Well, I'm sold
Women can't enjoy things anyway
Will women and faggots and brown people ever fucking stop? Fuck I can't believe I am becoming a Nazi, it's not my faulk it's in their hands.
When will god fix his mistake?
>Female characters get the short end of the stick in this long-awaited dystopian sequel; they are drowned, knifed in the stomach, shot point-blank in the head and, in one instance, simply winked out of existence with the stomp of a boot.
this it's not like they'd appreciate it even if it was a feminist film, fuck them
Holy fucking shit, fuck women trying to ruin art.
I think 3 of the negative reviews are all from women trying to push some shitty agenda
Not gonna give them views but I bet the real reason she is mad is because that 10/10 Mexican girl makes her jealous roastie senses go haywire
speaking of this
>watching the original start wars trilogy for the first time
>literally only 1 (one) female character
>sexist jokes about her every ten minutes
>she gets constantly harrased by Han Solo
why did they allow this crap?
ITT: films women will never understand.
>You'll love the new 'Feminist Film' - unless you're a Black non-binary
There's also all the times where she was shown to be more competent than the men at everything
>I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you
yes yes, women can be men too. whatever.
1.) Anita aint jewish (armenian, raised eastern orthodox but now an atheist)
2.) The bladerunner director is Jewish
3.) Anita's boss and scriptwriter is p anti-israel
Anita Sarkeesian made a video bitching about both of them being too white and male as well
here you go
Don't women get annoyed that other females are constantly telling them what to like and dont like?
it must suck to be the women that are in these movies to be hung out to dry by other women
And she ends up shitting it up even worse and getting saved by men again, Luke makes the call in the last second and Han Solo with the smug face and saying something "I told you she was useless"
I could understand cunt characters when they are lot of women, but if you only have 1 female character and you made her a cunt you are doing it on purpose, literally shilling misogyny into kids
yeah women shouldnt be shown as disposable, only men get that privilege.
Guys, this is the Post, so it's not only unlikely to be SJW trash, but likely to use a provocative clickbait headline, and I can tell you the latter is true, while the former is false. She actually liked the film a lot.
Wow. And here I thought I was excited for this movie before!
shills certainly know how to market to us
Go see Wonder Woman instead, it's still on theaters!
I wonder why Terminator and Alien is so strong with men. Is it possible to like something with a protagonist of a different gender? Surely not.
>B-b-but Arnold
Plays a literal emotionless hunk of metal. You want to complain about female caricatures in male led movies but think a machine is a good male character. Hmm.
Shut up kike
The thing is that first Blade Runner is also loved mostly by men. Womyynnss likes emotional movies, Blade Runner world is too cold for girls.
Yeah dude, women fucking HATE Ryan Gosling movies...
That's because I spent too much time here.
make me faggot
Im brown as fuck and i hate this shit. Don't put us in the same basket. There are more white betas being obnoxious fags manginas and feminists cucks than brown and black men.
wtf I love Blade Runner 2049 now!
>3 out of the 4 mixed reviews on metacritic are by women
looks like we have our next kino-women-will-never-understand
>female genitals
>piss bottles
someone didn't think this through
I just piss on a pile of towels.
So Blade Runner 2049 joins the ranks of films women will never ever understand.
Same here bro and I aint even full white. I'm a hapa
So the girl is a robot, right?
My fix has been qt robot girls ever since seeing Ex Machina
hell there are more black manginas in showbiz pooh poohing oppression and racism than brown people. sad
>Im brown as fuck
Ew. My apologies.
i get the feeling this person would hate the whole noir genre
Women understand:
>flicks, movies, pictures
Men understand:
>flicks, movies, pictures, cinema, talkies, kino
neither ridley scott nor denis villeneuve are jewish you fucking dumbass
It's so amazing that women are seemingly as incapable of contemplating their own existence as humans are of seeing ultra violet light. This movie's themes and the themes of the original are functionally invisible to them so they focus on and criticize what they actually can see and it ends up with them writing idiotic reviews like this.
>that weapon
absolutely triggered
That's what they said about 300, and they were right. So I guess I need to see this.
>posting direct link to clickbait
learn to use faggot
Archived version.
Has it occurred to them that Villeneuve might be showing how society dehumanises people?
Many of the most sexist, snide remarks I have read about actresses have come from female critics.
Because women LOVED the original.
Why not? I did.
