Why is "white people have no culture" even anything but a meme?
Are huge medieval castles not culture?
Are classical music (and instruments) not culture?
Are theaters not culture?
Are sports not culture?
Riddle me this you nigger apologists.
Why is "white people have no culture" even anything but a meme?
Other urls found in this thread:
Jewish propaganda. White/western culture is culture
psst they justs salty cuz they overspice they meat
See, "culture" is "the music is loud and incomprehensible," "the food is so spicy as to be nigh unpalatable" and "the things I do on a day-to-day basis can get me thrown in jail."
The things white people do are not "cultural" in the modern sense.
>white people have no culture
i really only heard that from niggers, and you shouldn't expect from them much
swedish politicians say that too "because we have no culture that's why we need immigrants to enrich our country"
is just an african american damage control thing
Sweden are good goyim. Not a good representation of the world.
Do you own or have you even visited a medieval castle ?
Did you go or even listen to an entire Opera or Play ?
Do you practice a "classical" sport discipline ?
One could argue white people don't have culture because they know next to nothing about their own culture and history.
Popular culture is not white by design, it is made to appeal to all races. Even movies contain fewer dialogues nowadays to make it easier to understand by audiences than can't speak english.
it's pretty funny how easily it is to trigger white people here by insulting steak and mashed potatoes dinner.
Niggers don't understand that white people live outside the USA
The "whites have no culture" is an argument that minorities in the US say. Which is true because whites in the US have no culture.
There is something wrong with steak and mashed potatoes?
The fuck is wrong with you?
Never heard this before. Pretty funny.
They say that, because all those shitskins moved to white countries and adopted a corrupted version of our culture.
I mean... it's fine. I just don't think I've ever gone out to eat and ordered steak with mashed potatoes. It's buffet tier food.
US culture is a derivative of British culture, just like our anglosphere brothers.
You fell for the meme.
No, culture doesn't start existing till you get to Turkey colors.
The reason whites have "no culture" is because the meritocratic and capitalist society we live in today, which isn't really a "society" anymore, has replaced social authenticity with materialistic authenticity.
For example; a piece of art has emotional value in a feudalist society; people appreciate the art for what it is, not the value of the material in question. Today, a piece of art is only valued as "art" because it has commercial value (think "Artists Shit").
Likewise, when people say "White people have no culture", it's because our culture has been materialized and sold as a commodity. A black man selling a suit and tie wouldn't be seen as "cultural appropriation" because there is no longer culture behind the suit and tie.
Make sense?
but they do have a culture, a culture of getting culturally enriched by other cultures
I had steak and quinoa for dinner last night. It was pretty tasty but I fucked up putting the steak on first, it came out well done. Should have hot seared it 3 minutes before taking the quinoa off the stove.
Because americans are so poorly educated that others parts of world are never considered as part of argument.
White people did it (in america)
Whites have no culture (in america)
Most privileged race?
Whites (in america)
Never ever in their arguments have taken rest of the world into consideration, and when you mention that to them they just brush it off as unimportant because they're focused on america.
And if you really ask young people (especially ones who are educated via common core) you'll find that many of them don't even know slavery existed outside of US.
Propaganda spread by Jews.
Sadly, Femisim is also white culture from what the exchange students tols me
But america is very far from being capitalistic I mean free market is practically non-existent in US.
What you're talking about is consumerism
Not to mention cars and democracy and Internet.
White culture's greatest signs are peace and prosperity, which is why niggers think it doesn't exist. They're not intelligent enough to conceptualize a lack of something (i.e. war, poverty, and disease) being indictative of hard labor.
I don't want to make America great again. I want to make America great for once. Exile all non-wasps.
A well prepared and perfectly cooked tender cut of meat is probably out of your financial reach, which explains why you've never had it.
Also, whites like food for the natural flavor. Only shitskins depend on msg or spicy flavors to season meat. They lack the abilty for subtle flavor appreciation.
culture /ˈkʌltʃə/ noun
noun: culture; plural noun: cultures
the arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively.
"20th century popular culture"
the ideas, customs, and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
"Nigger culture"
It's just a meme made by dindus who are jealous they have no culture except for rapping and twerking, supported by SJWs and cucks who always feel sorry.
They don't think we have culture because we are the norm, the base, in first world countries.
Though there is no reason to get butthurt over it, because the people that say we don't have culture are butthurt they have very little culture to show.
Omg so many retarded arguments. Everything is white culture. Tech is white culture. Le internet is white culture. Energy and green energy is white culture. Cars are white culture. Capitalism and democracy is white culture. Europe is white culture ^100.
