Brit/pol/ HMS Queen Elizabeth edition

>Boris Johnson backs hardline Brexit campaign Change Britain as pressure from senior Tories builds on Theresa May

>Work permits among Brexit options, home secretary says

>Owen Smith: UK could join euro and Schengen

>Traditions such as Christmas celebrations will die out unless people stand up for British values, government review finds

>Theresa May should invoke Article 50 within weeks, says John Whittingdale

>A loophole means the BBC's online news site could be free from strict impartiality rules

>Business leaders and MPs attack Liam Fox over 'fat and lazy' accusations

>Bitter French politician says British firms should be BANNED from doing business in Europe

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Good morning.
It appears HC falling over is also British news today

Spooky hivemind

I can't delete my thread sorry lad

Good morning lads.

wtf is wrong with Owen Smith?

He's a cunt.

Like everyone else in the Labour Party.

Sorry bud, I refreshed a bunch of times before posting too!

I can't believe even the stupidest of labour voters(the vast majority) would vote to join the euro let alone shengan
What a way to kill your slim chance of being relevant.

>>Owen Smith: UK could join euro and Schengen
Does he really think he can win on this platform? No-one in Britain wants to join the euro (expect Izzard, the cunt).

>(the vast majority)

Literally every single Labour voter is a fucking moron. Commie bastards.

I would have posted earlier but the paki rat from britfeel has evaded his ban so many times nipm00t has banned the entire ip range my phone use becausehe uses it aswell. Had to wait until i had wifi again to post

We have to leave first, then we have to re apply to join and we wouldn't get anywhere near the "good" deal with have in the EU at the moment.
Maybe this was the plan all along, to remove what limited influence we had

He's working on the assumption that the 48% of people that voted to remain are Europhiles and love everything to do with the EU, he thinks that if he can appeal to these people than he'll secure 48% of the vote and become of the most popular PM's ever.


With that kind of genius electioneering, and the only other option being Jezza, I have to say, Labour's completely fucked.

Daily reminder that the song goes
>Rule! Britannia
>Britannia, RULE the waves!
It's a command for action not a statement of fact.

Reminder to activate extra flags so we can slag off each others counties

>A loophole means the BBC's online news site could be free from strict impartiality rules
Good let the truth come out, I've got a feeling who will win that little battle

Labour have to choose between a communist coward and an incompetent yes man who will say anything to get people to like him.

At least Corbyn actually stands for something, he has values. I can respect that even if I don't respect what he stands for.

but who else can I vote for who isn't a facist racist nationalist populist imperialist bourgeoise mysogynist?

m-m-muh ebul torwees...

Morning lads

Didn't Corbyn campaign for remain?

have any of you talked about Trump with normie brits?
its annoying as someone who likes him - at least americans get some of the corrections - the people i've talked to have just seen the ''Trmp s ltrly htlr guise'' headlines and looked no further / got no context or anything.

Ive only spoke with 3/4 people about him tbf maybe they were just unlucky people to talk to.

>In a letter to the Humanist Society Scotland, a senior civil servant said religious and moral education, as well as religious observance "must take place in a pluralistic manner that accords respect to both religious and non-religious beliefs".

What's their end game here? I thought Scotland loved falling over backwards to fuck themselves up and allowing children to opt out of religious studies would further that goal.

Depressing amount of LBC callers are still saying Trump is mental and racist, etc. Their callers were overwhelmingly Leave too, so I don't think there's any real correlation between the campaigns, which is a shame because you'd assume there would be some there. is good news though.

...I vow to thee...

Yeah, I lost a friend over it. It wasn't even me that started the conversation.

I'm from Aberdeen in Scotland. It's frustrating as fuck to listen to these people talk
> Trump wants us to stop putting pointless and inefficient windfarms offshore.
>OMG Literally hitler who does he think he is telling us what to do
>Trump builds a multimillion dollar world class golf course and resort in Scotlands richest county bringing jobs, tourism and money
>OMG trump is ruining our countryside with this monstrosity! We clearly need the land for more farms and shitty granite buildings.

