So this is fine?
So this is fine?
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Not allowed to talk about women's looks though
Yes, it's fine. People are allowed to have sexual preferences.
It's fine for tinder. Any decent height male will always list he's height.
*women over ***lb need not apply
She's negating a very, very large field of men and will eventually collect a bunch of cats.
The greater the height difference, the better the relationship. As long as the guys taller. Sorry
>So this is fine?
of course
man up kangaroo
looks like Bam could use a couple of ham burgeras
Want me to continue?
Women under [32]FF need not apply.
It's not double standards. Weight is something that people can control; height is not. Therefore, it's not fair to compare height to weight. If someone wants to be thinner, and therefore both healthier and more attractive, they can accomplish that. Unless you want to get that surgery Chinese girls have where they break their legs, you can't do much to gain height.
I'm fine with women wanting tall men, as long as they don't have a fucking cry when I say I only find skinny girls attractive
lol ugly nigger lady scared to show her face
>It's just my believes
If you think wanting a man taller than the average thirteen year old is a big ask then fucking kill yourself manlet
>good body
>still on Tinder
guaranteed crazy. abort
>I just want someone to love me!
>posts nude pic as profile picture
>tfw 5'11
>don't have a fucking cry
>not recognizing croc tears
proxy pls
I cropped it out, as well as her instagram account. Internet bullying is shit
But I thought love was blind. What about body positivity? And what about body shaming being bad?????
No, it's not a big ask. It's sad that these women will grow up bitter realizing they were never anything special at all, except to their increasingly larger cat collection. It's an epidemic that women are narcissists who think they deserve perfection while not realizing how bad their shit stinks.
jesus what a monster
Yes. She's a slim attractive blonde. She's allowed to have standards. If you were a tall and attractive alpha you'd never look at a short fat bitch, why blame girls for doing the same? Don't be /r9k/
Count the red flags.
Imagine your own mother calling you a mistake, but not your brother.
everyone recognizes that thumbnail nigga
I suspect these are mother and daughter? It is nice when they have a close bond.
Kek I am. Judging by her lack of personality in her other pics, I don't think she should be so picky
holy FUCK
>short fat bitch
What have you contributed?
>being under 6'2 in a civilized society
Must be hell.
yes, i mean any respectable man wouldnt date a fatty or ugly woman, right?well mannered girls.
The only infuriating thing is that below average woman often have the highest standards. it blows my mind how many 8/10's matches i get on Tinder or meet on Weekends, and most of them are nice, sweet girls while the expectations of 4-6/10's are ridiculously high.
She could be 5'11". In which case that is totally understandable.
I met a woman from match who was 6'2" (she omitted her height on her profile). It was just awkward as fuck as I am 5'11" myself. She laughed it off but I can't even imagine what fucking a woman that big must be like. We had fun but I never saw her again.
Oh dear.
Look man, if you were really short for a day, you would discover a side of women that you thought never have existed before.
Here is what I look like before you blame it on my looks or lack of self care:
At best, the compliments I get are along the lines of cute, adorable, all words that are demeaning and cast me as an asexual being. I never get called hot or sexy, and I don't believe any girl has thought of me that way before. To most girls, I'm the equivalent of a puppy. My voice is deep to, and I don't act meek at all, so it's none of that.
I have not even kissed a girl yet. I asked several girls out last year, all of them shorter than me. I also used online dating for a bit.
Here's what happens online. I get matches or girls who start a conversation with me, then they read my profile where I indicated my height and then they stop replying.
I asked a few girls out in person, one of them literally told me, "Ew no, you're like half a man." This girl was 5'1".
Another girl who seemed to really like me came up to me and said, "Could you PLEASE get on HgH? I'd so date you if you were taller." Obviously that was insulting and I brushed her off.
What really got to me the most was that this girl thought we were compatible in every way and she liked my personality and everything. The only thing preventing us from taking it further was her height requirement. If I were even a couple inches taller, that would have turned out much differently.
Clubs and bars for me are a joke. Most of the time girls reject me for just asking them to dance, and even if I do get a dance, the girl's friends grab her from me because, "he's short Ew."
What's even worse are these moments where I'm sitting, and a girl at a bar glances at me and smiles, and then once I stand up to reveal my stature, she just looks away and doesn't want to talk. That has happened a couple times.
>est 96
ah she's only 20. She will probably grow up
If you are 27 and still looking for one might stands though...good luck
The top 20% of men have always taken 80% of the women. The guys at the top just realized a long time ago that doling out pussy to the other men was better than facing a literal beta uprising from the masses of dudes with nothing to live for.