>Le me being me
>Go with colleagues to country side
>Small village of 200 people
>100% ethnically pure
>100% culturally diverse from the next village 10 km down the road
>Celebrate the local walnut forest which is the symbol of the village
>Celebrate with local folklore and music (bagpipes and shit)
>Admire restored nature
>See milky way for the first time in our lives
>Everybody was ready for the redpill that we can make it work even here even in the poor country side.
By the way villages across the EU are apparently cooperating to promote local culture and traditions and attract euro tourists, Embracing true multiculturalism.
It's a meme and you're retarded for taking it seriously.
White people pretty much invented culture at the same time they invented the modern world.
Nignogs are mad because their culture is living in shit huts and banging sticks together.
It is simply a way to try to discredit the idea of whites having group interests.
"How does multiculturalism affect whites negatively if they have no culture?"
The whole "But that's not real capitalism" argument is completely arbitrary.
Capital IS debt. If someone has capital, it economically means that I owe them something. I know that sounds unconventional and stupid, but bear with me on this. In a capitalist system, NOTHING is sold apples for apples; a capitalist always gets interest whenever they sell something; they always ask for more than that what they paid to produce; this is to get profit. It's not JUST labor profit, but it's savings as well; it's extra money they get from you so they can afford more, or invest. A good capitalist makes money off of the interest from other people's money. Banks do this; stock brokers do this. Even if United States isn't a fully capitalist country, it has THE BEST economy in terms of utilization of its resources. A danish citizen theoretically gets 10 times more barrels of oil than an American citizen, and Denmark's energy sector isn't even reliant on mostly oil. The fact that United states is even managing like it is is surprising. It's in a very unstable situation, and pure capitalism would ruin it.
Most thug sympathizers who say this have a shit culture so you win, OP. For once you're not a faggot. Brown user here, BTW.
You somehow thinking the castles an theatres represent white culture is fucking stupid.
White culture is curing fucking diseases because we don't accept people should die painfully at a young age through no fault of their own.
White culture is exploring outer fucking space simply for curiosity's sake.
White culture is treating women like human beings.
White culture is is not fucking castles, nor dresses, nor fucking theatres of even sports. White culture is civilisation itself. White culture is technology, morality, fairness, and hope itself.
You stupid brainless fucking gook.
is losing a war to flightless birds also white culture or exclusive to Australia
mmm I love that natural flavor of mashed potatoes
truly exquisite
also Japan has the most expensive steaks and in my opinion the best food in the world.
Identitarian misinformation from radical black movements.
Not that most if not all of these movements originate in the USA and are mainly active here, and due to that have little exposure to ancient and medieval history of Europe and elsewhere.
If anyone actually believes this then it's because they can't see the wood for the trees. Like a fish denying that water exists, it's so prevalent all around them and so taken for granted that it's become background noise. Either that or they have a warped definition of the word "culture."
Maybe it's because white culture is so diverse that you have to be more specific to find examples of it (eg. English culture, French culture or Texan culture), as not many "white" cultural phenomena are found in all white societies, except maybe Christmas. And that is celebrated in myriad ways in many different white cultures.
>Why is "white people have no culture" even anything but a meme?
The darkest place is under the candlestick.
"White culture" (predominantly the Anglo one) is so overwhelming today that it's taken for granted and goes unnoticed.
Pic related - an outrageous example of cultural appropriation.
Protestantism ruined the white man
>Maybe it's because white culture is so diverse
Correction : there is no "white culture" but there are many "white cultures"
Because "whites" are not a unified group, and they have never been.
Here's the problem.
anglo lizards have no culture
you're truly the worst whites
if whites knew more about history of white people they'd be saying 'kill anglos' not 'kill whitey'
usa is cancer
Vikings, Stormaktstiden, kalmarunionen
Not sure if this is culture or history
Honestly when I think about it, why do we so often conflate culture and history?
Ye sure whites made great art in the renaissance and Jews played great folk music while we were still in Europe.
But is that really my culture? Heritage maybe, but the people of my country don't really care about it.
I've been to Europe, who really cares about pretty art anymore? Who talks about it? I've seen people from all over the world coming to Paris to see art, what I didn't see were average French people coming there, because there is no culture of appreciating art more in France than most other parts in the west.
Our culture is western, our lack of religion, our movies, our liberal values.
It seems that Sup Forums only cares about whites because they see potential in making then great again, their existing cultural superiority to shitskins is an entirely different phenomenon.
