Did you have a goodtime watching Shin Godzilla?
Did you have a goodtime watching Shin Godzilla?
Yeah it was hilarious
Yes. Great time. Great time watching it in theatre, with comfy reclining seats.
No annoying people talking throughout. Good experience.
Good movie in my opinion.
Ok bluray. Japan got the better blu ray.
My theater was full of fat neckbeard weebs who post on Sup Forums, so no.
Literally fat pasty kids in fedoras who would yell "praise kek" and "oy vey!" at certain scenes. Fucking cringe as shit. I desperately wanted some chad to go in there and bully them all to silence.
Yes. The human segments were far and away among the best in any Godzilla movie.
Watched it for the Evangelion cameos but stayed for everything else. it was moty 2016 for me by far.
no seriously, I liked it
I liked it, maybe because my expectations were bery low and maybe because it's something different for being a japanese movie. It's fun, sometimes hilarious but other times is espectacular.
It was a good summer flick
Yeah. It was almost a masterpiece. Still, effortlessly one of the better Godzilla outings and excellent movie period. Loved the satire, monster action was well done, cinematography unique, and the characters are among the best in the genre.
I need similar apocalypse movies to watch, rec me good stuff Sup Forums
What was his problem?
He looked DTF that whole scene
I want Kayoko to give me the S U C C
not even the hottest chick in the movie
Surprised the dude who made Evangelion could come out with this 5/10 pile of radiation-mutated dino dookie. The human scenes were a snorefest because all of the characters fell flat. They were all uninteresting, one-dimensional, mono-toned sacks flesh who's soul purpose is to ruin the notion of a good time. There's nothing that renders any of the characters likable aside from the "DUUHHH GODZILLA BAD WE KEEL HEEM" character motivations and the bimbo who has a cringe-inducing bit where they flip between Japanese and English is the icing on the cake. There was no tension at all and couldn't be because of the disconnect from the robotic and forgettable characters. The reason I'm stressing the people is because they are literally 85% of the run time. Godzilla was pretty okay, and the pacing wasn't atrocious like that other 2014 disaster. The film does look good and the cinematography does a great job of presenting Godzilla as a real threat. That being said this is easily worse than both American adaptations and that is astounding because both of them set the bar pretty low.
Character development wasn't the focus. Would you watch Dr Strangelove or 12 Angry Men and complain about them not being in-depth character studies? The characters were likable enough to serve their purpose. The political satire/social commentary and editing/energy carried the human drama the rest of the way. Sure the US ambassador struggle with her English, though it in no way derailed the movie. The only grounds in which either American adaptation has a shot at being superior is visual effects and even that is debatable. Godzilla 1998 is cringe-inducingly bad and Godzilla 2014 is soulless, slow, and dull.
I still haven't gotten a chance to watch it. Are subs actually available now?
I loved it.
yes. it's good shit
>Godzilla 1998 is cringe-inducingly bad
But also pretty funny
>soon or later we will meet again in other shows
To be fair, the buildup was actually quite effective. It hadn't gone full Jurassic Park knock-off and quipfest yet. Lost its way shortly after "Godzilla" arrived and not because its interpretation was unfaithful to the character.
Fuck yes. Best movie of 2016. I'm glad I got to see it as many times as I did on the theatre.
Expected an average action movie and got a great political satire.
fuck yea shit was off the chain!
shows why jew hollywood is losing if you get the chance to check it out since jews cant keep their mouth shut about political propaganda over making entertainment.