What does Sup Forums think of ASMR?
And how does it effect the world of politics?
What does Sup Forums think of ASMR?
And how does it effect the world of politics?
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I love psyche truth. Would be nice if they had one with a red pilled qt whispering nice things about Trump as she brushed her friends hair or something.
ASMR is degenerate
ASMR is just porn for the ear.
i have the opposite of ASMR, what's it called?
it's where when i hear retards whispering into a mic I want to bludgeon them with my ancestors thigh bone
Veni vidi vulpes is God tier
She's no heather feather (RIP)
They are all shit apart from Air Light
How could you be mad at this voice?
mfw i'm subscribed to 24 asmr channels.
Its relaxing ear porn pretty much.
Do not speak that name to me ;_;
>this opinion
>Talking shit with anime pic
I can't stand it for more than a few seconds, that constant lip smacking is annoying
ASMR makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Real ASMR got hijacked by virgin faggots who want to simulate having a gf.
Real ASMR isn't caused by some feeling you get when you trick yourself into thinking you've got a gf, it's more subtle than that. I used to get it at the doctor's when they'd do a check over, it's really hard to describe and I understand why people who don't get it think it's some weird faux love thing.
Are you not also on s Taiwanese cave painting forum?
The water in which you swim sustains me too brother.
>Denying his feelings for doctor schlomo goldstein this hard
10/10 degenerate
It's the modern day western version of Japanese video girls. And people say the U.S isn't in a lost decade.
Women are just terrible at ASMR. I know the exact feeling but women don't give me it.
She's ripping off HungryLips!
is this ASMR shit just an autism magnet? who actually enjoys watching this fucking shite? how little do you have to do with your time that your spending it listening to women make high quality sounds?
autists should be gassed at birth
Autism porn
This made me a big guy.
Try the massage ones! Especially great if you have a foot fetish!
wanna share some? cant find a good one for the life of me.
Oleysa is the queen of ASMR
>soy blueberry yoghurt
Hey bitch, you trying to turn me into a woman? Fuck you????
I like watching women sucking on popsicles.
Thoughts on male ASMRtists like Tony Bomboni?
I can't simulate it by watching videos or any other forced way. It happens with certain people and their voices/sensitivity. I often wonder if the same people give it to everyone, what a gift to have. These shitty youtube videos of people whispering? Nope.
Shame this never really took off.
ASMR is so relaxing plus you don't have to take pills just to fall asleep or to focus.
>male ASMRtists
This Aussie is the best male ASMRtist in my opinion. He also has a room dedicated for ASMR.
Or this.
my brain refuses to allow itself to be seduced by these sirens
I value the privacy of my mind too much
This is just creepy to me.
People like this shit?
That faggot should be gassed!
this thread makes me think
I don't care as much for the making sounds ones, but the massage videos are relaxing where they actually give a massage to another person. Psyche truth uses licensed massage therapists and female massage models.
Or this:
Or this:
Remember, you watch them before bed. Its meant to be white noise.
from what i understand it's supposed to make you feel a tingle or something but after watching a few of them i found it does nothing to me.
58:58 - 59:13
Fucking didn't know Rolf Harris was doing ASMR
This desu. ASMR is supposed to make you feel the same kind of tingle you get when someone whispers behind or close to your ear with the intention of relaxing you, often for sleep.
You just also he wearing headphones to experience it.
It can be triggered by voices or material sounds (gloves, tapping, scratching, anything).
There are however worthless whores who infiltrated the industry.
Vid related, a chick with a relaxing voice.
but....soylent has no soy in it
Also... Bob Ross was the first ASMRtist
Who are you kidding? The main ingredient is soy isolate.
Men are better than women at everything except ovulation and giving birth. Even I'm better at faking orgasms than they are.
annoying as hell whispers in ears boils my blood
almost worse than peoples eating with open mouth
This is one of the best ones, really stimulates my autonomous sensory meridian response
It's alright. ASMR videos by pure blonde White girls help me relax.
I cannot believe you didnt start with this one.
apex degeneracy
I can't even experience it.. i'm like a minority of people who are immune to asmr.
the only good ASMR
>Calling anyone else degenerate