>For example; a piece of art has emotional value in a feudalist society; people appreciate the art for what it is, not the value of the material in question
I disagree, you do realise that in feudal europe, especially Britain, the common man would never have the chance to see art in their life. The closest they might get is a church mural, in which case they are likely appreciating it for it's spiritual content (and maybe, maybe the craftsmanship), not really it's aesthetic value. The only people who could afford art in that society were the ultra wealthy landed gentry who could afford to be patrons or get their portrait painted, and while yes they may have appreciated the 'artistic value' they likely valued it's material/status worth the most. There were no art galleries at this time, not for hundreds of years, art was largely an ego-fluffer for lords.
1. Own? Are you fucking retarded? Visited? Yeah who hasn't , didn't your family take you out on trips Francois?
2. ... Who the FUCK hasn't , you have to be a literal nigger to have never been to one , hell even some niggers go to them when it's a class schooltrip.
3. Again WHO THE FUCK hasn't practiced a sport? Are you a quadrapilegic Hollande?
God westerners are cucked , go pray for Nice you little pussy
>mmm I love that natural flavor of mashed potatoes
Literally just cut, boiled, and crushed potatos.
Much less shit in it, than, say, curry.
If anything, Niggers wearing suits and pimping them out with bling is worse than people wearing dreads, necklacing children, eating albinos livers etc. We had a highly tuned, subtle system of communicating status through clothes that has been honed for hundreds of years. Niggers ignore all of our progress and spend thousands on the gaudiest, most unsubtle cuts money can buy.
well that's pretty great. celebrating the very diverse european folk cultures should definitely be encouraged if we are to encourage other incoming cultures to share there's so much. I only hope it could all be kept friendly, as it does so quickly dissolve into the bad kind of nationalism. (I know pol will disagree)
White culture is literally not being a nigger.
It's all around you everywhere you go. It's the default.
Just because someone isn't chucking spears and dancing round like a baboon to a bongo drum doesn't mean they have no culture.
It just means they aren't a primitive rock ape.
Try visiting a library and not just for the free wifi.
>But is that really my culture
>Culture (from the Latin cultura, processing ', care', 'agriculture') referred to in the broadest sense describes everything man himself creatively brings forth, in contrast to nature, which is not created by him and does not change. Cultural services are all shaping transformations of a given material, as in the technique or the visual arts, but also mental creations as music, languages, ethics, religion, law, economics and science.
Like I said, there are some things that unite all white cultures, like Christmas. Even if it's celebrated at the solstice in the pagan tradition, it's still roughly the same holiday.
Down at the bottom of pic related you can find aspects common to most, if not all white cultures, while the more superficial cultural aspects at the top differ between even small regions of Europe.
Pic's a bit of an oversimplification but I think it makes a good overview of what a lot of people really mean by "culture" without knowing it.
We invented classical music and most classical instruments.
Art history is basically Western history.
>not eating mashed potato mixed with kale or endive and bacon with smoked sausages on the side
We Dutch have the best mashed potato cuisine. The rest can't even compete.
We have an aching need within society to redefine our values as our culture.
Please anyone reading this, you can be the catalyst for change. Christian white culture isn't dead, it doesn't matter if you believe in a god or not.
The enforced morality of our religious systems helped forge the world we hold dear today.
Get out there, be the culture change. People are waiting for someone to follow.
I believe in you user.
They say white people have no culture because they don't understand that every single thing around them *is* white culture.
White culture is the default. It's the baseline. It's so successful that it's actually become part of the background. So blacks will say whites have no culture, while wearing white clothes, speaking a white language, using white technology, living in white countries and depending completely on infrastructure designed, built and maintained by whites.
for example why is everyone wearing the same clothes
how did it get to this point
Our success is our culture.
>I'm a tourist, doing the thing a tourist do, which are the reason I came here. Why are normal people living here not doing the same thing?
The tourist made a choice to come to Paris, they have the money and the will to see the buildings and art, so they do.
I don't think they all go to their local museum once they come back from Paris. It's almost a touristic activity for them.
Why would you want the parisians to go to the museum in the exact same time you did?
>I've been to Europe, who really cares about pretty art anymore?
I live in Paris for less than a year, I did the visiting, once at a time. Because I could leave for somewhere else in the next 6 months, else I would have done it even slower.
I still have some place and museum to go. But I don't feel the need to go during summer when Paris is full of tourists.
But I don't expect poor people to do more than some see sighting of some famous building. And that already for the most interested one. Old and wealthy educated young people do that.
Do you think in renaissance the peasant was really interested in art? The arts came from really rich places. Packed of wealthy people. The poor was just trained to play some instrument from child at best, or heard music while doing the service for rich people. That's all.
I'm not even bullshitting you, that looks like someone plated the mess left over after one of those japanese fetish pornos.
It's delicious, trust me.
What about Asians, spics, and Injuns?
Interest isnt capital though, interest is based on capital.
