Friendly reminder that there will never be another Gamera movie

Friendly reminder that there will never be another Gamera movie.

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Well there's no topping Guardian of the Universe.

>there's no topping Guardian of the Universe

But they already did that with Attack of the Legion.

Visually? Sure. As a complete movie? No. The characters and drama of Legion is the weakest of the trilogy.

>caring about drama and characters
>in a fucking kaiju movie about a giant fire breathing turtle

Yes? Do you expect me to ignore over 2/3 of the experience? Monster movies can be legitimately good movies. No need for the false binary.

Pic related is the better movie btw

legion is the weakest of the three

This movie is criminally underrated by the kaiju community

How the FUCK do I watch it? I couldn't find a torrent or a stream or even anywhere to buy a DVD.

Because a large chunk of the kaiju community only cares about things being taken seriously, fights, and which monster is the strongest. Actual critique usually isn't welcomed. Admittedly Gamera is too cute and his roar is sorely missed, though GtB features some of the finest human drama of the genre and is a genuinely good movie overall.

>never be another Gamera movie
Why? Someone die or something?

Friendly reminder there was 15 years between Super Monster and Guardian of the Universe.

Additional reminder that this happened:

I'm pretty sure I read that a new Gamera was in development

You're thinking about this:

There hasn't any updates on it in years.


Wish was Gamera was real so I could adventure with him while he saves the world. I could manage the fan club.

yes there will

Revenge of Iris had better character drama and interactions than both of those movies, and easily had the most development of a human antagonist in any Kaiju movie.

Also it had way better fights and visually was far superior. The Sky Battle and subsequent Fall was downright beautifully shot.

Always wonder if Gamera is the superior Godzilla
My theory is the more simple and basic the better and a turtle seems to be better than t-Rex + back plates.

>My theory is the more simple and basic the better and a turtle seems to be better than t-Rex + back plates.

So firebreathing black T-rex with Spines is more simple than Flying sabertoothed firebreathing turtle?

You can watch it online:

This counts as a short movie god damn it.

>the mind of the typical Chinese moviegoer

The creature designs in this series are absolute god-tier. Legion is so cool looking.

Maybe Kadokawa/Daiei should bring Kaneko back. He did an outstanding job on the Gamera Trilogy and GMK. Along with Anno's Shin Godzilla and Tasaki's Gamera the Brave, Kaneko's films are undoubtedly the finest examples of the genre in decades.

While the Aerial Fight suffered from a bit of dodgy CGI, the Shibuya Battle with Gyaos is a contender for peak genre material.

>so anime it hurts

How do you go from this... this?

Almost all of my passwords are some variation of GameraVSGyaos, and have been for years.


They are squeezing their last ounce of power to make a big finale

Hirohito Gamera! Hirohito Gamera!

lemme post kino real quick