Arguments as to why the EU is not a good institution. Go! Interested in Sup Forums's opinions.
Arguments as to why the EU is not a good institution. Go! Interested in Sup Forums's opinions
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you're in it
From what i have read up on it, its an overbearing bullshit institution that over regulates and imports third worlders intent on your destruction en masse.
The way it operates now, it is extremely beneficial to Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Luxembourg, at the expense of almost everyone else.
First of all the 12 stars in the flag represent the 12 tribes of Israel - what kind of subhuman """"""European""""""" would support this?
Destruction of tradition and culture is never good. Also, allowing Turkey to enter the EU will be the biggest blunder of the past 500 years.
Also, bureaucracy layer over another bureaucracy layer without any democracy
Because it promotes leftist bullshit like opening the borders to millions of non white migrants
If the EU was right wing and anti Muslim immigration there would be literally nothing wrong with it
>Imports third worlders
No, that's done by national governments ran by current year people. Merkel suspended the Dublin treaty and blocked people from deporting "refugees"
We don't want any competition. So we're busting you guys with our little friend England
Because you achieve what you couldn't on the past? Conquer Europe?
Needlessly bureaucratic.
Stepped out of its intended role.
Cannot be held accountable for anything it causes.
It does not represent the European peoples, their cultures or interests
It is an ambitious bureaucracy that promotes socialist policy
1. It's not capable of sustaining itself.
2. It lacks a clear purpose.
3. It lacks a clear mandate.
4. It has displayed a total cultural disconnect from its constituent states.
5. It has displayed indifference, at best, and hostility, at worst, to the interests of the populace it purports to govern.
And that's just the short list.
Second of all, the EU was born out of the Pan-Europa Movement, the founder of it literally envisioned the destruction of ethnic Europeans.
>It began with the publishing of Count Richard Nikolaus von Coudenhove-Kalergi's manifesto Paneuropa (1923), which presented the idea of a unified European State. Coudenhove-Kalergi, a member of the Bohemian Coudenhove-Kalergi family and the son of an Austro-Hungarian diplomat and a Japanese mother, was the organisation's central figure and President until his death in 1972.
>It is an ambitious bureaucracy that promotes socialist policy
False. It is an corporate project and has promoted politics of neoliberalism and austerity.
1. unelected officials are making policies that suit noone but industry lobbyists at the expense of the peoples
2. eurozone has become an euphemism for german supremacy in all things economical
3. there is a grave disconnect between the agenda of the Commission and the will of the peoples, the former are playing perfectly into kikes hands, the latter won't have it
4. EU judiciary is the final instance overriding all national courts, there is no actual sovereignty left (except executive)
5. many a Directive makes it harder and harder for small business to exist let alon compete with large enterprises; regulations are built of suspicious (((studies)))
6. diversity is cancer, human rights are cancer, globalism is cancer; those are the things kikes promote both through Parliament and Commission
7. etc, ergo EU delenda est
>keeps expanding and absorbing terrible countries
>keeps pulling sovereignty from countries towards brussels
>moves the whole circus back and forth from brussels to strassbourg a million times because why the fuck not
>is a USA sockpuppet
>has (largely) unelected people sitting in another country deciding what should happen in yours
>federalists in brussels have european state wet dreams
>EU has lost focus on what is important: being a trade union
>lets in a gorillion muslims
- far-lefists, SJW infested, anti free market
- higher posts unelected (undemocratic)
- tighter coupling of heterogenous nations and economies doomed to fail, horribly
- wants to remove national identities (suicidal)
I'm more thinking in social doctrine rather than economic; maybe I should have said cultural Marxist instead
Humans will have a better evolution with 100 different groups of species evolving separately than just having one experiment of merging everyone together and evolving purely to eliminate variance in skin color.
The irony is that Liberals destroy diversity and harm evolution. They're no better than the corrupt Religious leaders that burned scientists.