This shit is what happens when you give women rights and demolish the patriarchy.
> tfw the patriarchy is really rule of some men by other men
> tfw this is actually better for everyone
>check the flag
>check the height of Emus
it all just makes sense
god damn
>"need a beta provider now pls"
I wonder how old that pic is. I think she sees The Wall fast approaching.
It hurts my 5' 4" feelings, but it shouldn't be illegal or anything. So yeah, this is fine.
>alpha cuckoldress
>seeking an educated, alpha
yeah this looks totally legit and not like a Sup Forums memelord's joke at all
>That hairline from the mom(?)
So yeah, I get that what he's saying is annoying, but you have to be out of your mind to believe that you would have the exact same dating success that you do now if you were my height. You know that's bullshit.
Heck, even look at /soc/ and /r9k/. You have have a bunch of tall girls who are borderline desperate for any guy taller than them to give them attention.
Look, just accept that you have an advantage when it comes to attracting the opposite gender and move on. I know it makes you feel shitty because suddenly you realize how much is actually outside of your control, but that's life. If you were 6 inches shorter, it would drastically affect your success with women.
That's a perfect storm of red flags must be a trololol master
"I saw you around on campus. You are quite handsome. Or beautiful, rather."
Does she think I'm gay?
you look like a mexican
how tall are you step dad
"""men""" shorter than 6 feet need to offed
The term is sav my ninja
I wonder if she'll deliver her own baby...
What site is this from? It doesn't look like tinder.
What a catch.
Christ do these kind of whores have any luck?? Who in the right mind would message her after reading that?
are you a dindu? if not she just wants to cuck you as a beta provider
I don't understand how that relates to finding a romantic relationship. Like I said, there was a girl that found us compatible on many things but she couldn't get over my height. I would have never thought that a girl would be so shallow so as to let a relationship go for just one simple physical trait. Heck I was even taller than her.
This has happened multiple times before, not just once. "You would make a great husband some day" is what I get.
And believe it or not, there are guys out there who do just want to get laid and get that very well. They tend to be good looking and tall. There's nothing negative about wanting that as long as it involves consenting people.
If you're going to day that women don't like to be treated like fleshkights with a pulse, then I'm going to have to say bullshit based on what I have observed. Many women don't mind being treated like that as long as it's done by a guy they find very attractive.
Tell her that this is America and she needs to speak fucking English
>all the manlets ITT
You are biologically inferior. Deal with it.
what the everloving fuck
Well you do live in Sweden
As a lanklet I'm cool with it
5'9" HERE
short and rich,
dont need a bitch!
I typically pay for proper professional sexual encounters a few times a month.
I have no desire or need for women in my life.
This worthless fuckbag is obviously projecting, she cant get any man so she acts like she has standards.
There's telling people to stop making fun of fat people and then there's finding the ideal person to father your children/spend your life with
Not wanting a manlet partner you can fit in your purse =/= narcissism
>27 years old
>still using dating apps
I'm 5'9" but good looking and say shit like well sorry I'm not 6'0 when I match with girls on tinder and they still get mad.
So how tall are you?
im 5'11" and ive never felt insecure about my height
but i wouldnt mind a couple inches
> under 6ft tall
> "men"
No, i'm a slav. Although slightly darker than a regular slav - people often think I'm italian or greek or shit like this.
>but i wouldnt mind a couple inches
i bet you wouldnt
Let me try, first of all she is single for a long time, which means she has been getting casual dick from strangers, so that means she has gotten many dicks.
Also she is demanding a real man in a way that makes her look like an entitled huge whore who needs some serious dicking to be satisfied.
Also she clearly sounds like an angry bitch.
On top, she is expecting a child, most likely doesn't even know the dad since she was single for a long time. That makes her a very careless person that does not take a child as a serious thing.
And she is also fat and proud, yet has a modified body, so she is both overconvident but knows she is ugly as fuck and hates herself.
Overall I'd say she seems like a 10/10 example of stuff to avoid.
dis gon be good
I'm 6'2, it's fine.
"No fat women" would elicit shrieks of protest.
Yes. There are millions of men they can choose from. But it is not the men their friends have, so they wont be satisfied.
*checks flag*
Heh nice try kid
Only so many dateable 6ft men in the world
They'll learn to love the manlets
You're giving girls too much attention. I'm 5'6" weighing in at 110 lbs and I've fucked every single girl that my friends dated. (can't respect a friend who doesn't control their woman, especially if she's grabbing at my dick while sitting on his lap)
I've had some girls who rejected me for my height, but the thing is, is that they were either narcissistic or borderline or some other shade of crazy.