withholding I won't even see.

>refuse to comply to workplace regulations
>risk your job

nigger, just watch the video, then complain about it

> that wheel thing

I only do five or maybe five and a half of these things with my wife. Is Sup Forums disappoint?

Well they are pushing to normalize pedophilia now so why not bring child molestation up?

what did you honestly expect

why, they are both the same amount of mentally ill

He's not hiding and whining behind his lawyer, he clearly states he's ready to lose his job over this, although he hopes it won't come to this.

The video being "part of training" is just an excuse to be able to say "look, we train our employees to deal with LGBT people, we clearly take all the necessary steps to include this community and not be bigoted". But let's be honest: How the fuck is viewing a video going to teach you to be more open-minded? It's disingenuous.

I'd guess his employers realize this, and are just waiting for him to be openly homophobic to get better grounds to fire him. If he's not, they'd be wise to just let the affair die out, and suggest him another option for training.


>white people going along to get along
Yeah that has nothing to do with why western civilization is in it's current state

Fucking christ user, my sides.

>Look up the Regnerus study

This, plus the fact that it is a biological impossibility for a fag couple to create a baby naturally. No child raised by gays has both biological parents.

chances are everyone on here has seen more videos/information/grahps/tumblr-posts about LGBT inclusion, so what's the big deal?
if your boss asks you to watch a video instead of work, I'll do it any day

>not wavering on principals
>standing his ground despite possible termination and SJW assault/backlash

He's like the Snowden of Christtards.

Good for him standing his ground.


>so what's the big deal?
If something isn't challenged, what do you think happens? You're doing what leftists do (assuming you aren't one) and treating an incident as if it isn't part of a bigger picture.

underrated post

>No more than straight sex
Gay men are SIXTY times more likely to have HIV than straight men.

You know fucking nothing.

God has been abandoned in favour of a new God, Faggotry

Faggots are the holiest, the untouchable.
The left worships them, so do the "saviors of the west"

Literally this

It's not about him ignoring it. It's about all those children who get dragged to it or walked by it and don't have the option to ignore it. This is why you queers should be gassed.

>"I can't be any more sorta Christian than you can be sorta pregnant."
that's something he heard somewhere
language is a virus

Where do you think that cross on your flag came from, Mohammed ibn Sven?

i also agree with gassing

SS Poopdick

Motion carried.

SS milky gay