Kraut BTFO
Nothing wrong with the EU if it had stayed a free trade zone, with respect for the established borders of its member states and the right of each country to self govern.
As soon as it became the EU we know today in 1992 with the Maastricht Treaty, the goal became "United States of Europe". Edicts were handed down from the Commission to the Parliament, and the Parliament is barely representative of their countries because no one cares about the EU elections.
So you have a bunch of people representing a country that doesn't know who they are, being commanded by a bunch of people no one even voted for.
This is going to get worse and worse - the stated goal is to erase the borders, erase the individual cultures and become a single country.
It can't work like that though. We don't even have a shared language, let alone a shared culture, and 70 years ago we were at each other's throats. A return to nationalism is the best thing for Europe, as long as that nationalism doesn't turn violent.
If there isn't another EU-exit from another rich nation, it's going to be harder and harder for the damage to be undone. If Germany voted out the entire thing would fold nearly overnight.
So get on it Fritz.
>If Germany voted out
As if the bees would vote to leave the honey pot.
European Union = Germany, buying the support of France with agrarian subsidies and by allowing them to violate the Maastricht criteria, plus some small states whose well-being depends solely on Germany (BeNeLux).
In short, European Union = Germany.
aaand /thread
The people have no concept of that though. You should be able to turn the majority of the German people against the concept of the EU quite easily after Merkel's "let them all in" debacle.
If the German people voted in large numbers for an anti-EU party, that would be enough to grow the crack that Brexit began.
The founding idea of the EU and it's predecessor was to stop another big war happening between France and Germany.
Then evryone failed to listen to de Gaulle and instead of using thgis newfound unity in western Europe to create a unified EU-Army, everyone instead decided to become the US lapdog.
Now we have a retarded, overbereuacratic pseudo government that technically wields power but it is as powerful as the Holy roman emperor: only on paper.
On top of that you have retards like junker leading the whole thing. Just listen to his speeches. He is always drunk, alwys talks like he just seen the ghost of elvis.
>Unified EU-army
>implying this would be a good thing
Go home Austria, you're Germany.
It's a European Specific UN if defined by all of it's inactions. It is, at best, a vague blur of an institution that no nations people can hold accountable, no one knows what it really seems to actually do if anything, and lacks clarity.
It makes vague claims about problems while lacking solid definitions and plans to deal with those things, wags it's finger at everyone, enforces nothing, throws money at problems and seems to just exist to exist.
It has accomplished nothing it did not later destroy through either policy or unwillingness to enforce it's policies. It does absolutely nothing. Worse it causes harm constantly. It subverts national sovereignty but does not provide a system nor framework to which it can be subverted it simply demands so and then your legal systems on certain issues are in limbo. This is in fact it's modus operandi. It demands it be given control over some policy that varies by nation claiming it will make them a simpler streamlined process but then never outlines and enforces this supposed process.
It's at worst, an attempt to control Europe and at best an Accelrationist Institution.
The Migrants are a symptom that even lacking Syria as an excuse would have come about anyway because of the EU's blurring of border law. All it took was someone reminding africa that Europe is a boat ride away.
The EU is the disease.
Eat a dick Churchill. You clinged to your non existent empire. We're better off without you and your shitty biscuits.
This frog has transcended the memes and sees the reality of the issue
We'll see how you're doing in 10 years, Otto. I have a feeling Germany and Austria are going to need yet another lesson in international relations. Maybe 3rd time's the charm?
Unlikely. If there's a world war 3, it will start in Asia and maybe this time Germany is on the winning side for a change.
As far as I know, Italy was expelling shitskins from both its country and the Mediterranean Sea for years until 2009, when the European Court of Human Rights decided to make Italy pay 15.000€ for each shitskins it removed as an indemnity.
EU has a huge responsibility in this shot, you can't deny it.
Keep trying to force countries to stay in your fruity club and you might be surprised.
I don't want to live in one superstate with all the shitskins you western(I'm looking at you too Sven) cucks imported