Fucking christ, you can't make this shit up

Fucking christ, you can't make this shit up

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there some tweet or whateverthefuck by Katy Perry which had Pepe in it?

Why do they capitalize "frog"? It's been bugging me for a while, all the media and only the media does this, like they were all reading from the same script.

Who is this Sup Forums?

This was the picture
Probably, but they only care now I guess because of media attention brought to the alt right
Bothers me too, not exactly sure
A h@xXx0r

>Jews getting triggered because we have our own secret god to worship.

One only needs to believe in Kek for he brings the chaos, not man.

Good post, I like

They don't want to disrespect a god of chaos in case he's real.

its funny though because this is a non-issue

nobody is thinking about nazi frogs except desperate Shill4Hill fans and us

Americans need to just go into the news offices and destroy their shit

Niggers get away with burning down cities you'd get away with burning down a couple offices


You don't seem to understand, they are spreading the image and message of Kek.

They are attempting to use his association and image so to attach a biased negative stigma on the "alt-right", they are trying to shape us more into the bad guys for being conservative.

What they don't understand is that they are only spreading the word, and Kek will gain more followers, and as a result his sphere of influence will grow.

Don't underestimate propaganda for many false beliefs fell to it, but here a true belief will rise due to it.

Google "pepe the frog" or "alt-right" they're fucking scared and have no clue what's going on its hilarious

Hey Ricky. How's it going ?

WTF I hate frogs now!

>(((Heidi Beirich)))

this has been the most damning aspect of clinton's campaign. she brings light to all these things against her which draws people to them since she's the antichrist

Who's Ricky?


The capitalize frog because they're saying that his name is "Pepe the Frog" rather than just Pepe, who is a frog.

Just like you capitalize impaler in Vlad the Impaler.

Wait till these fucking kikes learn about Wojak

Yeah, I see what they're trying to do. I just don't think it's gonna work.

Seems like everyone is pretty sick of how shit society has been for the past 2-3 years. I know a lot of people that were liberals in 2008-2012 and almost all of them think Hillary/the current sate of liberalism is shit and Trump is alright/good. People are sick of the hysteria about the right-wing. Feminism has become uncool to normies and almost everyone thats white thinks niggers rioting in the streets needs to stop immediately.

I think this election is going to surprise a lot of people

>establishment thinks you're planning some earth shattering racial war movement
>don't realize you're just shitposting smug frogs for laffs
You can't make this up

nobody cares about that cuck

Speak for yourself, sheepfucker.

Which of you made this site?

>implying the person that wrote that is wrong

That's just being a nigger. Exposing lies will make them destroy their own shit.

>We know (((people))) own the news media.
>(((News Media))) lies
>But as compared to the past even the recent past, the lies (((they))) create and promote can be fact-checked within seconds.
>The lies (((they))) can be refuted and those refutes can be just as viral as the lie (((they)))

>So what do you do when you try to suppress the truth or hide the lie? They lie more. And the lies become looser and the manner of amplifying the lies become clumsier and clumsier (ex. CTR, Vox, Slate)

>And as they lie more, those who fact check and refute the lies upon lies are on to it. And it goes on and on.

>This is the Internet age, the age of Sup Forums even Reddit. This generation are more savvy to propaganda. Yet some are not, like your Facebook faggot friends. Yes, this generation can sift through the bullshit and call it out within seconds and win. Because we seek the truth with reckless abandon.

>(((They))) own the media, but not truth. And the truth gets louder thanks to Kek.

This is the word of Kek. Check.

>2010: Pepe is a simple frog expressing how good it feels to piss with his pants pulled all the way down
>2016: Pepe is a dangerous insurgent associated with the """vile""" corners of the internet who is waging totalenkrieg on the establishment

What a half-decade.

>posting pictures of a frog on the internet affects the election of the largest country on earth.
What a time to be alive

They're playing the long game and pushing a demographic change instead of trying to sway the current voting base who obviously don't have their support

Well, isn't that kind of true?

Glad you could enjoy it with us, kiwi

We could post dogos and kittens, and suddenly they would be associated with the alt-right.

(Huh. Could we ruin the internet for all, forever, with that method?)

Kek has become the mark of the beast whoever bears this mark worships the devil and is the enemy of the one try God
The God of the Christian Jew and Mohammadan

Raping abbos doesn't count as racial war, m8

Funny, they won't mention that we actually worship KEK.


That's not even his name though. It's just Pepe.