I can't do it anymore. I'm sick of watching all this pozzed jewish shit. This film was so far beyond the usual levels of degeneracy that I feel unclean after watching it. Fuck hollywood. I'm out.
I can't do it anymore. I'm sick of watching all this pozzed jewish shit...
>pozzed jewish shit
It ok OP. High art usually makes those less intelligent feel uncomfortable.
is the guy on the right holding a banana peel?
How was it degenerate? Genuinely curious. Are you talking about the swimming scene?
Beverly is ugly.
You are weak, OP
I actually agree with Krager
Knowing Sup Forumstards probably because it has a black person in it
>found the pozzy jew
>everyone who frequents pol is unironicallly racist irl
Gtfo reddit
>Sup Forums is real life
Retards this way
>redditor too triggered by pol to understand my reply
How am i conveying that you absolute dumbfuck?
Just stay in your Sup Forums hug box faggot.
>can't watch sports
>can't watch TV
>can't watch movies
But at least you have Sam Hyde :^)
I'm glad you're miserable
This one has low level jewry cause it's set in the 80s and only has like one token black guy just like the original so not sure what's got you so mad
Hello newfag
Why does Sup Forums even come here if they think Hollywood is run by jews? Do they just enjoy being constantly triggered over everything?
Because watching low IQ libtards try to engage in debate is amusing. You people are retarded.
Does finn wolfhard makes you uncomfortable?
>they think Hollywood is run by jews
um that's not an opinion retard lmao
Explain please...
This "libtard" could seriously fuck you up, kid. Think of that everytime you run your mouth on here, mmmkay?
t. triggered Sup Forumsweenie that can't stand the thought that his safe space has people who think the alt-right is for retards
>this much crying
I'm glad you're triggered :)
I just saw it and I don't see what all the fuss is about since it wasn't especially good. It was full of predictable horror movie scenes and tropes and didn't really bring anything new to the horror movie genre, but I guess that could have been because it's a remake of an old horror movie that probably inspired most of those tropes.. Also fuck me with a shotgun they're making sequels.
You're a fucking idiot.
>they think hollywood is run by jews
The originally was a two parter. I'm okay with a second part, packing the past and present into 1 movie would be very difficult
harder daddy
>all these ledditors falling for this bait thread
jesus christ. where do I go now
Ah, okay. I thought they were gonna milk it and make six movies or something.
>This "libtard" could seriously fuck you up
>This "libtard" could seriously fuck you up
the nazi was throwing banana peels at random niggers before this video was shot
Were they angry he already ate the bananas?
I haven't seen it yet. What are you referring to op?
>Sup Forums get out
>omg Sup Forums
>blah bloo bloo im a huge faggot Sup Forums
Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Sup Forums is Sup Forums
Sup Forums is everywhere
you are Sup Forums
deal with it
stop embarrassing yourself
Sup Forums is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Sup Forums and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”