who cares what some stupid fuckin gooks think
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damn dude im a total weeb and this completely changed my mind im voting for hillary now
Trump will be a bad President. It's just that once again you are down to the lesser evil. Anything but Hilary.
You failed to elect Ron and Rand, the left ruined sander's chances so there, enjoy
americans shouldnt give a fuck what other countries think about THEIR ELECTION
It's the most public election in the world, everyone can see it, it's being broadcast everywhere, people inevitably give their opinions.
If murrican elections were shorter and sweeter i can see it generating far less controversy.
>le sample size
I'm not saying other countries shouldn't comment on it, I'm their opinions shouldn't be considered even for a second by americans.
A lot of other countries don't have the same sort of passionate distrust for and skepticism of the media like Americans do.
In essence, what you're seeing is what happens when people actually believe the media smear campaign against Trump.
Young Japanese are ridiculously apolitical. All they hear is the headlines about stupid shit that Trump has said and no idea about his policies or the situation in the US.
They have no idea and when I explain why I like Trump they don't even argue because they know jack shit about policy.
There's some young lefty cucks in Tokyo that copy western l lefty sjw shit to be 'cool' like the whopping 100 people that attended the ''refugee" march but they probably have foreign friends that are tumblr faggots that make up 90% of the western population living here. Also, the mayor of Tokyo is a based far-right historical revisionist woman, so to figure.
One of the benefits of an aging population is that old people decide everything and therefor we get leaders like Based Abe who's to the right of Trump.
tl;dr Japanese, especially young Japanese, are fucking naive and believe whatever the media tells them
Fuck off CTR shill
If Japan doesn't like our President, then they can make deals with other countries.
I'm sure China will ensure the ongoing and long term safety and continued existence of Japan, rather than the USA.
>Young Japanese are ridiculously apolitical.
This so much. I used to live there for two years and I never met any young people who knew about politics. They simply don't care.
Fuck, I meant to say governor not mayor. Tokyo doesn't have a mayor.
Japanese people believe whatever the media tells them. They have no healthy sense of skepticism whatsoever. Already the daily news is dripping with kike jizz: crying Syrian women and children being portrayed as helpless, shaming the Japanese for not accepting more refugees, and a new multicultural swimming pool that recently opened up in Tokyo so Japanese can have fun with foreigners! God help us when the Jews get even more control over the media here.
Also I know Yoko irl. Ama if you want.
Send nudes ?
I actually have a couple. She's flat on both ends but nice profile curves. Can't post because she'd easily know who I am.
Do it.
Sorry bruh. Yoko is Japan's best chance at getting red pilled. I wouldn't do anything to ruin that chance. I hope you understand.
Country before tits.
Let's be honest here: you're an Australian teenager shitposting from a proxy, and you've gone and told a fish story that not even the must naive retard would believe.
Japanese people are literally cucks.
>p-p-please like us big strong foreigners!
fucking liar. UNLESS you want to prove you are not a liar and actually can man up enough to post em.
Obviously the only thing Japanese associate with american culture are niggers and cuckholding, for them to see a blonde barbie doll character is almost offensive and gives them PTSD flashbacks from WW2.
>If the US is attacked, I think we should defend them alongside other countries
Fucking based
Could any japanese person who had their opinion asked name 3 policies of either candidate?
Could you?
>another foreign country thinks the man who says we will stop taking care of foreign countries and focus on his own is a bad idea
keep em coming
At least give us something. Stories,other pics, idk. Do your best.
Doesn't have to be nudes I suppose.
Hmm, well she's brainwashed into a lot of scammy bullishit, like selling Amway products and new-age healing crystals and power of positive thinking etc. it's frustrating discussing views with her because you find that her red pilled views are less based on her adherence to the facts, but rather to her own personal convictions. She is extremely well-spoken in Japanese but does come off as a "crazy" and has alienated herself from virtually all of her peers because she cuts them off as soon as they even question her views.
She also has a few obsessed fans largely from the states that have sent her expensive gifts, offering to fly her out and whatnot. She's very lucid of her effect and is milking it as much as she can.
What's your link to her, and how'd you get the nudes ?
America calls the shots. They are going to have to deal with it.
so was Brexit but we did what we wanted anyway
Sent her a long message a while back talking about her views and confirming her beliefs; She craves validation. She responded and we exchanged private messaging info. Her sex life is pretty dry ever since her last American boyfriend headed back to the states. I'm allegedly attractive, so we exchanged some pics and did some video chatting. Decided to meet up near her hometown, but only had time for a day trip.
time for a third
Bulgaria hahahahahahahaha
Lol at americans he shit talked japan twice and you expect the japanese to be cucks and say yeah trump is good for us
load another nuke on boys