From a working definition standpoint capital isnt just debt. Its anything you can leverage to create "interest". This means your body, your knowledge, your money and it can mean other peoples bodies knowledfe and money as well.
I'd eat steak for every meal if I could afford it and didn't think I'd get stomach cancer/heart attack.
Aesthetics do matter but I don't think you can really appreciate classical culture if you put it in its historical context.
Popular culture is pleb-tier by definition, the thing is that it is becoming more and more globalized. We used to make our own popular culture, old french movies with actors like Lino Ventura used to be great but now everyone watches Game of Thrones and go see the same Avenger movies. Even movies still produced in France ape the Hollywood genres and tropes nowadays. Even our nogs are imitating US rappers, which is all sorts of cringe.
Even Africans nogs are doing the same shit, it's kind of sad, funny and pathetic.
>Aesthetics do matter but I don't think you can really appreciate classical culture if you put it in its historical context.
* without putting it in its historical context
What I meant is this.
What's the point of calling it my culture if I have no particular connection with it?
So what if Jews played folk music 100 years ago in Europe? I could go listen to a show, but in all honesty my regular leasure time is going online, that's also the regular activity of modern French people, they don't go to "appreciate the art of their ancestors" even though it is much more accessible to the average person, more than most kings of the past even.
Feminism is marxism applied to gender. It's white culture as much as jim crow is black culture
how did this happen
I want my rags and leaves back!
Historical cultural activity has always been the domain of the rich and upper class.
If youre saying that most people dont participate in that, its pretty true. If youre saying that pleb culture isnt high culture then its also true.
Culture of the masses is still culture. For the west thats black appropriated music, casual relationships, drugs and alcohol.
The west is degenerate and has been for a while.
That's true.
American whites have no culture, they prefer kikery produced by hollywood to their roots.
>what I didn't see were average French people coming there,
Maybe because the place is flooded with dirty foreigners like you during the holidays Shlomo and french prefer to go when the season ended ?
French are among the most cultured people in the world, we visit a lot our own heritage and we have a very active litterature and music despite the predation of anglo culture.
I visited everything in my region of historical values, I even dragged friends who are complete stupid normies to see historical places in the middle of nowhere.
I frequently go to see exposition in Paris even if I'm not a big fan of scultptures and painting and globally hate to navigate in the city.
But hey, how can a jew could understand that ? You are nomadic rootless people who hate us.
Because German derived Americans are woefully boring people who have lost any sense of their ancestry's culture
>tfw my culture consists of slang, alcohol, and shitposts
And repeats of EastEnders from the mid-90s
>then Sup Forums just smiled and gave me a vegemite sandwich
What I want to know is how the fuck did anyone even get the question in their head as to "Do white people have a culture?"
Of course they do, a very diverse and rich culture.
Also that fucking gif is a ball cracker of note. I feel bad for that dude. Basically took a cannon ball to the nuts.
Neighbors is a superior soapy to EastEnders
It's just insecure shitskins trying to convince themselves that their life isn't completely dependent on white culture.
Considering the "white people have no culture" meme comes from-
>drugged white people with pink dyed hair
>jews who desire to destroy every country
>niggers who would still be living in mud huts
-I don't take the criticism seriously.
The person who said that is bascially our version of sarah palin, but withouth the sex appeal.
People say white people is pleonasm
>Riddle me this you nigger apologists.
I can't explain it beyond the obvious anti-white agenda by the mainstream media. MTV even did a skit about how white women can't be raped because of racism against whites. Made my blood boil and niggers were all "haha, u cant take a joke?" while advocating raping white women.
white people don't even season they meat
they don't even use wash cloths in the shower neither
they a bunch of stanky ass mutant melanin deprived cave beasts
they dont do that shit anymore, at least with any popularty, also
off yourself fag, maybe in your third world they wore nothing
don't even know if people were there before spain, maybe ~5 tribes of savages
>whites have no culture!
>continues shitposting in english completely unawares
Still not sure if it's funny or sad.
the word "culture" is now used in the place of what some would call "vibrancy", ie, spicy food, primitive music, etc. It's almost like someone has forced this usage into the lexicon.
Every non-white culture we encountered was fossilized when we met it, whereas ours was dynamic, changing and growing. From their point of view ee had no fixed culture, and therefore no culture. Today White culture is so deeply entrenched everywhere that to others it still seems that we have no culture, because we only have the generic world culture.
Honestly, I think they're all just jealous 'cos we're so great, and obviously always will be.
I know. I mean, id hardly called eating fried chicken, twerking and having no fathers culture.
huge medieval castles and classical music are European culture not "white" culture
Here's a piece of white culture from my hometown, we dress in rags and put on black face to celebrate the chimney sweeping industry. For some reason the liberals don't like it.