>World's greatest Golf course

Glasgow here. Leftie student types everywhere. Feels bad man.

It's impossible to talk to most of these people about UKIP or even the Conservatives without them trying to jump down your throat, I wouldn't even bother to bring up Trump with them.


They all think im nuts because I keep saying he's got a good chance of winning.

They also didn't believe brexit would win.

>that one mate who switched to remain so he could be on the winning side

Talk radio station based in London, Nige hosts a show on it every now and then.

The original from 1908 was far more badass
>I heard my country calling, away across the sea,
>Across the waste of waters, she calls and calls to me.
>Her sword is girded at her side, her helmet on her head,
>And around her feet are lying the dying and the dead;
>I hear the noise of battle, the thunder of her guns;
>I haste to thee, my mother, a son among thy sons.

>the last dreadnought and battleship was decommissioned without as much as a whimper



My gf was telling me earlier how her brother red-pilled himself on Trump. He was falling for the memes until he looked up the statistics about what Trump was saying, turns out Trump is right.

Welcome to the Trump train, destination: freedom.

Stands for London Based Chatter, watch the clip of the Labour leadership debates last year when the public rings up to ask questions and one of the callers is Nige calling for EU bantz

The blairites didn't gut the navy, they didn't help but they didn't start the process.
It was the 1966 defence white paper penned by none other than famed Harold Wilson that shoved us into a 50 year decline, especially on carrier design.

But have no fear, the Navy is on the rise again and we are back on the forefront of carrier and blue water navy design and operation.

>that one mate who switched to remain so he could be on the winning side
that's one of the most retarded reasons for voting I've ever heard.
you hang out with retards, user.

I've had an easy time switching people on ukip by saying "what if america could make our decisions for us, wouldn't you be arguing for independence? same shit, germany's making britain's decisions for them" but I know it's the possibility of trump that is behind their agreeing with that

Corbyn derangement syndrome.

>a fucking ramp

>Corbyn rejects offer to visit Israel's holocaust museum


remember that Owen Smith is the cream of the labour party. the best of the best. Owen Smith is who they put forward to do the impossible and win against a decrepit terrorist-sympathising socialist dinosaur

>and we are back on the forefront of carrier and blue water navy design and operation.
With almost no ships?

Good one.

Washington Naval Treaty a shit.

Never trust a burger.

All their planes were crippled by the EU.

He claims it was because he didn't like bojo or farrage (im not overly keen myself) but i know him too well.

He didn't want to be on the losing side so he could be a smug bastard.

Well, in the end it was I who was /smug/ and shitposted in the group chat for hours


Our Comrade

post Charli XCX

sounds like a bellend m8

Lads, have you heard this report about Middlesbrough being the worst place for girls to live?
I was almost sympathetic to their plight till I heard it was based on their attitude to social media and body image
So I'm supposed to care that they chose to do things then bitch about the response?
Not a single mention of the troubles of young men, again.

Prove to me that Saidiq Khan isn't pretty based (by muslim standards)

Pro-tip: you can't

>till I heard it was based on their attitude to social media and body image

The strong independent women meme is hilarious.

Feminist cunts are making women miserable.

We have a fleet of 77 warships, this does not include the RFA, we're in the process of designing and building our new generation of frigates, the type 26 and type 31 with a total of 13 ships.
Our Ballistic Nuclear Submarine fleet has just been approved for renewal.
Our Astute class is world leading and the latest HMS Artful has just been fully commissioned and another 4 are on their way.
The new Queen Elizabeth class is again, modern, world class and superior to everything afloat outside of the US Navy and in most cases can better full fill the role of fleet carrier than an old Nimitz.
Tonnage and capacity is not as important as sortie ratio, despite this the carriers are over 70,000 tonnes and still out operate anything other nations use or will use in the near future.
Our Offshore patrol vessels are modern and being built rapidly with HMS forth just being launched last week (pic related).
We're the only nation in NATO that spends 2 percent on defence that actually amounts to anything (Looking at you poland and romania)


There is no such thing as a based Muslim. The tenets of Islam are incompatible with the state of being based.

so far he's burka'd women in advertising and tried to set up a troll patrol to crack down on islamophobia
supported remain
is a muslim

so yes i can user

Yeah, he """campaigned""" for them. He admitted on TV there'd be "uncapped immigration" from the EU, and went on and on about its flaws, then basically said "but we should stay in".

surely rotherham is worse



He lied on Question Time calling himself agnostic, notice how he didn't get any backlash from Muslims?