Well I'm a guy so I guess I'll fucking love it!
wow this is a great endorsement of the movie
I might see this in theaters
> Male character explains something he has experience in to female character = MANSPLAINING.
> White character embraces non-white culture = CULTURAL APPROPRIATION.
> White actor cast in white or racially ambiguous role = WHITEWASHING.
> Black actor cast in white role = DIVERSITY IS COOL!
this. its a combo of both white tumblerinas and black yaaaas queens that are the biggest problems and pathetic white numale types that hope theyll get pity fucked.
everyone's a robot except deckard
I was thinking the same thing. I rarely go to theaters but I think I'll be making an exception for this one
Sup Forums complains about the last 3, proof that they are all closet liberals.
Easy for you to say that when all media including porn is mostly catered to make you happy.
>all media
>i dont read books or use twitter
Blue and Orange strikes again
It reminds me of feminists calling In The Company of Men misogynist, when the film is a scathing criticism of misogynist behaviour and was clearly inspired by Othello. Germaine Greer understood this yet many of her "sisters" did not.
This desu.
Your average beaner doesnt give a fuck about politics in entertainment.
Hispanics are actually going to theaters more than all other races.
t. Proud bean
Maybe most poster artists are Denver Broncos fans.
>tfw no robot ana gf
Mate, the concept of civilization exists to pander to women. Nearly every male action happens for the sole purpose of impressing women.
>orange is the blue back
Yeah. It's all surface with the feminist angle. Blade Runner is about establishing that empathy - a traditionally female-associated human expression - is the prize factor in what it means to be human. The two women being undercover as a stripper and a devious ingenue are commentary on what dehumanisation can happen when society doesn't possess enough empathy, and their fates a negative criticism of the state of an un-evolved societal existence.
The world of Blade Runner is collapsing, because womenly values are undermined to the point of people not being fucking sure who is actually human and having to pass empathy tests to pass, and some patriarchal capitalist business guy is trying to spoof those tests.
Blade Runner may not be actively feminist, but it's a criticism of what happens when empathy, love and what being a decent human striving to improve falls by the wayside to more traditionally male-coded aspects of human society.
Calling it anti-women is completely choosing to miss the point because bad stuff happens to the women in it who aren't even actually fucking women. Or are they etc.
>but she's a stripper and she gets graphically shot by the man
oh fuck off idiot
thats clearly red and turquoise you fucking idiot
Dames is just too stupid to realize it
>Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences!
Show tits
Hello fellow brownie
More examples of noir movies?
Alright motherfuckers. I'm an oldfag. I've been on Sup Forums since 2001 and I have been on every signle board at least 400 times. I visit Sup Forums every day and I am very well known on hardcore boards like Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /S4S/, etc. I am the one who suggested Sup Forums to Moot. I am responsible for over 8 suicides from being trolled too hardcore, and I have never been caught. I am a professional troll. When you piss me off or one of my friends, I find you. And I WILL find a way to troll you. And you WILL kill yourself or hurt yourself. I am an official master troll. I have, in fact reached a point where I can no longer improve my trolling abilities because I am already at the peak. There is NO ONE who is a better troll than me. I have been on Sup Forums before any of you and I am the true king of Sup Forums. Any of you think otherwise? I challenge you to a duel of trolling. I challenge you to TRY and troll me. I have the ultimate defense AND offense in trolling. I will embarass you and fucking make you kill yourself from being so furious. Don't fuck with me.
All blade runners are replicants.
>Deckard was always a replicant
>Gosling is a replicant
>Ana is a hologram
>Leto is cyborg
Is the flick filosopher review out yet? I've been waiting to see if she got triggered over Ana de Armas
/our film/
/our guy/
Confirmation it's going to be popular?
SJWs only glom onto popular shit for the signal boost.
How Lynchian
>women die in this movie and that's problematic
wow is that actually all you got?
>Women die in the movie, so it's bad.
Get raped.
In comparative literature thats kind of how you want to view things. I only took a single class so I had to bullshit my entire view of a book or poem just to think of things to write. If you actually majored in that stuff or gender studies I can see how youd be stuck seeing everything like that.
>defining women by their chromosomes
why hasn't she been vilified yet?
This, absolutely zero echoes on my end
Does anyone have that comic about how women ruin hobbies?
Girls Trip isnt even the best raunchy comedy this year