Hmm... makes you think.

>There are several forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, the best known being taqiyya. These circumstances are typically those that advance the cause of Islam - in some cases by gaining the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

> His first act was to stop sexy underwear campaigns on the London underground
> He back stabbed Corbyn in favour of Owen
> Is a muslim
> Doesn't like Trump

hey bongs, i'm here just to tell you I really like your new ship

>His first act was to stop sexy underwear campaigns
Do you think he was the one behind this act of Jihad?

Why does it go up at the front?

>footage shows Hillary Clinton stumbling

BBC, she's being dragged to the car for Christs sake. That's not stumbling, that's collapsing.


Superior tech


Just a reminder to read this comfy Peter Hitchens FAQ.

Rotherham doesn't exist to these people. Paki rape isn't real to them, it's something they saw a link to on facebook once and didn't read. The worst thing that happens in their day is someone ugly flirting with them on whatsapp and then calling them fat if they don't reciprocate.

The 'first world problems' meme is played out but it's not inaccurate. People base their quality of life scale on what they're familiar with, and particularly in the case of vapid liberal women don't give two fucks if some kid two towns over got raped, beaten and doused in petrol because yesterday someone tipped iced coffee on their shoes and UGH their life is just the WORST

Council seat changes since corbyn became leader

>council seats
>relevant to anything at all
wew lad

The venerable and relentless march of superficial materialism.


>Traditions such as Christmas celebrations will die out unless people stand up for British values, government review finds
A fucking GOVERNMENT review

After 40 years of them trying to wash it from public psyche now they turn around and make it sound important,it is, and I suppose I should be glad that someone somewhere in gov is allowed to care now.

I have a female friend who lives in borough, apparently they have huge problems with harassment from muslims. Honestly sounds like its one of the few places where women are actually more anti-islam than men, on the grounds that they are actually getting a demonstration of what muslims are actually like and are no longer able to block out anything other than the media narrative of "islam means peace"

Because they will be talking about every religion except Christianity.

this was supposed to be a man in a fedora but I forgot to attach the image.


Nah, because allowing people to opt-out would allow the BLOODY RACISTS to opt out of their Islamic Teachings lessons and school trips.

West Coast here. People are against Trump but know nothing of Hillary, so I've just been dropping redpills about the shit she's been upto. They always just end it with "Oh well it doesn't matter either way we're fucked.", then go off to vote for SNP.

I guess we really are just porridge-wogs.

Those type 26s are looking pretty sweet. I hope my government decides to go down that route when we replace the ANZAC class ones.

Harriers couldn't make it into the air without it, and F-35s are shit.

>Council seats
>Not relevant to anything at all
wew, mong

>huge problems with harassment from muslims.
Every English city has this problem, then every town, then village...

same, I just make sure people know what a piece of shit hillary is rather than being openly pro-trump
but I do have 2 rl friends who I can talk brit/pol/ stuff with which is nice

lads im coming over to britain early next year, gonna be cold as fuck i know, but what are some good things to do? travelling by myself. kinda just wanna get the fuck out of london and go explore the countryside and small coastal towns. also wanna check out wales and ireland but not scotland. who wants to meet up for a cheeky pint?

oi and i need to get more morality man memes, post your best boys

Good job. It's true, however.


Owen Smith should LITERALLY be hanged, publicly.

If you want to see a really depressing shithole, go to Great Yarmouth. Honestly one of the worst places I ever seen in my life.

If you can't handle Britain at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best x

a fucking ramp

That's my plan too. It's just frustrating when they give it the ol' "We're fucked anyway".

I've got one mate who was pro-Brexit, but wants ScotIndy. No sense at all.